Lab Technician
I think you may have a point here :shifty:I really do think that Eric did this to save her life and that his father threatened her in one way shape or form and I hope that Calleigh gets to confront his father about it. I would really love to see Calleigh and Eric's dad in interrogation.
Maybe he did surrender to save her life and maybe the life of his team. They were watching all of them. Really, it was he who was targeted first and then all of them became a target after Horatio had his run-in with Sarnoff. I think that would be very honorable, yet risky because there was no telling what the outcome would be.
I STILL think that Sharova had to do with ALL of this. If Calleigh gets him in interrogation, I pray she gives him hell. That's only an if, though, because Horatio may feel she's too connected to this and not let her get involved, sorry to say. If it wasn't for Sharova, Eric wouldn't have ever gotten into this mess. There is no way that you were one of the top men of the Russian mob, had assassins go after your own son because you put out a hit on him, and then turn to him to help you get out of the game Scott free