Lab Technician
When she sat down to speak to him, I thought that was a great moment. To me it looked like they haven't had contact ever since he was cleared by IAB.. I guess they needed some space after that, but they always seem so close. You can see in Calleigh's eyes that she really missed him and want them to continue. She looked sorrowful in that scene... makes me sad to see.
I don't think that meant that they hadn't seen each other since he was cleared. He's just been cleared as being well enough to come back to work. So when she said she hadn't gotten the chance to tell him how glad she was that he was okay and that he was back, it was in the context of work - she was glad he was medically okay to come back, and hadn't had the chance to tell him that day because they'd been busy with the case. She hadn't had a moment alone with him since he'd gone to the hospital for his final check-up. And to me, she only looked sorrowful when Eric was despondent over what was happening to Ethan.
but if you want to talk about sad, lets touch the locker room. I was in tears when she started to cry I'm glad she talked to him about them but he replied with ___________ (flatline) I didn't get it. And what did she mean when she said only game in town? Did she know what he meant? Was she talking about their relationship or another job? Some clarification please.
but I completly don't understand the "csi is not only game in the town" thing. I don't know what does that mean at all.
The other thing I totally don't get is why the hell he didn't respond to her question about them:scream:. Yeah he looked at her and smiled a bit, but I'd like to hear him say something. Like you know Calleigh that I'm leaving csi, but not you, cause like I said once I can't imagine living my life without you or something like that. The way they were looking at each other were fine, but finally I want to here something concrete.
I don't think a verbal response from him was necessary, especially after he told her "you always did read me so well". I think the look on his face when she asked him totally said "I think you know the answer to that question, silly woman". And he did follow up her statement about CSI not being the only game in town with "Like I said, you know me so well". Just the look on his face & in his eyes was enough, she could read that - of course they were still "you and I". To me, the lack of a response was completely okay given the message that she knows him so well, better than anyone else there, including Horatio.
CSI not being the only game in town simply mean that being a CSI isn't the only thing Eric can do (for a job) in Miami. There is so much more he can do as well. Like being a reef tour guide with his own boat (like in Speckles' story).
I think from that they are still together, but why cry so much when she will see him out of work?? (if they are together) i hate it when programmes leave us not 100% sure! are they or arnt they, i want to believe they are so bad but dont wanna end up dissapointed. like this isnt heart breaking enough!!
I think she cried because she was going to miss having him around at work. I mean, they met and really got to know each other there, and have worked side by side for more than 8 years, so yeah, I think she'd be sad enough to cry when he leaves the job. She won't have him around her during the work day anymore. I'd be sad too! She cried when Alexx left, doesn't it stand to reason that she'd cry when Eric left work? She still sees Alexx, and she'll still see Eric - but not having them around at work was sad for her.