Episode Ideas: Wish Lists and Fantasies

Watching early seasons of CSI: Miami and then decided I just had to post on this. What I want for season nine -
1. More smartass comments from the entire cast (Horatio admitting to being full of it or when he told the Fed to learn Spanish in the pilot. Calleigh was also awesome at this.
2. The break room scenes from season one (Hurricane Anthony etc)
3.Family time across all the characters - Horatio with Madison, Ray Jr, Kyle; Calleigh with her dad and mentioned (?) brothers; Delko with his family (mentioned to be large)
4. A team get-together at Alexx's involving the aforementioned family members and all the team, past and present - Christmas, New Year's or another holiday. And the team wearing suitable clothing for that type of party - no suits (H in jeans :p).

seriously, are you reading my mind or what?!

dunno what to say but that was the same idea i got hit by (after i woke up from rather weird/cool/freaky dream involved some strange Grissom experiment and Greg who was dying from it. told myself to watch the amount of csi )

anyways once and for all i want to see fight between Eric and Ryan after which they becomes best friends ( remembered that comment from Valera(?) or Natalia(?) about them get a fight to clear their arguments)
anyways once and for all i want to see fight between Eric and Ryan after which they becomes best friends ( remembered that comment from Valera(?) or Natalia(?) about them get a fight to clear their arguments)
The air can be cleared by talking things out in an adult and reasonable way. There is already enough drama on the show,we don't need fighting.Besides ,the fighting would do nothing but cause arguing among the fans. There may have been an attempt of some sort of truce or at least tolerance between the two starting in "Time Bomb". It may be possible ( or should be possible) to start building a better relationship from that point if the writers take that opportunity.
yeah i know but it was one of my brightly shining imagination trick called dream where i saw this fight (of course not too harsh) and when it ended they hugged and went to caffe together.
although knowing their temper i'm wondering how they didn't fight when they were arguing.
but i know it's childish and of course fans won't be happy about it but just couldn't resist to post. lol.
i just sometimes miss some action like that (i'm currently at season 6 so it's not full of Ryan anyways. and since last week i'm on vegas too. so i guess that other dream was a reminder of coming episode).

well what can i say, i guess i like violence and fights a bit or more. that could be the correct explanation to my fanfics. lol

somehow i feel something more about next season but i can't be sure.
oh yeah i definately want to see some dark and mysterious secrets about Ryan and H(!)
( i know i'm weird and freaky but i love mysterious things, possible consequences from watching "x-files" at young age, possibly too young, and also i watched "first wave" so... )

oh yeah i love "x-men" movies so it's another prove to my strange wishes lol
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I've been wishing for this a long time, but it's worth repeating again -- I so badly want to see Natalia's home/lifestyle out of the lab. Horatio's too. *BEGS*
It probably seems like a silly thing, but I'm just too curious to see thier personal surroundings. :p

And I'd love the streetclothes someone mentioned earlier -- I mean, honestly....does Horatio wear his black suit to bed? Does Nat walk around all evening in her white pants & form-fitting tops? I highly doubt it. So when/if we ever get those glimpses of Horatio and/or Natalia's homes, I'd like to see some "normalcy" with thier wardrobe.
I wanted to see a little of Natalia's home life because it was mentioned that she lived in an upscale neighborhood.I've been interested in seeing her decorating style,etc.
The air can be cleared by talking things out in an adult and reasonable way. There is already enough drama on the show,we don't need fighting.Besides ,the fighting would do nothing but cause arguing among the fans. There may have been an attempt of some sort of truce or at least tolerance between the two starting in "Time Bomb". It may be possible ( or should be possible) to start building a better relationship from that point if the writers take that opportunity.

I agree that two adults should be able to sit down and settle their differences without resorting to verbal or physical violence. My doubt lies in the fact that Delko is so over-the-top emotional ... screaming, ranting and raving in any situation where he's stressed ... I'm not sure it's possible for him to conduct himself like an adult when he's asked to resolve a difference of opinion. This is one of the main reasons why I believe that Ryan should be Horatio's heir apparent and NOT Delko. Until Delko learns to get control, he's in no condition to assume a leadership role. IMO he shouldn't even be allowed to carry a gun!

I'm afraid that for me too much damage has been done in the Ryan/Delko dynamic for me to EVER believe they could be friends or even close working team mates. I'll never buy it.

For me that is a problem with the team as a whole. The team has been so fragmented in the last 4 years I don't know that they will ever be able to convincingly bring them back to a group of people totally committed to their jobs and each other.

For whatever reason, TPTB decided that it would be beneficial to the show to create significant conflict and distance between some team members. But IMO, they went too far.

It's just too hard for me to believe after all these years of Delko, and later Calleigh, kicking Ryan around that the audience is supposed to believe and all is forgiven in one or two episodes.

Calleigh and Ryan and Calleigh and Horatio haven't been a real joy to watch in the last 3 or 4 years either. I feel too many years have gone buy to reverse it now.

In the last 4 years TPTB have worked hard to establish Delko and Calleigh's "relationship." Unfortunately the relationship moments, along with the fact that they only work with each other, have presented an image of them being a team distinctly seperate from the others. To attempt to reverse it at this late date is I think too little, to late.

But even with the 5 members of the team (Horatio, Ryan, Natalia, Frank, Walter) they need to work on the team dynamic. There is still somewhat of a disconnect and distance with them as well. But with these five there isn't the animosity and hostility that exists between Delko and Ryan, and Calleigh and Ryan, and Calleigh and Horatio (more a coldness than hostility). They all respect and appear to like each other and that means the team with these five can be revived if the writers finally treat them with the respect and consideration they deserve.

