Episode 7x24 'Dissolved' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

Wow, where do I even begin with this ep?

I'll start with the case. It was interesting to start, but towards the end it felt a little cliche with the whole race-to-save-the-victim storyline. Though it was a nice twist that the victim had been killed. I know that sounds morbid but they usually live.

Okay, now to the Calleigh/Eric. I'm not fan of the pairing, so I found the small storyline somewhat boring and irrelevant to the episode.

Ron Saris is amazing. He was really funny in this ep. I can't remember exactly what one of his lines was, but it cracked me up.

I really liked the Tara storyline. I like that Ryan really went about things the right way for once. I'm a little sad to see Tara go, but she deserved it.

Okay, let's talk about what, to me, was the most attention grabbing storyline of the episode--Horatio/Kyle/Julia.

First off, I loved the scene when Kyle came to see Horatio. Kyle is clearly upset and stressed out by his mother. I loved how Horatio knew the moment Kyle showed up that something was wrong. Can I give a shout out to Evan Ellingson? That kid is doing a fantastic job. I did have one problem with the scene. Kyle makes it known that his mother's constant presence in his life is stressing him out. I believe he even begins to say "I can't handle this." Horatio really ought to be concerned. But instead he chides Kyle saying "she's been through a lot lately, hasn't she?" What about Kyle? Hasn't he been through a lot?

The morgue scene was intense. Let me say this: Kyle is going to have SO many issues in a couple of years (if he's not going crazy already.) He almost watched his mother commit suicide. Seriously. If I were him, I would have been bawling.

I don't get what happened with Horatio and the judge at the end. I understand that Horatio was trying to get Julia sent to an institution rather than jail, but his word choice was strange. He admits he was wrong about the medication. Then he goes on to say that it was his fault that Julia has lost it, which implies that taking Kyle away is what caused Julia to become unstable. Is Horatio seriously saying that he shoudn't have taken Kyle away? It seems to me like H is a lot more concerned with Julia's well being than he is with his son's well being. Even on her medication Julia is a bad mother to Kyle, and I would think that Horatio would recognize that.

Overall I enjoyed the episode, though there were definitely some sketchy parts.

The promo...eh...doesn't really look like something I'm going to enjoy that much. But I'll take that to the spoiler thread.

EDIT: I just remembered. Did anyone else think that it was totally unprofessional of Horatio to mention that Julia had stopped taking her medication to Natalia? I get that TPTB were trying to put a nice moment between H and Nat in there, but Julia's business is not Natalia's business. That crossed a line, IMO.
Ryan....probably never going to get anyone's trust. But he did the right thing (AGAIN) and I'm glad he took action when he did. He gave her a chance, she blew it, he had to step in. How many more cases could have been compromised with her habit? According to Ryan she had been showing up to crime scenes late and so on. He looked hot tonight too.

Julia is FINALLY in the loony bin!!!! Why was she in a wheelchair looking like she'd been paralyzed or something?

Horatio. Let the judicial system deal with her. Please.

Aw....KYLE!!!! I just want to hug him like a wil puppy!!! hahaha....Actually he probably is going to be a little messed up. But I'm really glad they kept his character as a regular. I'm liking his arc.

I kinda love Stetler. His tie looked like swirls of spinach, but still. In recent episodes he seems much less likely to go after everyone just because.

Alexx better bring her patooty back.

The case wasn't terribly interesting to me either. Probably because House had a really interesting case and some CRAZY personnel issues and I guess I was expecting that for Miami. Ah well.

Pretty good epi. Not the best, not the worst. Somewhere in the middle. Lots of Ryan. Which is always wonderful.

Edit: LOVE Travers by the way. I REALLLLY hope they make him a CSI. I get happy inside when he's on screen. :) It was so cool how they had him at the crime scene. Good stuff.
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Crazy episode!!

Loved Saris saying "it wasn't me that turned that guy into yogurt":guffaw::guffaw:

For the first time I truly enjoyed Julia. She was great in this episode. Loved watching her completely lose it then come to the realization that she has a problem which has become seriously dangerous. Horatio was so good to her even after the shooting, talking to the judge to keep her out of prison;), he is one stand up guy.

