yup... still have 21 posts to go hehe..
I really love your idea & I'd really like to help out... Hiphuggers Comic is cool!
Hello! How are you all doing?
Just to let you all know that the highuggers clan should rejoice!
Got a tweet from Adam:
"I wnt 2 thank evry1 who's sent shout outs of support and encouragement! I see & appreciate u all! I start shooting new Ep.
of Miami 11/03"
Isn't that great? I was right not to worry at all, we'd still see more highugger moments!:lol:
I was never worried about 8.05 being Eric's exit from the show. I always go by what he said in his tweet "... 1 down and had 9 more to go..." So, for me the countdown continues as follows:
Total episodes: 10
- 1 (8.01)
- 1 (8.03)
- 1 (8.05)
episodes left : 7
We still have 7 additional episodes after next week

! Still not enough "hiphuggerness" for me, but I guess I have to take I we can get,

Now, speaking of 8.05, I noticed that the thread is up, but there's no promo yet! Why is it taking so long? It's already friday night! Previous episodes' threads are up by thursday, at the latest, promo and all

Aj, doesn't look like you missed me much today! You were in good company :guffaw:!
Ahemmm....Todays rant by AjBuckly
1. There is a website outthere created by one of our very own. I hope she/he will let you all know and that you will join. To show support and brings in numbers for our letters to carry weight.
I give thanks and a shoutout to the websitecreator -
Doing my eastcoast-rap pose.:guffaw:
2. Rhee if you can get the scenecaps from 1 - 8. We only need a photoshop or Microstoft thingy to put it all together. When you can PM You could send a link to me and I could put it together. I am not to certain whether or not you use buildt- ups in slideshows but we better have a lot of pictures to choose from. Whether or not we should add music.

Or leave the slideshow for people to put thier own music too.
OH....I wonder if there is transscripts of show outthere. Then we could add some lines as break in slideshow....LOL
oh what fun to get to choose lines.....we need the original hipscene and line IMO
Aj, doesn't look like you missed me much today! You were in good company - oh you are being silly.... Rhee and I are getting the groove back in hiphuggerland while you MIA (and that is quite a lot) are preparing for Monday.....You will be back when you have time ....I know

In one of shows producers have their "little" babies that they worry about. Storyline and/or actors. Do we know which producers are with us on this storyline or which showrunners? Would it have some effect to write them too?
For instense Cory Miller who left CSI Miama
CSI Files: You were instrumental in the development of the character of Ryan Wolfe (Jonathan Togo, penning the episode that introduced him and several other important ones for the character. Are you pleased with his arc throughout the series? Is there a particular direction you'd like to see him taken in?
Miller: It was great for
Marc Dube and I to have some part in creating Wolfe, in "Under the Influence."
And then for me to have a hand in shooting him in the eye with a nail gun a few years later. I joked with Jon Togo,
"I brought you into this world, now I can take you out of it." Wolfe has definitely been through the ringer on the series. A lot of credit has to be given to Togo himself, who told the writers early on that he wasn't afraid to be wrong, or to be a hothead, or to be fallible. He may regret having ever said that, but we always looked at Wolfe as the odd man out. Even though he's a great CSI and was instantly a strong member of the team,
As per our ship:
CSI Files: After several seasons that were mostly episodic,
CSI: Miami really delved into several arc-based stories this season--Delko's heritage, Delko and Calleigh's romance, Ryan's friendship with his Gambler's Anonymous sponsor and his son. What was the impetus for that?
Miller: There are a few reasons. First, it being our seventh season,
we felt we earned the right to open up the characters some more, and finally break the old CSI mantra, "Never go home with them." Doing so opens up a ton of story possibilities, and re-energizes the show. Secondly, we also feel like it revitalizes the actors.
It's hard to play similar "look what I found" evidence scenes over and over again. So delving into their real lives helps them explore different sides of their characters, and the show is so much better for it. Shows need to constantly grow and change in some way, while staying true to the basics that people expect.
All the writers are avid television watchers, and we know what brings people back every week is not just their desire to be entertained, but to continue the relationship they have with the characters they love. So giving our characters more personal stories helps that relationship not grow stale.
CSI Files: Miami delved into a relationship between two regular characters when Eric and Calleigh got together.
What made the writing team decide to finally take the pair to the next level?
Miller: Again, it was mostly just to bring forth some new story possibilities. Without turning the show into a soap opera, we wanted to gradually explore these two growing closer over the years and then attempting a love relationship.
Each had to shed some baggage and find discover each other with fresh eyes. So we went into it very, very slowly, as we would expect the characters would do. They already had a close friendship, but we wanted to show that Eric and Calleigh had both matured to the point that they felt like they owed it to themselves to give it a try.
CSI Files: What do you think the future of Eric and Calleigh's relationship will be? Do they have a shot to make it in the long run?
Miller: I guess I will have to tune in like everyone else now, to see what the future holds in store for them. I do think that their relationship does have potential, though. Both are great people, with integrity, and with an affinity for family.
I could definitely see them settling down at some point. (
Sorry ladies this writer left the show)
Now do we know if other writers do the same:
CSI Files: You've had a lot of interaction with
CSI: Miami fans through your blog in season four and e-mail. What do you feel characterizes fans of this series?
Miller: You know, it was tough doing that blog, but I really appreciated it in the end, because it put me
in touch with so many fans from all over the world. It was gratifying to meet so many nice, smart people who really pay attention to our work. And I learned a huge lesson from them. It wasn't just about presenting interesting murder mysteries every week. Fervent fans paid equal attention to the slightest things that the main characters said about their own personal lives, because they really wanted to know more about them every week.
So it made me try to honor that in the episodes I wrote.
I strived to put in those little extra character moments, because the true fans really appreciated them. I guess I realized that our characters were also little mysteries in themselves. And it was fun to be able to try and unlock little layers of them. I will take that into any show I do in the future. You don't need characters to have huge soliloquies in order to realize how they tick. You just need to make them real, and gradually dole out small portions of their characters. I now believe that is what primarily makes people come back week-to-week.
And Ann Donahue:
Long-simmering passion finally comes to a boil.
CSI: Miami has toyed with the possibility of a romance between Calleigh Duquesne and Eric Delko since the show's first season. However, the pair's mutual attraction has only recently come to the forefront. This week's episode,
"Sink or Swim", finds Eric and Calleigh taking their relationship to a new level.
"If we had answered it in the first or second year, that would have been too soon," executive producer
Ann Donahue told
USA Today. "Now, you truly know the characters getting involved." A relationship between Eric and Calleigh
"was always in the back of our minds," Donahue continued. "When did it take a real turn? After he got shot (two seasons ago), we saw Delko depend on Calleigh. She would cover for him, (but) it was more than friends covering. And you realize, 'Oh, you're in love.'"
Now, Procter shared, the romance is bringing something new to
Miami. "The relationship of Delko and Calleigh has become its own character in the show," she said. "It makes the show different. It's nice to have a subtle change in structure." Rodriguez said the relationship is a "huge addition" to the series. "The audience waited a long time to see this," he said, "and for them to finally get the payoff, I hope they're enjoying it as much as we are." Procter and Rodriguez recently did a sexy photoshoot, and
Donahue promised that the romantic storyline would continue, along with repercussions. However, she would not reveal how long the romance will last. Rodriguez, for one, is looking forward to what might be coming up for Eric and Calleigh. When asked if there would be more kissing between the pair, he replied, "I hope so."
So is Ann the way to go????
I just add this to make my shipper heart happy from Kristines review of Sink or Swim:
Delko's plight leads to a revolution that has been a long time coming: he and Calleigh are romantically involved.
It's about time! The storyline between them has been developing since Delko fought for his life in
"Man Down" after being shot in the head, but their growing attraction was stymied when she resumed a relationship with her ex-boyfriend Jake Berkeley at the end of season five in
"Born to Kill". When things finally petered out between Calleigh and Jake, Delko was still there for her, still clearly smitten. Calleigh obviously returned his feelings, but the two danced around it until she confronted him in this season's
"Head Case", telling him he was going to need to verbalize his feelings. Easier said then done, and Eric continued to hem and haw around his feelings for her, but when Calleigh had her own brush with death in
"Smoke Gets In Your CSIs", Delko was finally able to say the words she needed to hear. Despite the fact that Calleigh was unconscious at the time he said them, when she woke up she told him she heard what he said, and apparently this allowed
the two to move forward together--finally.
Together, Delko and Calleigh are every bit as solid and frankly downright cute together as we'd expect them to be. When he's in jail, she gently tells him he should have told her about what was going on with him. When he tells her he feels like he's been living a lie, she lightly counters with, "It's alright. I happen to like the lie." At the end, she's waiting for him when he gets out of jail, jokingly telling him, "I was going to marry you, but your dad stepped in." Delko, relieved of the threat of deportation, banters right back, saying, "What makes you think I'd say yes? Maybe I met someone I like better inside." She invites him over for dinner, and when he reminds her of possible danger, she retorts, "I have the safest home in Miami. Do you know how many guns I have?"
The rapport between them is breezy, natural and light-hearted--they're a couple that we have fun watching. Grissom and Sara on CSI were a lot more serious, and Danny and Lindsay on CSI: New York could barely be in a room together without fighting before this season, so it's nice to see a couple on a CSI show just having fun together and enjoying joking together back and forth. It's great to see Delko and Calleigh have finally found their way to each other, and I can't wait to see where the show will take them next. One of the best things about "Sink or Swim" is that it doesn't leave Ryan and Natalia, the most neglected CSIs this side of Greg Sanders, out in the cold. Ryan gets a great scene with the two hapless robbers, who are easily tracked down by Calleigh via the IP on the stolen laptop. Ryan really knows how to play it cool; he simply walks up to the table and sits down with the pair. Natalia gets a more intense moment in the episode; she's the one with Delko when the immigration officers come to arrest him. Natalia is downright fierce with them, getting aggressive to the point where it's a possibility that she, too, could be arrested for her interference.
Eva La Rue channels a great intensity in this scene, showing just how attached Natalia has become to her teammates, and how far she's willing to go to protect one of them. Of course, Natalia has a past with Delko, one that began as a romance and has grown into a deep friendship. Seeing her jump to Delko's defense is a natural, nice moment for her character. Ryan and Natalia have been neglected as of late, so it's refreshing to see that they both have something interesting to do here.
I left the last part in there....about Nat and Ryan because it is heartbreaking to read that our ship flooded the show....Actually Nat showed her great care for Delko and Ryan is being cool and collected. Nice.