And I would LOVE to see ANYTHING with Horatio and/or Natalia that is related to their "off" time. It would be so cool to finally see where these two live. I think everyone has an image of what Horatio's house would look like. I'd love to see how close my image would come to what they writers create. And Natalia ... it would just have to be beautiful, warm and cozy - even if is it "high-end." I just can't see her living in a cold, sterile environment.

And everyone has grubbies they change into to be comfortable. Before this show goes off he air I want to see Horatio's grubbies!
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You do make very valid points Delynn.I'm sure ther will never be any love between Eric and Ryan. I still don't want them resorting to physical confrontations,as I said earlier,there is already enough drama on the show.
But even with the 5 members of the team (Horatio, Ryan, Natalia, Frank, Walter) they need to work on the team dynamic. There is still somewhat of a disconnect and distance with them as well. But with these five there isn't the animosity and hostility that exists between Delko and Ryan, and Calleigh and Ryan, and Calleigh and Horatio (more a coldness than hostility). They all respect and appear to like each other and that means the team with these five can be revived if the writers finally treat them with the respect and consideration they deserve.
Perhaps the writers efforts would be better spent building up the relationships between these team members,there is already some good potential there.
well i can agree that there're too much years past to make them friends just in few episodes and that Eric is way too out of control. i've been always thinking he needs something to do to control his temper.

few days ago i read a fanfic which was great imo because there Ryan was left in charge of a case and in the end he was left as a team leader as H got another job. i think it would be great for Ryan at least get a chance to shine. he's the only one who deserves to be in charge of huge cases.
i definately want to see him in command.
I too think Ryan is better suited as Horatio's second in command, even though Calleigh has seniority.

I wanna see a new Wolfe fight like he had with that Russian mob guy. Of anyone having a good honest fight (if that makes any sense). I really want H to smack someone again. He hasn't been physical for a few seasons now.
...It's just too hard for me to believe after all these years of Delko, and later Calleigh, kicking Ryan around that the audience is supposed to believe and all is forgiven in one or two episodes.
IMO, Wolfe's character was initially written well--an ambitious and book-smart PO who wanted to prove himself. After a season or two, I started to get the definite impression of Ryan as a snotty twerp who felt he should be advancing much faster than he was. Now he's morphed into a mellower, wise character, while his two "superiors" are joined at the hip, breaking rules and not caring.

It's almost as if ED and RW have switched personalities. ED would need to have some serious wake up call and straighten up his act (aside...Ooo, can you say "gambling addiction? :lol: ). But the show is now written with each season--and sometimes each episode--an island unto itself, so any chance of them teaming up is probably low.
This would be more like a fix than a wish since it was done a long time ago. I don't know who's written Cross Jurisdictions, even though this was in Las Vegas with its introduction to Miami. Somehow, they made Warrick (Crime Scene Investigation) look cold and distant with the team in Miami, QUICKLY introducing himself as just "Brown!" without batting an eye, instead of formally as "Warrick Brown, Las Vegas P.D.", unless the Miami team already knew who was coming from Vegas to get the little girl who was kidnapped. But, it does make it look as if Warrick was cold and didn't want to be there. He wouldn't be that way while investigating back in Vegas. Sorry, but that episode bothered me for a while.

Lately, I've been hearing alot of songs, especially slow songs, with alot of saxophone. It keeps making me wonder how well Jonathan Togo can play and what makes him play it, from his days in some band in college. I've never heard him play, but I would sure like to see him portray Ryan doing that during his time off, at night when the team isn't working. And surprising the team with what he can do, and maybe seeing one of their own have feelings for him because of that, if nothing more. Preferably Maxine Valera. I like seeing them together in a scene. If Gary Sinise can play bass in a band and portray Mac doing the same thing, as well as Dr. Robbins belting it out in Vegas when he's not cutting up bodies (I forgot what he was playing) then why not Ryan. Dude seriously needs some more storylines, and good surprises.

I would also like to see a survivor actually celebrating his/her loved ones dead instead of mourning, knowing that the survivor would be rich from the dead one's money or inheritance. And celebrating loudly, and I'd like to see the reactions on the CSIs' faces. But then, I'd be taking that idea from an episode of The Closer (with Jennifer Coolidge). At least, something similar to that. Mourning can be done too often.
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A little po'd that Vegas got Dita von Teese, I really wanted her for Miami! My favorite lady onscreen with my favorite man?? That would've been awesome!! The only thing better would be if I looked like her and got a few scenes with DC.
I'd like to see the return of Yelina, Ray Jr., Suzie and Madison; I think that TPTB needs to remember that Horatio does have a family besides he that I shall NOT name. If Yelina does return, I 'd like to see Horatio give in finally to the affection that he feels for her.

I'd like to see another CSI Miami/NY crossover that deals with Horatio's past in NYC, in that episode perhaps Rick could be redeemed too- could he have been working undercover, or have been blackmailed (what if his actions had been done to protect Yelina?) One just never knows, he did really care for her.

Also, although I don't think the budget could support it, I did enjoy Miami shooting abroad- Rio was memorable for that- it would be nice to see Horatio in Italy or chasing down something that starts in Miami but say ends in Northern Ireland?

Last wish- Horatio wearing something besides black...I remember from the past where he wore suits that were in subtle colors and they looked fabulous!