So it's off to the big house for Tara. :devil: I wonder if she is gone for good or if we are in for more Tara Drama in season 8. I have to assume we will be meeting a new M.E soon. Hopefully a character I will like as much as I liked Alexx.

Wasn't Ryan great tonight. I could tell he was struggling with what he knew he had to do but Tara got out of control and like he said he gave her every opportunity to seek help.

Ok so the preview about the finale. I cant believe Eric is going to get into family related drama again. Doesn't that guy have any sane relatives.
really enjoyed this eppy.

just a few things.

-enjoyed the play between ryan and eric, however, at the end that look eric gives ryan is really wicked...like he cannot believe tara did what she did, but almost dumb founded that ryan took the action he did.

- the whole banter between E/C tonight was really great in the beginning,but after that phone call everything went down the rabbits hole, but made me really wonder by the middle when tripp and cal were at the hunters house if she had been crying, she looked wicked upset...eric is doing everything alone again and isn't letting calleigh in to help him with his troubles. Eric trying to protect her, but really cover his own bum. I am sort of getting sick of this side of his personality, I have to say I believe I enjoyed, "Eric the Player" much better. This episode makes it look like TPTB are going to dangle the "breakup carrot" over us with this couple. I dunno about you all, but finally getting them together after a loooong 7 years and then pulling out the breakup carrot to me is really annoying and stupid unless they want to loose more viewers.

-Ryan was really great in this episode with really everything, lots of ups and downs for sure. Thought he was going to be sick when he saw the two bodies in the barrles (SP), was really great about his conflict of Tara's pills. Then his extreme anger and force with Julia threating him. Really great stuff coming from togo this entire season.

-Super H, came down off his cloud, I felt so heart broken for him, not only his kid and ex-wife in trouble, but then being betrayed by one of his own team members? Ouch! How much more before we have a H-breakdown?? Poss the finale with Yelina ?

-Natalia hardly in the episode again...but at least she wasn't hidden away in a corner shot like a few episodes back. Too bad she only got 2.5 minutes on camera though.

-Tripp really great, love his charecter, and is doing a really great job of getting into peoples faces lately.

I do have to mention, remember we were talking about TPTB and ADHD?? Yeah, that opening scene with all the crazy technical switchups was enough to make me motion sick.lol.
I did really enjoy that the whole episode really emphasised and was about the dianamics and relationships both within the lab itself and outside, the whole "crumbling family" really came to the forefront and it doesn't even involve the russians to any real depth except for Eric.
Anyone think that the crumbling or illusion of this would have happened if the russians weren't involved in the underbelly? That these peoples lives would have eventually contain their own dramas and come into the workplace with them?
- The morgue scene was freaking intense. :eek: For a second I doubted the promo and thought Ryan DID get shot. And when Julia told him to put the gun down, o0o0o0o0o0o. My whole family was like OH MY GOD when she turned around and held the gun to her own head. I have to say I thought a lot of things during that scene. Thought Ryan DID get shot, thought Julia was going to shoot Tara for implicating her, thought she was going to kill herself. :lol:

I thought the morgue scene was intense too. When they cut to commercial, I put my hands on my head and said "Oh Julia!" She really hit the high note on that one. I thought it was noble of Horatio when he went to talk to the judge, but she's responsible for her own actions.

Eric and Ryan's funny scene was great. I haven't seen them joke like that in some time and it brought some memories from seasons past. The leather pants thing was HILARIOUS! :guffaw::lol:

Ron Saris was also funny in this episode. Although a villain, all his scenes kept me laughing. From the frizzy puffy hair, to the quick, out of context comments he made, he was just enjoyable to watch.

