Just wanted to reiterate something that I posted in the Horatio/David thread. I enjoyed the episode last night ... specifically that final 10 minutes!
David (along with Eva La Rue) did an excellent job! Especially in that last 10 minutes! David's performance after Horatio was shot is a prime example of this man's true abilities and this show's terrible history of NOT taking advantage of them.
They've been seriously guilty of that with Eva La Rue for several seasons ... until THIS season. This season has proved, to everyone who has an open mind about it, what an incredibly talented actress Eva is.
I haven't felt anxious for a CSI Miami premiere for several seasons now. But that changed last night. The strength of David and Eva's portrayals of Horatio and Natalia last night, and their amazing ability to project the horrible desperation each character displayed in those final moments, resulted in a cliff hanger that will definitely have me there for the season 10 premiere.
I'm really hoping that they are not going to pull a fast one on us and have Horatio's injury be just a scratch. That wouldn't do the character of Horatio any justice at all! Horatio WOULD NOT allow someone on his team to be locked in a trunk and driven off the pier if he had only a flesh wound injury!
With Horatio being shot and Natalia locked in the trunk of a car ... in the water and going down, no less ... Frank on a tear after his injury (didn't see Frank pulling back as was previously mentioned he would - maybe I just missed it but he seemed pretty focused on catching that dude to me) ... the premier for season 10 has awesome potential if there is true follow through for these characters.
I realize they were trying to stuff a lot into this episode, but I could have used a little more Ryan!
And on first glance, I liked Renee. She's a strong, professional, self-confident woman and not a clingy, needy woman-child like Marisol or a criminal who refuses to take her meds like Julia. I didn't necessarily see the 'chemistry' between Renee and Horatio that TPTB are trying to tell us is so obvious. If it's THAT obvious I'm thinking I should see it right away, but maybe seeing them together in some more scenes will help. I won't trust TPTB's judgment on this. They have a disasterous track record in this area, imho!
BTW, didn't spoilers indicate that Renee was going to be shot??
TPTB on this show have a dismal record with consistency and follow through. I'm crossing my fingers that they give these awesome actors some real quality material for resolution of this storyline. One that doesn't minimize the impact to the characters. They are MORE then up to the challenge!