Episode Ideas: Wish Lists and Fantasies

Awhile back i was watching some kind of beach patrol show and all 3 EMT's that responded had served in the military. Now that i think about, wouldn't it be great if they worked in Kyle as a paramedic with Search and Rescue? I think it'd be a perfect fit. I remeber how experienced and professional they were when my sister went into labor.

Actually, my husband was a medic with the Arizona National Guard before we met. They have some WOOOOONDERFUL practical jokes. I'm sure Kyle learned some along the way. :lol: But then again Kyle doesn't seem to be the type to be putting a bedpan in the seat of Dad's Hummer or putting K-Y Jelly on Jesse's phone and then making a phone call.
Lol. Oh no, should i be worried for my sister's wedding now? She'll be an army wife in 15 months.
Like your idea about the steak tho. But something tells me Frank will have that contest in the bag, and its not just because he's big.
I would like to see:
Two stories solved during one episode.
One person who is Ryan's family.
Yelina back.
Horatio's ex wife death(I can't stand her).
Alexx Woods back as ME.
A possible mini story arc for Frank.
A serial killer storyline which will evolve throughout the season.
Horatio's ex wife

Thats a bit of a pet peeve of mine. Never in any episode is Julia referred to as his ex wife. It annoyed me to no end that ET and other broadcasts did so. After all, when Yelina asked H if it had been serious to him, I'm sure he would've acknowledged that it was serious enough for him to marry her.

Sorry, but I had to put that in writing. Julia was always my least favorite.

As much as I love Alexx, I'm glad that Khandi Alexander has found a better show for her talents.

And I agree with you Grissom Rules, Frank Tripp is overdue for a juicy storyline. Perhaps a wrongly accused convict who wants to make his life hell, or something to do with his kids.
Horatio's ex wife
Thats a bit of a pet peeve of mine. Never in any episode is Julia referred to as his ex wife. It annoyed me to no end that ET and other broadcasts did so. After all, when Yelina asked H if it had been serious to him, I'm sure he would've acknowledged that it was serious enough for him to marry her.

Sorry, but I had to put that in writing. Julia was always my least favorite.

As much as I love Alexx, I'm glad that Khandi Alexander has found a better show for her talents.

And I agree with you Grissom Rules, Frank Tripp is overdue for a juicy storyline. Perhaps a wrongly accused convict who wants to make his life hell, or something to do with his kids.

You're right.As I'm thinking it now there wasn;t ever mentioned that Julia was his ex wife.
Yes, Yelina coming back would be great! Or even Suzy and Madison. So many people I talk to want to know whether the bone marrow transplant took. Seemed like Horatio was willing to move heaven and earth for them, and they just disappeared.

Julia was never Horatio's wife. I think when he was working undercover under a different name, he had an affair with her or something.
Yes, Yelina coming back would be great! Or even Suzy and Madison. So many people I talk to want to know whether the bone marrow transplant took. Seemed like Horatio was willing to move heaven and earth for them, and they just disappeared.
Even if Suzy and Madison didn't come back, a mention would be nice.
Of course it goes without mention, I would like to know a little more about Ryan. I really would like to know what he thinks some time. How is he effected by some of the events he's gone through(including upcoming)
There was mention of Natalia living in an upscale neighborhood in season 5.I've always wanted to know more about that.
What about Frank's family.He and his wife divorced,but you don't divorce the kids.How is his relationship with them?
There could be a mention or two of any of these situations if the writers felt they couldn't devote a lot of storytime to them.
With what Rick said to Horatio, I want to see H struggle with the demands of police work. Maybe a health issue can arise that begins to interfere with his work. Nothing too serious of course. What I really want to see is H breaking down emotionally, and I'm not just talking about the emotional detachment he had for a a few seasons. I want to them to show how he really feels off the clock. And give him a girlfriend that's tough enough to withstand the demands of his work and survive The Curse!
What I'd like to see is one last storyline involving Speed in some fashion, but it's probably pretty unrealistic to expect at this point. :lol:

I got to thinking that maybe because Jesse knew him that they worked together at some point and maybe a case or even just a conversation reflects that. I was pretty dissatisfied with how they handled connecting Speed to cases in season 3 (apparently he couldn't solve anything).

Aside from that, my season 9 wishlist is as follows:

-More humorous cases. LV did great with the Labrats and more lighthearted episodes. I think Miami could use an injection of a not-so-serious day at the office. They handled humor really well between characters in season 8, so why not an entire case (think: Curse Of The Coffin)?

-More cases involving lower-middle class people. I know TPTB want to make Miami a flashy fashionista cinematographic oasis of pure awesomesauce, but in reality, that makes up a very small portion to what Miami really is. Yes, it's very international but it still has communities of regular folks who are just trying to get by and the real police catch them on the worst days of their lives too.

That's pretty much all I can think of at the moment. Although, if you want to call this a wish...it'd be pretty cool to have a fan contest where they use an episode idea or script that comes right from the very people who help keep the show on the air. Us. :)

OH! I almost forgot. My greatest fantasy for season 9 is if they bloody change the opening credits. :p
Got to discussing this in the Horatio thread but I thought I'd mention it here, too. TPTB should bring back the story arc with H's parents. We still don't know precisely what happened, only what he told Stetler, and that seemed like the sugar coated version. What ramifications, if any, would H face if that were brought back and used against him?
I would like the writers to give Ryan a girlfriend.I think that the only close relationship he had with a woman was back in season 4 with the news reporter Erica.:drool:
All team members to return for season 9.
Perhaps two crime episodes on ocassion.
More diversity(economic and cultural) when dealing with crimes.
At least one real character centered episode for each cast member.
Tie up lose ends instead of viewers having to assume different issues
worked out beteen team members.
Would like to see each and every team member viewed as valuble to the team,and see that reflected in the writing.
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I know TPTB want to make Miami a flashy fashionista cinematographic oasis of pure awesomesauce...

That sentence is just frakking amazing...
OH! I almost forgot. My greatest fantasy for season 9 is if they bloody change the opening credits. :p

I was thinking about how they're going to add every member in now that Adam is back and they are adding Christian Clemenson into the regulars mix. Eager to see how they pull that one off.

If anything, they could at least UPDATE the opening credits. You know, like scenes from the past 2 seasons rather than season 4!!! Ugh...
I agree about the song! I mean, after all... It's time to put Jon Togo in the white tshirt so we can see him weekly like that.... :drool: LOL!