Stetler making an appearance was surprisingly good. I'm not a fan of his, but his scene with Saris was interesting to watch, even with his ugly green tie. When he arrested Tara - oh man! Didn't see that coming...He wasn't the bad guy in this episode :thumbsup:

It made me disappointed to see Tara get arrested. She jeopardized a lot of cases with her abuse to all those different drugs. Who steals from the dead?? Sick people! That's crazy. I wonder if she is leaving the show?? I also miss Alexx terribly and would love to see her back. When Eric and Ryan watched her leave at the end, that was heartbreaking. Ryan has been fired for gambling and had to leave the lab, Eric was arrested and escorted out of the lab by INS, so I'm sure they know how she was feeling. Although Eric's situation was out of his control, Ryan did have a better feel of what boat Tara was in. Poor Ryan gave her many chances. When he escorted to see Stetler, that must've been hard to do, along with getting the warrant, and searching the dead bodies to match them with the drugs. He lied about the reason for speaking to IAB again, but she knew what was up. I thought it was just Oxycontin, but all those other drugs were inexcusable.

Calleigh running to save the girl and finding her dead was sad. What I didn't get was when she and Frank were interrogating the killer, he said there were 2 girls :confused: The guy's wife that verified the wedding band was her husband's said he, her brother-in law and her sister were missing. The last she heard from her husband was when he called her and asked if she wanted coffee. Doesn't that mean she was in the car, too??? I saw two girls in the back seat of that car and one ran away..:confused:

Next week's ep looks chaotic from what I got off the promo. Will have to watch it again to decipher what's going on, but I'm excited :thumbsup:
liked how Horatio went to confront Julia on Ron's say so like hello-this guy is a lying con artist Horatio! then Julia is delusional if she thought getting a job and staying on her meds would get them together as a family-she really did mention that? and poor Kyle is gonna need some therapy alright-drug addict lying boss causes mentally unstable mom to start shooting...murder by acid/alkaline didn't do much for me except gross me out...
i totally forgot about Tara in my post...wow.
anyway I think actually for once TPTB actually got it right with her, her emotions and actions, and her exit. However, I have to wonder if she will be included in season 8 in some possible way?

Guess now we won't have a tooth fairy anymore :(
Okay, I have to say this upfront: I LOVE YOU ERIC! :lol: He gave me a nice visual. Ryan + leather pants = :drool:

Now, on to the episode:

The way the guy at the beginning looked after falling in that pool made me think of when Willow ripped Warren's skin off in Buffy (after Warren killed her girlfriend).

I thought at first Ryan was gonna tell on Tara before he said Saris was the witness.

Travers in the field! Yay!

Eric: Must have gotten transfered from whoever stole the key.
Ryan: that or some sort of hoofed creature stole the keys themselves and proceeded to kill someone. :guffaw: :guffaw: :guffaw: I love you, Ryan! :D

Is it my imagination or is that tie Stetler's wearing the same one he wore in "Chip/Tuck"? It's at least the same color. :lol:

Ryan seems disappointed to find all those pills in Tara's locker.

Frank to suspect: Sit down! I swear I'll beat you stupid. :lol: I love you, Frank!

Frank's tie is kinda weird. Purple checkerboard. :lol:

Tara's been taking more than the oxy? :( Her saying "it was only a couple of times" ... that is a classic addict line. She got arrested, so I doubt she's gonna get her job back. Coop didn't. OMG, I hope they don't have Tara set up a website against Ryan like they had Cooper do with Calleigh. Actually, Calleigh telling on Cooper and getting him arrested/fired is very similiar to Ryan telling on Tara and getting her arrested/fired. And I didn't think Eric's look at Ryan was anything against Ryan. I thought it was just the two of them maybe communicating silently like "I can't believe this is happening".

Holy freakin' crap! When they showed that girl's body on the morgue table when the camera was up higher above the body, I swear for a split second I thought it was Calleigh and it scared the crap outta me. :lol: I was like :wtf: I know she's alive in next week's ep, so surely that's not her. Then the camera panned in on the face closer and I realized it wasn't Calleigh. :lol:

Tara's actions did cause a nearly deadly chain of events. They caused Julia to lose custody of Kyle, which drove her crazier. She brought a gun to the morgue (by the way does the morgue not have any security--- other than Ryan I mean lol), shot the gun, narrowly missing Ryan (though she wasn't aiming to hit him, just get his attention) and then attempted to shoot herself. So Tara was completely wrong about what she was doing not hurting anyone. Okay, the stealing and the drug use wasn't hurting anyone but herself, but the blaming Julia for it, like Ryan said hurt Horatio, Kyle and Julia... not to mention nearly got Ryan killed.

