Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

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You're welcome. We should really get an interview soon. I mean, really. So many spoilers for NY and LV and over here we have squat. No promo pics? No articles or interviews with the writers? What GIVES?!

I wasn't kidding when I said I might watch the first few episodes intoxicated. The Jake stuff is gonna suck so bad. Hopefully he'll be gone by November sweeps. Johnny Whatshisface has been kinda busy lately.
Caro, you rock. I could never find that clip anywhere.

And speaking of Johnny, has he done work for the GAP? I pass this ad everyday where the model looks just like him and if it is, that'll explain the urge I have to...get rid of it.

ETA: Gina, I love your sig/avi.
I don't know what is up with the promo pics...we should have had some by now.

As for them not saying anything, i think they are still embarassed from the mishap with the finale, so i think their new rule is to say nothing b/c they would probably rather have nothing out there then false shit like they did in May.

If that is not the reason what do they think that not telling us about it is going to make it not suck if it already does?? I mean do they think their shit doesn't stink?

Again personally, I think they are just embarassed and don't want to stick their foot in their mouthes again.
Alls I know is that Donahue is going to be responsible for my rehab and subsequent therapy bills after this. Also? She better get me a pony, or give us back the one we gave her.

Okay, guys, I'm bored at work all day every day, so you people better start writing fics to entertain me. Or posting more often. Preferably both.
I might start working on something, but it's me so don't hold your breath or nothing. Purple doesn't look good on most.

Do we have any more information on the Stetler business? It's the most interesting tidbit we've heard so far.

Donahue owes us promo pics. Pronto. E/C camera sex is perfectly acceptable therapy for me.
Well I will be right next to you in rehab and therapy so at least we will be able to discuss the show in person and group bashing, I mean therapy is always better than one on one!

Besides they probably have better drugs in rehab and we won't have to go to work!

Whoa Ali sweetheart welcome back. Where the hell have you been? I wouldn't mind seeing some of your work...but purple is definately not my color! ;)
Hip Huggers Anonymous. The problem is most of us wouldn't make it past step 1.

Ali, you really need to write something. You owe us for... you just owe us!

I have no idea what the Stetler issue is. WTF? I assume Eric accidentally told him about her and Jake, but seeing as she's still with Jake in the next episode I don't know what the big deal is, except she wants herself some Cuban frijole and is too scared to admit it.

Who doesn't want some Cuban frijole? I wouldn't mind some myself! :D But yeah the Stelter thing, I have no idea they would decide to throw that in if the outcome of J/C wasn't different than what the spoilers have told us. I just think it is the writers way of keeping up the tension/angst with E/C as well as a way of keeping them emotionally tied to one another. If Cal didn't have feelings like that for Eric why would she be sooo pissed at him in the first place?

I'd like to break into Calleigh's gun collection and threaten her with some of her own toys.
I don't get it at all. She and Jake swapped spit in the middle of the lab. I'm not surprised Stetler found out. I can't see why Eric would tattle on Calleigh anyway. What do you want to bet Stetler confronted Eric, and he just didn't deny it. Then Rick confronts Calleigh (or word somehow gets back to her), Eric gets namedropped along the way and then she gets all huffy at him because she can't deal with her issues, and uses the opportunity to vent unfairly at him. Calleigh! :mad:

Girls in need of a good seeing to methinks. Perhaps Eric could consult Derrick on this issue. Now there's a guy who wouldn't think twice about showing her his long arm of the law! ;)
I am kind of hopin that Derek makes an appearance this season. Cal will need a taste of her medicine eventually and Derek is definately the man to give it to her.
I think Eric blabs by accident. This is the episode where Natalia pops her shoulder and Eric helps put it back into place and Stetler sees them and thinks something else is going on. My guess is Stetler approaches Eric later on, and tells him something about interoffice relationships and Eric, not knowing he's talking about him and Natalia, says something like, "whatever's going on between Jake and Calleigh..." and Stetler's all, "o rly?" and Eric's all, "oh shit!" and we're all, "dude!" and Calleigh's all, "rats!" and Ryan's all, "omg i need a job!"

Or something.

Holy crap, Derrick! He's the key! We need to bring him back! For that, Eric's gonna have to grow back his scruff. He looked yummy with facial hair, I'm sure Calleigh wouldn't mind.
I think Stetler gets the wrong idea about Eric and Natalia and he is the one to bring up J/C b/c lets face it, like ali said they totally shared spit in the middle of the lab. Anyone could have blabbed to Stelter about that. But of course knowing Eric he probably makes it worse by letting it slip that they are *still* together and then tries to make up for it by attempting to defend Cal to Stetler.
I didn't know about Nat's mishap. That's a plausible scenario. But seriously, Calleigh shouldn't be surprised Stetler found out. I'm sure it was office gossip for at least a week. She's got no right to be pissed. And poor Eric's going to feel her wrath for no reason. Doesn't he defend her to Rick too? He's too good to her sometimes. I wish for once he'd stand up and call her out on stuff that clearly pertains to their relationship. He's done it with other stuff. Grow a pair, Diver Boy!
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