Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

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lmao. You guys are so hilarious. What would I do without you?

As for the question, I think H would be totally ok about it. I think he'd of course tell them to keep home at home and stay professional but I can imagine him defending them to IAB who'll no doubt come snooping. I think there is a kind of trust between H and the CSIs. I think he would trust them that they'd know what's ok and what's not.

They're both pretty reliable and I think everyone knows that.
Strangely, I think Horatio would be okay with it, too, simply because it's Eric and Calleigh. He might have a problem if it were, say, maybe Ryan and Natalia, but he knows Eric and Calleigh can keep their personal lives at the door and they're both very professional.

I could even see Eric going to Horatio before anything happened, too. Adam wants them to have a secret romance, though, but they did that with GSR so I don't think they'll do it here.
I thin that Horatio is for E/C, too. Probably he knows that there is something big between these two…I think that he saw a scene with Eric and Calleigh in his magic sunglasses! :lol: In this case we should steal them, but it could be risky, because probably they are responsible for the bad luck that persecutes those that stay near him and I think that they would work only with him. :lol:
In any case, even without magic sunglasses, he’d know that they would never neglect their job, even if they have a relationship going on. ;)

Leynette said:
I was listening to "Papercuts" by Gym Class Heroes and their first verse reminds me of Eric and how Cal like hurts him but not really if you know what I mean.
Hey, this is another song perfect for E/C! :D Even if I like Gym Class Heroes, I don’t know it, but that verse reminds of their situation. From now on, you’ll be our supplier of hip hugger songs! :p :D

Mo said:
They are in eachother's "bubbles" all the time...(Okay I think I've been in the gutter too long, cuz that sounded dirty!)
I agree, they’re inseparable! And about the gutter…with E/C it’s impossible not jump into the gutter. They push you there! :lol: ;)
I think IAB might come down on them hard, but Horatio might be okay with it. I could even see him keeping their secret, and then IAB finds out and Horatio gets into trouble with Stetler. But since he loves getting into trouble with Stetler, as it often leads to hot, pie sex, I think it would be okay.


Calleigh: Maybe if I squeeze my breasts like this he'll wake up.
I think Horatio knows that these two have feelings for eachother. He is not that oblivious to things of that nature...especially when they go on in his lab.

In the ep Going Under, look at the look H gives to Eric and Cal when Eric asking if she is ok. To me it says that he has some inkling that their feelings run deeper than friendship.

Plus at the end of that episode you know the real reason he warns Jake about the drugs etc is b/c Jake knows Calleigh and H always wants to protect the people on his team.

Horatio is definately the father figure to this team and he would go to hell and back with IAB and Stetler to protect these two if it came down to that.
Midnight tiptoes... that is so funny. You know he must have caught a look while filming. Thanks for sharing the pic.
I wonder if Horatio would get them to work different cases to avoid any potential drama. That seems like the best solution, cause he wouldn't wanna lose his best CSIs and he's a romantic at heart. Given his situation with Yelina, he wouldn't want Eric to have to go through what he went through.

mrsjrewing said:
Midnight tiptoes... that is so funny. You know he must have caught a look while filming. Thanks for sharing the pic.

It's Adam. Of course he looked. And Emily has the nicest tits ever. Filming that scene was probably heaven for him.
Caro, you're so right! No matter how many of his girlfriends drop dead, Horatio is still a romantic! (Did I actually just say that?!?) :lol:

To avoid trouble with IAB, Horatio would probably want them to work diferent cases, unless it's a priority one. Even if they were to work together, they'd definitely be professional about it...that's definitely how Cal would want it. (And if you call pushing each other towards the broom closet for their "break time" professional, they'll definitely be professional.) :devil: :D


Luv yall...
Definitely from all the ships, E/C would be the most professional. Calleigh would see to it, and Eric isn't the same guy he used to be - he's grown a lot. So I don't see that it would be much of a problem, really. Danny and Lindsay get away with it, why not Eric and Calleigh?
Eric has changed, so much and all for the better! Cal would definitely see to it that everything at work is all work (she'll wear the pants in that relationship)...well, maybe not all the time, but yall now what I mean. It can't always be "all work and no play."

And agreed, if Danny and Lindsay can get away with it, so can Eric and even better ways!


Luv yall...
Mmm, I guess Horatio would be cool with it. It's not like he's the most professional man. And he always roots for love. I agree he wouldn't want Eric miss out on love like he did.

More musics. This song is the ultimate E/C song. Too bad the music is... meh. Someone should do a cover for it.

Innocent Man by Billy Joel

Some people stay far away from the door
If there's a chance of it opening up
They hear a voice in the hall outside
And hope that it just passes by

Some people live with the fear of a touch
And the anger of having been a fool
They will not listen to anyone
So nobody tells them a lie

I know you're only protecting yourself
I know you're thinking of somebody else
Someone who hurt you
But I'm not above
Making up for the love
You've been denying you could ever feel
I'm not above doing anything
To restore your faith if I can

Some people see through the eyes of the old
Before they ever get a look at the young
I'm only willing to hear you cry
Because I am an innocent man
I am an innocent man
Oh yes I am

Some people say they will never believe
Another promise they hear in the dark
Because they only remember too well
They heard somebody tell them before

Some people sleep all alone every night
Instead of taking a lover to bed
Some people find that it's easier to hate
Than to wait anymore

I know you don't want to hear what I say
I know you're gonna keep turning away
But I've been there and if I can survive
I can keep you alive
I'm not above going through it again
I'm not above being cool for a while
If you're cruel to me I'll understand

Some people run from a possible fight
Some people figure they can never win
And although this is a fight I can lose
The accused is an innocent man
I am an innocent man
Oh yes I am
An innocent man

You know you only hurt yourself out of spite
I guess you'd rather be a martyr tonight
That's your decision
But I'm not below
Anybody I know
If there's a chance of resurrecting a love
I'm not above going back to the start
To find out where the heartache began

Some people hope for a miracle cure
Some people just accept the world as it is
But I'm not willing to lay down and die
Because I am an innocent man

I am an innocent man
Oh yes I am
An innocent man
That's a perfect song for them!

I agree with you guys. Eric's changed and we all know that Calleigh would make sure it was professional.

midnight_tiptoes you crack me up! :lol:
Calleigh: Maybe if I squeeze my breasts like this he'll wake up.

Well it worked, didn't it? :lol: :D

I think Eric's about the only guy that would respect Calleigh's need for professionalism in the workplace. I mean, look at Hagen - he wanted to kiss her on the firing range, and she was all, "grr..." And then he practically yelled out in the middle of the hallway that he'd found her ring, etc. And I'm not saying anything about Jake, because in all fairness, we really didn't get Calleigh's reaction to it, but he did still kiss her in the middle of the lab.

If there's anybody who could sleep together and still be professional at work, it would be Eric and Calleigh. Granted, nobody wants them to be professional all the time, of course :)devil:) but he does respect her boundaries. And I don't think Eric is going to want to do anything for a while at work that might jeopardize him even more, so I don't think it'd be just Calleigh needing to keep the professionalism. I think it'd be mutual, and both of them would be okay with that, knowing that they get to go home with each other at the end of the day. :D

And after all, they have worked together this long without jumping each other in the middle of the lab. ;)
True. Eric takes his job very seriously, so I think he'd behave. The problem might be, what if they're in a potentially hurtful situation? It's probably why the rule exists. I can't see Eric acting rationally at work knowing Calleigh is in danger somewhere. He'd probably wanna take matters into his own hands.

Then again, Horatio sucks at this, too, and IAB never tells him anything. This is Miami. Who knows.
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