Tara looks at Ryan, says his name like "help me". It's too late for that. He tried to help her, but she wouldn't accept his help. He knew it had been too long for her to still be on pain meds after the gazebo incident. Plus, she was stealing more than oxy.

Julia's in the psych ward, but Ron's still around. I don't know why they'd keep him around with Julia gone. Kind of pointless.

Nat only got one scene. :(

"Two good cops turn bad." --- shot of Eric helping his dad and fleeing the scene and shot of H shooting Ivan? Although since we know Ivan's been poisoned, it'll probably turn out that Horatio was asked by Ivan to shoot him cause the pain of being poisoned was too agonizing or something like that. Unless god forbid, Ivan orders Yelina killed and she is or nearly is and Horatio vows vengeance and shoots Ivan in anger.

Cal shot at Eric's car? :wtf: So that's the "most difficult shot of her life" thing?
LOL the whole hoofed joke made me automatically think cows, but then randomly I was like, cows in Miami, now that is weird! Then instantaniously I blurted out, Mooooder !!

haha get it, moooder-> murder. Ah I know it bad, but I had to. epec since I grew up very close to a dairy farm.
This was an amazing episode A+!!!!! :thumbsup:

Things I liked:

-Miami is all pretty and fashion until they decide to get really nasty!! That guy in the acid was so gross. Miami does nasty really well.

-The teasing and light banter between Eric and Calleigh in the beginning was really nice to watch :). I got really frustrated when he lied but kudos for coming clean and telling her the truth without her having to ask again. Nice set up for what will happen in the finale.

-Ryan and Eric and the leather pants was sooooo funny :guffaw:!!!!! That was a great scene!

-Julia was really out there in this one. When she was pointing the gun and had those wild eyes plus the scar she really looked psycho. The whole morgue scene was great. I felt so sorry for Kyle: psycho mom, shoots the place he works in, almost shoots herself in front of him, his dad has to arrest her. That's a lot to take in.

-Tara, oh Tara... Is this the end of you? I just can't see how they'll make this right and bring her back. I think the storyline is great. Stetler did what he had to do. Though it's pretty obvious that she would be arrested it still took me by surprise. The walk of shame was sad and Ryan and Eric's expression made me sad for them. I think Ryan handled the whole thing like it had to be handled. He gave her a chance and she didn't take it.

-Ron Saris :lol: He just gets better and better. I laughed so much in his scene with H and Stets. I found it so funny when H asked him something and before answering he looked at Stetler and asked if he should answer. IDK why but that, and Stetler's reaction just made me laugh :lol:.

-Thought that Frank and Calleigh's scene with the bad guy was really good. The way Calleigh laughed at him cracked me up. And Frank is just amazing :).

Things that confused me:

-I didn't really get why the two guys and the girl were killed :confused: I must have missed the explanation so if anyone could tell me....
Did anyone else think that it was totally unprofessional of Horatio to mention that Julia had stopped taking her medication to Natalia? I get that TPTB were trying to put a nice moment between H and Nat in there, but Julia's business is not Natalia's business. That crossed a line, IMO.
On one hand, I do agree with you. It seemed out of place for Horatio to inform her that Julia was off her meds. However, this was likely the first time, in a very long time, where I thought it was nice to at least see Horatio being open about his private life with his colleagues. We don't get to see it very often, especially with him - so while I do think it was a bit "off" that he told her this, I also felt like it was a good thing to see a tiny glimpse of that "this is a close-knit family team" that tptb seem to have overlooked for some time now.

It's a shame that it's Natalia who brings on a family team feel, showing compassion & consideration to her colleagues, yet she's the one less involved in nearly every case & episode.

Overall, I didn't enjoy the episode. The case was lame - not much put into those characters, & the "how" & "why" didn't seem to be explained well. It all seemed to wrap up rather quickly.

There was a nice fun moment between Ryan & Eric - which don't get me wrong - it was good to see, but am I really supposed to believe that all that went on between them in 'WISC' has just been swept under the rug!?! I'm really quite sick of seeing everything always followed up on when it comes to E/C yet when it's actually a tiff among the TEAM, it just get's passed on.

