From an EC shipper who still has an immense amount of respect for JC and what they had, let's try not to linger on remaining JC negativity.

Especially since we
do have our lovely naked Eric in Calleigh's bed (!!!) to think about...
That said, I'm with you,
restless-mess - omg, those looks. I think those looks were some of the most significant between Eric and Calleigh, personally. Eric's letting Calleigh know in no uncertain terms that what she just did really wasn't cool, lol. There is no way she looked back at him without seeing the depth of his hurt - I mean, it looked like watching her kiss Jake absolutely destroyed him, poor baby.
But there's this crazy part of me that just adores heartbroken Eric. I'm not even joking, haha. Granted, I love happy and in love Eric more, but there's just something about heartbroken Eric that makes you want to cuddle with him.

If it wouldn't have been quite that awkward given the situation, I don't know how Calleigh would've been able to stop from rushing back to him from that elevator. I mean, Eric looks at you like a lost puppy; are you gonna ignore him? Didn't think so.
It was Calleigh's expression in that scene that threw me for a loop, though. To be honest, I'm still not entirely sure what she was trying to convey, unless it was that she honestly didn't realize the magnitude of what had just happened. I think she might've been just as confused as Eric.
Aside from the looks of heartache, these two have had some
serious eye-sex through the years. I mean, wow. I don't think I've ever seen two characters who weren't romantically linked yet go through 6-7 years of looking at each other like they wanted to rip each other's clothes off as much as these two have. And I love it.