OMG! BEST EPISODE EVER! I am still gushing here, so I can't review yet... I'll come back later with my FULL thoughts on everything but... OMG.
Ryan looked SO good. :drool: AND... Stetler, I knew it was him but it was SO good to see how it all played out. It was amazing! And Ryan putting him in cuffs and walking HIM down the hall as he's (Stetler) has done to Ryan, sometimes wrongfully, so many times before... A++
I had a slight worry about it though, I must admit. Everyone standing behind Ryan (except Calliegh had slight doubts), The hand shake between Ryan/Eric (WHICH I LOVED), Frank getting Ryan out of the slammer (They like each other but give one another a hard time), and finally... RYAN arresting Stetler... I hope that wasn't a finality on Ryan's story lines... kind of like, they tied up all his lose ends... I hope that doesn't mean anything and that I'm totally reading more into it. I hope it just means a more unified team?! Ahhh, I'm going to go crazy all summer until I know for a fact Ryan will be back. I'm still on the boat of thinking NO one is leaving, but I want conformation!!!