This must have been the most horrible season finale of CSI:Miami I've ever seen
Don't get me wrong, it was supposed to end w/ a shocking cliffhanger.
Now which shocking cliffhanger they left us w/ ? Eric's missing? Don't get me wrong, but it was way too pretty clear even from the promo. It would have been far more shocking Frank arresting him & Yelina being shot!
Not to mention that we have already watched the ending scene (even if it had been edited in different ways) thousands of times thanks to the clips CBS offered us
It's such a shame also b/c it really began in such a good way that I still can't believe that they had to ruin it w/ Eric's familiar drama & his arguments w/ Calleigh, who has to regret everything she had done throughout the episode :shifty:
I mean the beginning was pretty good & we had one of the best scenes ever when Horatio was there w/ that poor cop.
After a couple of good scene I swear I was thinking "now it's time to play some E/C drama as if we haven't had enough of it this year" and voilà Calleigh has to admire Sharova's pic.
Again, both Eric & Calleigh had to cross the line, though I really have the doubt that this time Calleigh didn't actually cross it or let's just say that she may didn't potect Eric this time, as everyone tends to believe. I swear I saw her texting someone w/ her cellphone right after she argued w/ Eric in the lab while getting ready to examine the car w/ Ryan
Again, we don't know what the hell is doing our beloved Delko &, above all, is Sharova sincere or not?
I really don't know &, quite frankly, I'm not looking forward to knowing the answer.
I mean Calleigh is absolutely right when she tells Eric "you don't even know this man!" It's quite ridiculous that right after you find out who your bio dad is (someone who has never considered you for ages & never cared about you) you do anything to help him or even cover his crimes. Let's not forget that he's part of the Russian mob!
Unfortunately, they also had to ruin the shooting w/ Calleigh realizing she may have shot at Eric.
Now, don't get me wrong, but there's a hell in that moment & you'r covering yourself right behind your hummer door & you haven't killed all the bad people yet & stop shooting in that moment knowing they can shoot at you & kill you? And, above all, the shooting ends right when you relize that kind of things?
I truely wished they kinda had shot at her right in that moment, at least it would have been far more realistic
The ending, now Horatio was absolutely cold. He was far more concerned for the unknown cop at the beginning of the episode than for his brother in law.
As for Calleigh I kinda felt for her & laughed at her at the same time.
I mean she was through the whole episode like "do you really know the law?" (this quote literally cracked me up :guffaw

or "you're covering him" & then "oh god I shot at him". Now, let's say that she kinda has looked for it throughout the whole episode :lol:.
I felt for her b/c oh gosh she cried!

. Not to mention that her last words for him weren't the nicest.
On a happy note, there are some good moments for me in this episode
- Yelina kissing the guy in front of H & splashing the water to him :guffaw:. I laughed too much when H said "you're under arrest" w/ a drop of water which was falling down from his face" :lol:
-Yelina. What can I say. Maybe that b/c Sofia Milos is Italian like me, but I just adore her!
- I really freaked out when the guy showed her the grave

- I was really concerned for her when Horatio didn't find her & oh boy when Horatio shot at Ivan I was freaking out for Yelina. Thank god she kneeled down in the perfect moment. That exactly showed what a great chemistry this couple has.
-Ryan. I just loved him. I loved how he was concerned for Calleigh & I loved when he tried to cheer her up. I really want to see more & more of their friendship. Some times very good friendship are much better than actual relationship

-during the shooting when Calleigh shouted "let's go" I had to laugh at the way Ryan shouted "GOOOOOOOO" :lol:
-WOW Ryan's bullet in the between the eyes of the bad guy

- Did Emily Procter lose a knee while running in Everglades set while trying to reach Horatio & Frank at the end? :lol: I swear, heels are not as comfortable when you have to run in the grass
Sorry that's all I have to say about this episode. I do believe that I prefer misleading promos like the one from s5 finale than promos like the last one wich literally reveal the cliffhanger before watching the episode.
I think this summer I'll go to the seaside & yes I'll be able not to think about CSI:Miami new season for oh yeah three months. Surely I won't be wondering about Delko's fate & about his relationship w/ Calleigh