Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

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Yeah, but IAB likes to pick on Delko. He was their whipping boy for a while there. But so long as Eric and Calleigh keep everything on the up and up, it's not much anyone can really say or do.

Though if something like Caro described does happen and either of them are in a particularly dangerous situation with the other person throwing professionalism out the window, then there's no telling what would happen. Horatio is on a whole different playing field than Eric or Calleigh, and IAB would have a much easier time getting them dismissed from the job. I hate to use him as an example, but look at Ryan. Yeah he'll probably end up with his job back but right now he's like a lost puppy begging for scraps. And 9 times out of 10 going off all Lone Ranger is worse for a cop than what Ryan did.

1 month to season premiere. Gosh, I'm all tingly. :lol:
as for Horatio being aware that there is something going on between Eric and Calleigh i think Eric said it all.

Eric: Your old man doesn't know about you and Hagen does he?

Calleigh: I didn't know that you knew.

Eric: Right. Big secret.

Calleigh: Does everybody know?

Eric: Calleigh, we're CSI's. If we can't figure something going on between two people.

I'm sure that the whole lab knows that there is something between them!!
If you want the main spoilers for the ep...head over to the spoiler thread. As for E/C....Cal is still seems to be with Jake. Jake and Eric work the case together but I didn't see any animosity between them; they seemed to get along. Cal on the other hand, still seems to be mad at Eric for what happened in the preivous ep with Stetler. That was about it. God only knows how long the writers are going to keep JC together :confused: I still think we won't see anything between E/C until Feb sweeps...considering the spoilers.

It would seem that JC is kind of serious (although it is only the 6th ep) and I hope that the writers don't pull an SG-1 and have Jake ask Cal to marry him and her say yes only to have her end it by the end of the season and give back the ring b/c she can't be with him b/c it doesn't feel right.....that would be way too cliched. Cal does deserve some happiness, albeit I want it to be with Eric but she deserves to be a little happy but something is going to happen (IT HAS TO) that opens her eyes. I really hope the writers know what they are doing. GOD I LOVE ANGST!!

When these two finally get together, I could see Eric being way more respectful of Cal's need to be professional at work than both Hagen and Jake were/are.

It would be interesting to see how either would react if one was put in a life threatening position. The whole "secrect affair" that Adam wants would totally be blown out of the water.
I agree. I’m sure that Eric would be respectful. He and Calleigh at work would give the priority at the cases, because they both know that they’ll make up for lost time as soon as they come home! ;) :devil:


Mmh…I think that TPTP are putting Eric to work with Jake on purpose, to create tensions between them. Probably in the spoiler the animosity wasn’t mentioned because it won’t be so evident. I don’t expect that Eric will kick Jake’s ass in the middle of the crime scene, because I think and hope that Eric won’t be so stupid, even if I’d kill to see Eric kicking Jake’s ass. :lol: Instead, I can see Eric making some references at this situation or giving him rude answers. Or probably we’ll only see them taking quick threatening looks at each other. Probably Jake will make a reference about he and Calleigh and Eric will glare at him :D. Perhaps TPTB haven’t said anything yet because they want to keep this storyline a surprise…or because they want to see the poor shippers suffering… :p There are a lot of possibilities.
The EC tension is good. If there wasn't any, then I'd be worried. I agree with Abby that maybe Jake notices something is up. I doubt they'll have him working with Eric for an entire episode just because; most likely they've done this for a reason. I can't wait to see this play out. I remember in BTK Jake was supposed to be an ass to Eric but they changed it and they never did have any scenes.

CM said there would be complications and that's what we're getting. It makes me feel good because it means the storyline is still going strong. If they were going to get rid of it, then there would be no need for them to write all this drama. They'd just have them say, "We should stay friends," and that's that. I think Calleigh still being mad at Eric is good - her emotions are all over the place. Calleigh has never been this mad before and her and Eric have always been able to patch things fairly quickly, so this anger is very irrational. It's easier for her to be mad at him than to love him so she settles for that. Can't wait to see this play out.

Also, holy hangover, Batman.
^Rough night there Midnight? :lol: I had one of those nights on Weds.

I am an angst bitch! Even though I might find it hard to watch, I still love it. Midnight is right, the fact that the TPTB are even writing Cal angry at Eric and showing us the JC relationship means they are working towards something in our favor. If not, then they would have dropped the "lets be friends" line like Midnight said. God, I love the drama. I feel like they are building to something, like a volcano that is going to erupt. It starts off slow and builds up and then wham...huge eruption. That is how they are taking this. Things are going to come to a head and bam everything is going to snowball.

As for Cal anger is definately easier for her right now. She would rather be mad at Eric than admit what she is truly feeling and/or confront him about those emotions. Lets face it; she is not exactly good at protraying emotions cuz if she was, her and Eric would be together already. Ad that is what makes this whole thing so interesting. The more I read the spoilers, my notion that the triangle is Eric/Cal/Cal's emotions, is getting stronger.
i agree with you guys that Calleigh still being mad at Eric is a good sign. think about it, every other time that she has been mad at him they've made up quickly and nothing has happened. So here staying mad could be foreshadowing to something between them. at least that's what im hoping for. i also agree that she is still mad at him because its easier than admiting she loves him. it also gives her an excuse to still be with Jake.
Jake is sooo an excuse. Like her excuse that she and Eric couldn't date b/c they work together. Bottom line is she is afraid. She afriad to take a chance b/c Eric gets to her and she probably has never had feelings like that for anyone. So she hides behind whatever it is she has with Jake as a way to ignore and hide what she is really feeling. If she devotes whatever emotions she has for Eric toward Jake, she can fool herself into thinking that she really wants to be with Jake and her feelings for Eric aren't real. But the fact that she is angry with Eric, shows she does care about him and that she values what he thinks and does. If she didn't care about Eric and what he thought about her and Jake then she would just let the issue drop but being mad at him is a way to convey some sort of emotion toward Eric and stay emotionally attached to him.
I've seen this in other storylines. It's writing 101. It's kinda risky, though, because it might cause some fans to dislike Calleigh, but it would be worse to throw them together without giving the storyline any depth. Considering this is CSI: Miami, I'd say they're doing an okay job with this, from the looks of it.

I think Jake being a jerk is pretty much canon, so I don't think the writers will take the JC storyline too far. In the finale he was really rude to Tripp, Horatio thinks he's trouble, and Eric isn't too fond of him, either. Calleigh doesn't trust him. There were also some huge anvils last season implying that he'd get involved in drugs, though I think they probably dropped that. I'm sure he has a nice side, but then again, so did Hagen.
There are soo many shows that have done this type of storyline and it has almost always been done this way and turned out the same way; pretty much in favor of the main character ship.

the only reason Cal is with Jake is b/c she KNOWS what to expect from him and the relationship. She can control the outcome and therefore protect herself emotionally. She will be able to see the end coming and cut her losses w/o being hurt. She can't do that with Eric b/c her feelings run too deep and she would be going in blind and she hates that b/c she likes to be in control

I think Jake will be gone by November sweeps b/c there are too many detectives and he is taking away screen time from Rex, who is a show regular.He is only around for the triangle or whatever. I could see him gettin a great job opportunity and leaving b/c he is soo about his job. Cal even said it in Going Under. So I could soo see him choosing to propel his career over being with Cal.
Though it would be funny if,

this time he really did chose Calleigh and she was all, "oh, dude... um, no."

I really want him to notice there's something between Eric and Cal, just to see what he'd say/do. I can't imagine him being very pleasant if he knew.
This may be a stupid question, but when exactly are sweeps? I know that it means it is a high point in the season, but I'm confused... as always. :rolleyes:

Gah! I'm so excited for this season. I know that it will take some time for things to sort out, and for Calleigh to finally come to her senses, but I really wonder what will be the catalyst. Jake could do something to hurt Calleigh again, and maybe she would turn to Eric. But that could be a little too cliche. I trust the writers to give us what we want, but how do you think they will go about it?
Sweeps are in November, February, and May. Since February has Valentine's Day usually something happens with ships during that month.

I honestly couldn't tell you anymore. The writers have never been too creative on this show, so they might make Jake a jerk. However, I'd love to see Calleigh decide to be with Eric because she loves him, not because Jake did or didn't do something right. But since she's so wishy washy, I'm guessing something will need to happen to make her snap out of it.
Wow, lots to think about here. I'm not too worried. Like Caro said, if they were going to drop the storyline there wouldn't be a need for all this hooplah. The only thing that bothers me is that other ships being nasty about it, but since I know Eric and Cal are gonna end up together, I can ignore them. Adam and Emily are on our side and so is Miller. Most of the fans like E/C. We shall overcome. Strength in numbers.

Meanwhile, Im happy that there are so many fics over at I'm going to post something new tonight, too. Let's keep writing cause the closer we get to the premiere the more nervous we'll be and fanfic will get us through it!
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