Ron. I honestly love this guy. Kim Coates has been nothing but enjoyable & a pleasure to watch, but I was disappointed that Ron's part of this arc is still left wide open, & could likely carry on into the new season. The "H/Julia/Ron" arc has been running for some time now, & I was really hoping for it to be wrapped up by now.

As far as Tara's ordeal goes, I truly hope she is just gone. I had a very hard time feeling any sort of sympathy for her when she was arrested & I couldn't feel it for Ryan or Eric as well. They've done very little with developing anything with her or her interaction with the team -tiny parts seen early on in the season with Ryan & Eric but that was about it. So am I supposed to feel that the team is losing a good friend, a good teammate? Sorry, but not feelin' it - try again.
hiphugger17 posted:-Ron Saris :lol: He just gets better and better. I laughed so much in his scene with H and Stets. I found it so funny when H asked him something and before answering he looked at Stetler and asked if he should answer. IDK why but that, and Stetler's reaction just made me laugh :lol:.

-Thought that Frank and Calleigh's scene with the bad guy was really good. The way Calleigh laughed at him cracked me up. And Frank is just amazing :).

Things that confused me:

-I didn't really get why the two guys and the girl were killed :confused: I must have missed the explanation so if anyone could tell me....

The baddie said that they were killed because "they didn't follow directions." In other words, it was a senseless killing.

Well, here are some of my thoughts on the episode:

Oohh, Ron. He is so funny! And now Rick realizes that he's not to be trusted. I'm really glad about that. I liked the part of the dialogue where Rick asked H: "Should we trust this guy?" And H asked: "What do *you* think?" and Rick just does one of his sighs. Yep, I want to see these two working together next season. They're good together. They can join forces to figure out what Ron is really up to. And who sent Ron that threatening letter, since it wasn't Julia?

I had thought that they might have Ron telling H or Rick some information he knew about the Russians and use that as a way to segue into the finale, but that didn't happen.

Rick's tie did look like the one he wore in Chip/Tuck, but I was so busy looking at his handsome face, I barely noticed the tie this time. I didn't really look at the tie until his later scene with Ryan and Tara.

Ryan has matured and is more in control and confident. That was scary when Julia shot at him because it looked like she might have hit him for a second there, even though we knew he'd be in good enough shape to arrest her.

It's maddening how they don't give David Lee Smith enough screentime. I hope he finally gets more--a lot more--next season.

I liked Travers out in the field. He fit right in out there, and looked good, too.

Poor Kyle, having to see his mom go cuckoo. I was glad she didn't shoot herself. And now she's in the Fruitloop Factory where she can recover. In the end, I didn't want her character to get killed off. But it should be a slow recovery. I don't want her to interfere with my H/Rick. Unless, of course, there's going to be a threesome.

I loved Eric's comment to Ryan about the leather pants. :lol:

I loved Ryan's comment about the hooved animal. :lol:

Poor Horatio blamed himself for Julia's deteriorating. Awww, handsome heroic H.
And now she's in the Fruitloop Factory

:guffaw:That's one of the funniest terms for a psych ward I've ever heard. :lol:

I do agree that Rick needs more scenes. :D Hopefully he'll be back more than two eps next season and he'll be working side-by-side with Horatio. :)
And now she's in the Fruitloop Factory

:guffaw:That's one of the funniest terms for a psych ward I've ever heard. :lol:

I do agree that Rick needs more scenes. :D Hopefully he'll be back more than two eps next season and he'll be working side-by-side with Horatio. :)

Oh, I sure hope so. I really loved this ep, and at the end of it, I had the most awesome sense of peace, because nothing bad happened to my Rick. All feels right with the world, and I'm already ready to have a great summer. We'll have to do a lot of writing while we're waiting for season 8 to start. :)
The baddie said that they were killed because "they didn't follow directions." In other words, it was a senseless killing.

Thank you HnStetlerFan :). I was left kind of confused about that. The guy did look the part to commit senseless killings. He was so unmoved and unrepentant about the whole thing.

I liked Travers out in the field. He fit right in out there, and looked good, too.

I can't believe I forgot to mention Travers on my post. I loved that he was out in the field and his interaction with Cal and Eric. More of Travers, please :D.