Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

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Hey Anne! Did that hurricane get a little to New Orleans? Because where I am, we got soaked and we were driving away from it so we didn't want to go through N O. You know? It was pretty bad.

I have been wondering how you all were doing and if Eric and Calleigh were fine.
Didn't come near here...but we did have pretty bad weather, today! The electricity was gone for 9 hours and it felt so gross standing outside! Well, i'm glad you're alright and thanks for caring! :)

Well we're all doing fine, trying to cope with what we found out from the recent spoilers, but we're ok!

Oh, we're thinking of sending Adam and Emily some gifts! :) Like I said we should send them shirts, hip-hugger jeans, and hip-hugger underwear! :devil:

By the way, I think I have the addresses for Adam and Emily...directly to the CSI: Miami studio :)...I think!


Luv yall...
Aw that would be cute. I can't believe I've been gone for so long and no new spoilers. I though this forum would be flooded with the thoughts of something.
Sorry to disappoint you, but we all feel the same way! We have less than a month before the season premiere, though! :)


Luv yall...
Naw, its okay. Eric and Calleigh are always interesting and besides the fact that my relatives are very strange and sometimes irritable, I have learned a few things during my vacation.
I posted some tidbits about E/C friday night. Go back to friday's posts in here and check the spoiler thread for info on episode 606.
Wow...spoiler boxes abound! Sweet...that means something's up! :lol:
I am not an angst whore! :p Gah...I mean I love that there is at least still E/C tension cuz that means like y'all have said that they are not dropping the E/C story...but still angst makes me feel icky...I want them together finally and happy...or at least goin' at it dang it! ;) I would love to see Jake catch a "moment" between E/C and have it be his turn to be jealous...that I would love! And I definitely agree that Jake is just an excuse for Cal to not be with Eric...which sucks but at least it's good that she doesn't really care for him!
Can't wait for this season that's for darn sure! :D

(Psssttt...Jackie you're a SG-1 fan? Sam/Jack shipper??! ;) )
Mo, I am so with you! I am not an angst whore, either... I'm more of a let's be happy and together, but with some complications type of person. There's enough drama in high school, so I'll leave the angst there, and I want a happy E/C! :D They've gone through too much angst already, they deserve some cheeriness! And as Mo says, they should be "going at it, dang it!" :lol: :devil:

I definitely can't wait for this season! :)

I gotta go to sleep...I have to get up in about 4 1/2 hours to go to school! :mad:


Luv yall...
Oooh I love angst!! So rocks. It makes the love even more special after some tears have been shed. Like with EC.

They have been to hell and back together but their relationship is so strong (bar season 4, but we wont go there.)

Then, when they finally do get together, it will be amazing because it took a VERY long time to build up and become this big, giant ball of tension, trust and love.

Oh, and I need your help, guys! I am making a video and I really want either of the 'trust' scenes. Anyone have them/ know where I can get my hands on them?

Thanks xxx

Thanks people!
I am a total Jack/Sam shipper!! Even though those writers have screwed us over time and again. I just really really hope that the Miami's writers don't pull the same crap with E/C.

If you are going to start something...finish it!

I can't wait for the season to start...29 days and counting (I count today b/c it's not over yet! ;))
Gah! Why can't the season start tonight?! :( I want it now! :lol:

I love E/C angst. I love watching it, I love reading it, I love writing it (as if that much wasn't obvious :lol:). I feel that it shows how much pain they're willing to go through to finally be with each other, aww. Eric could just let her go and let Jake have her, but as long as he's willing to wait all that out, I think it'll make it that much sweeter in the end.

And in the end, it'd better be damn sweet, considering everything he's gone through in the past five years of waiting for her. :lol:
^ I totally agree. If the writers weren't planning on doing something with these two then we wouldn't be seeing and going through this. They never would have brought it up.

All good things come to those who wait. And right now Cal is forsaking what is true for what is easy b/c she is afraid to face the truth.

BTW, I love all your angst totally kicks ass. You need to write more and more often :D

Oh also I got the address for CBS studio's where we can write to Adam, Emily and Corey!! Now we just need to decide what to do!
I went surfing this weekend and met a little E/C baby. Her name was Una and she had blond hair and big brown eyes, and she loooved going in the water with her daddy. It was so adorable. More dark/blond people should procreate together.

Eric and Calleigh: helping the beautification of society.

If you guys wanna send something to TPTB, it's possible. The CSI: NY people did it. I'm going back to California soon, so I could drop it off at the studio.
So... today in History, we were discussing international conflicts during the '60s and '70s. (This has a point, I swear.) The teacher asked us to list a few positive things that came out of the era. I raised my hand and was like, "First... peace, love, and music. Second... HIPHUGGERS!!!"

No one understood what I meant, but that's okay. :p
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