One CSI explaining the procedure to another has been done LOTS of times before. It's not to show that the other one is smarter or dumber, but as a way to explain to the public what the heck is going on. Calleigh has explained procedures before to the guys, Horatio has explained procedures, the lab techs have done it also, and this is not the first time Eric has (to Calleigh or anyone else). I won't mention Ryan and Natalia because I don't remember a scene right now but I wouldn't be surprised they had explained procedure also. Like I said, it's a method to let the audience in on what's going on. A lot of times when this has been done before I've thought "oh come they other one should know that", but I understand it's the way they explain it to ME cause I don't know it. Plus I've always seen Eric as the one who usually (not always) works on the prints so the fact that maybe he knows a different procedure is not so surprising. Calleigh spends a lot of her time on bullets not necessarily on prints. So if something different came along (which seems to happen a lot in Miami, since they are always so high tech) then it's not farfetched that she's getting new info. Plus the fact that Calleigh is a more senior CSI doesn't mean she knows everything about everything. But like I said, its not the first time and the audience needs to know...Florry86
TPTB pretending that Eric is smarter than Calleigh...classy . I've never seen such a dumb Calleigh as the one I've seen today, especially in this scene.
I, for one, am glad that they explain things to each other. Otherwise I'd have no clue what certain compounds or some procedures are. That's one of the things I like about this show (and Abby's somewhat long-winded explanations on NCIS). I personally, am now a smarter person.
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