Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

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TWoP? Sorry, I get confused easily :)
I like to imagine what he planned to do :) I am actually writing a story in which he gets to carry out what he wants to do :)
I also like how he lent into Calleigh when she kissed him on the cheek, you can tell he just wanted to turn his head, just a bit haha.
TWoP = They used to write Miami recaps and the E/C parts are fun to read.

Oh, that's a good idea for a fic! I can't wait to read it. I know this becomes repetitive, but I just love what Adam does with E/C. Every time Calleigh's around, I keep looking at Eric and Adam always gives us something, whether it's a look or a delivery or something. He's so good with the little subtleties. And his face when Calleigh kissed him, still priceless. I wanna get that screen cap framed :lol:
Haha, it has pride of place on my desktop :) Yeah my fic will be called 'kismet' and will be posted on I'd love it if you read **smiles sweetly**
Yeah adam is amazing, Calleigh's pretty closed off but Eric, he's always looking!!
Like when he looks at her face and does the whole eyes-lips-eyes glance. He wants to kiss her so bad.. mabye next season??
It'd better be next season. That's all I have to say about it. :D

Seriously, poor Eric's pined after her for five years. He's lost his best friend, his sister, he's been shot, he's got money troubles, etc etc. After all that, the least Calleigh could do is kiss it all better for him. :D

And once they get that first kiss out of the way, the rest will be history. They'll never be able to keep their hands and lips off each other ever again. Yay! :D :devil:
I have always love that midnight tiptoes scene because of Eric's body language.

It's like he's checking her out before he makes his move.
^He looks like a lost puppy waiting for someone to take him home! :lol:

His body language when is around Cal always screams sexual tension and so does hers for that matter. Her flirting definately goes up a notch and she brings out the southern accent alot. Not to mention that she is all smiles and giggles when she is with Eric. I mean she pretty much laughs at everything he says.
I can't keep my EYES off him; given a chance to kiss him!?! Gosh, **becomes a puddle of goo**

Emily called him dreamy in an interview (note my signature) so true!
I think the writers will do that really mean thing where they get them on the verge of a kiss, then have something spoil it, like a page or something...

But yeah, their relationship will be so strong because they have been friends and built the foundations. I know I've said it before but they do have a mulder/scully relationship ( for those who have seen the xfiles) and that makes it all the more wonderful!
Eric will break down her walls and finally get into her heart... and she'll let him have it simply because she trusts him.
A puppy :lol: That is exactly what Eric reminds me off. And he just wants Calleigh to cuddle up to him and take him home, and let him sleep in bed with her.

Man, if they ruin their kiss with a page or something I'll be pissed. Gah that would be so frustrating! I get the feeling once they kiss that that'll be it for Calleigh, though. She'll crumble to pieces and there's no way she'd ever be able to say no to him. He's her Achilles Heel.
I went to see the X-Files movies to the theatres and when that damn bee stung Scully, interrupting the kiss, people got off their seats and started throwing things at the screen. I get the feeling that if Eric and Calleigh are close to kissing but it gets interrupted it'll be the same, except instead of throwing things at their televisions people will be storming into CBS with torches and pitchforks.

And I'll lead them.
Really? Ha, didn't know that!
They do that, I'll grab the flame thrower!
Yeah he is definatly her Achilles Heel! How could he not be, and she has such a fasination with his hips....interesting... maybe we can explore THAT more next season??

Well, they don't call us Hip Huggers cause we're hip, though we are ;)

Man, I really wanna read some fluff tonight. Anybody writing? You know what we should do? An E/C plot bunny exchange. Say you have an idea for a fic but you can't get it into words, you post it and someone grabs it and writes it. Would that work for us, though? We're so damn lazy.
That would be cool, if we were a group of highly motivated, functional individuals. We're so lazy though.

:lol: I'd give it a shot. Sometimes I really wanna write something like a small drabble but I don't have a plot, so it could work. But I still haven't received one entry from the porn-a-thon!
I started some fanfic about two weeks ago. I got about 15 pages in and I went dead. No idea where to go with it. I want to put more of the CSIM characters in it so it is interesting to most of the fans, but I am blank these days. Maybe after the in-laws leave on Monday I can jump back in.
I hear ya. When It Falls is driving me nuts. I DO know where I'm going with it but somewhere along the way it became way more complicated than I intended and it's really intimidating me now. Good luck, though. I think we both just need to go in there and show those fics who's boss.

Fanfic support group anywhere?
Flame thrower? I'll bring the molotov cocktails...they go farther!! :lol:

If we ever got a situation like Mulder and Scully in the X-Files movie and there was a major interruption not only would I scream, I would probably end up throwing my tv out the window! Writers do things like that when they know the fans want it and they want to fuck with them.

It just goes to show you how the power they have tends to go their heads.
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