E/C Lover
Police Officer
Just got an email alert for this article!! I have mixed feelings but umm wouldn't totally be against it, if done right!
What do you guys think?
I had written my thoughts on the Emily thread so I'm just gonna copy paste:
What thoughts do you have on how it could be done right?delkolover
if done right!![]()
I keep thinking about it and can't come up with any ideas.
This is exactly why I said "if it is done right." Better yet if it is done the complete opposite way of how NY handled it. B/c to be honest, I thought the way NY handled it was horrible. It was the typical "oops" storyline or better yet, loophole storyline. they weren't together and the fans were supposed to insinuate that they had been together and that was when she got pregnant. I personally did not like it at all.
I would love it if it happened in a way more like in real life. People who aren't married decide to buy a house, have kids and THEN get married....there is no right way to do it anymore imo. So I kind of like Emily's view on things and think, again done the right way, would be interesting if TPTB melded some of that into a possible storyline.
I would personally love it if the finale's storyline woke both of them up and they decided to tie the knot....or better yet, since not alot of time has passed (finale and premiere will bein "real" time) that, should they decide to go with Emily's idea, there would be enough time for her to spring the idea of her being pregnant on him. And maybe there is a false alarm and b/c of that both decide, at this poiint in their lives (like Emily) they want a family and decide to go forward and try and see what happens. The writers would definately have to do something different that much is for sure.
I definately think it would add something to her Cal's character. She has the motherlt instincts deep down and I would personally love to see her reaction [fear] to finding out she is pregnant.
Although, personally sometimes I think pregnancies should be written out of shows b/c more often than not, the surroudning storyline the writers choose is often bleh! I really could go either way on this.
Thanks Delkolover for the article I needed some E/C already:thumbsup:
I agree with everyone if they wanna go with Cal getting knocked up it sould seriously be done right. I wanna give an example not that I'm against CSI:NY but My opinion on Lindsay getting Pregnant just didn't make sense to me. I think it wasn't done right.But Anna was really pregnant so maybe they had to patch it up.
But back on topic if they want to go one with that storyline it should be done right
I'mm going in circles BottomLine : it should be done right:thumbsup: