Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

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You're brilliant Sky...seriously freaking brilliant...that's an awesome catch! And of course they only come out with Cal! ;) And can I just say...*Swoon!* that man's smile can make a girl...well yeah it can! :devil: You know what I mean! ;) :devil:
It's alright, my penis likes attention.

I don't believe Eric has smiled at anybody like that. He's so adorable, I just wanna eat him, but then Calleigh would kill me :(

More dimples for Calleigh:

Awww, Skylar. It'll be our little thing, you know? Because now I know what made your penis fall off. No wonder you're a hiphugger.

Calleigh won't just shoot you. She'll shoot you then revive you then shoot you again. If you know what I mean...
Sky, Xane You two crack me up! :lol: I love it in here! :D And yeah hon, I'm pretty sure you won't be living this down! ;) But it's all good! :lol:

And yeah I'm pretty sure they only smile like "that" for eachother! There's alot they only do for eachother... :devil:

And yeah Xane Call's a scary and sexy as heck, but scary! :lol:
Death by Calleigh can't be that bad, right? I mean, Calleigh's the last face you see and she's gorgeous. Of course, she'd probably stand there laughing wickedly. That woman is fierce! You just don't touch her man, period. It's a miracle Natalia's still alive.

I still wanna see a Calleigh showdown. She gave Gloria the smackdown for messing with her man, but I really wanted to see her slap that bitch.
Lol, can you imagine a Natalia/Calleigh showdown...I mean Nat's probably got what like 4 inches on her and probably a good what 20 or more pounds at least...and yet if I were her staring "down" at Cal...I would run for my life. Dynamite comes in small packages and Cal is one very small and VERY dynamic package! :D
Calleigh is Eric's little Chihuahua, small, but fierce. I wouldn't mess with her. She probably bites, too.

I'm going crazy waiting for the premiere. I really hope we get a lot more of this


Because dammit we've been waiting since season 1!
lmao Skylar ! And I totally agree with what you guys are saying. The only thing is that I don't remember when Gloria met Cal...
No man's land was on last night! It was so good! It was hilarious because at the end as the credits were rolling my parents were going omg he's so dead. Does he die jen? and im like hehe i dont know. *shifty eyes*
_____Skylar said:
But I still haven't received one entry from the porn-a-thon!

Haha, I'm working on one ;) It'll be posted on But let me know if ya want it else where...
These two turn to piles of goo when they are around each other! Throwing Heat is a great example of that. Not only did we get the "Hey Hot Stuff" line we soo got flirty smiles and those embarassing little looks you give someone who you are totally into.

Then again, when don't they look at each other like that? :lol: I'm surprised neither has melted yet from the gooyness they portray. Ever notice how both of them seem to be at a loss for words when they smile at each other? They both totally stutter from time to time especially when the other flashes a googly eyed smile ;)
A very nice pile of goo though. Man, I could do wiht some Eric goo right about now. Haha, I am writing my story, and he is doing some very nice things... If only it would happen..

I love how they act different when they are wiht each other than they do with other people. Right from the first episode, they have been totally relaxed around each other; but always with that slight awkwardness of 'I want you, but I proabably shouldn't.

Yeah haha, they have google eyed smiles, but only for each other. Cal was never like she is with Eric with Hagan or Elliot, or even Jake!

The smiles always get to me. Like in Just Murdered. When Eric was telling Horatio about the suit and the desk duty he was really pissed and angsty, but when he was telling Calleigh about it he was all smiles. "Yeah, I'm on desk duty *grin*." He's so transparent.

I could use some Delko Time. There's a hurricane coming and it would be ideal to cuddle up to him as it passes. And then they'd find my body and a few conspicuous blond hairs at the scene.

But what the hell are we supposed to do, if Calleigh won't make her move? Finders keepers, Calleigh.
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