First of all, I deleted my post because I realized that I didn't state my comments the right way and they were therefore very misunderstood. I apologize for that. I've not been feeling well these past few days, so my mind isn't completely clear and I'm sometimes not able to say correctly what I'm trying to say. I would appreciate it if those who quoted my earlier post (which has now been deleted) would delete my earlier comments from their posts as well. And I will try to better express my thoughts in this post.
Secondly, I just want to make it clear that I was NOT bashing anyone. I am truly sorry if anyone got that impression, but that was not my intention at all.
What I meant was this: Ryan seemed very out of character (to me) in that scene and as a Ryan fan, that upset me. I have very little issue with Natalia in that scene. She responded true to character, but Ryan is a different story. That scene in my honest opinion would have been better suited for Valera (or possibly even Tara) and Natalia rather than Ryan and Natalia (which means it would have had to have taken place in the lab rather than at the crime scene).
I meant absolutely no disrespect to E/C or any shippers of E/C and again, I apologize if my comments were taken that way.
The Ryan/Natalia scene would have bothered me just as much if it had been Horatio/Yelina (whom I do ship) they were talking about (if H/Y were together and the audience were already aware of it). It just seemed weird and out of place to me. And Ryan just wasn't the right person to be having that conversation... or at least not the right person to start it. It didn't come off as comic relief to me at all. Perhaps if it had been Valera as opposed to Ryan it would have, but... The only funny part to me personally was Natalia's "lalala". The rest was just weird for me because it was Ryan when it should have been someone else. That's just my honest opinion.
And while some co-workers may gossip about other co-workers, what I wonder is why the writers showed us that scene. Is there a bigger reason for it than just to have Ryan/Natalia conversing while doing their jobs? I just didn't understand what the writers' intentions were with that scene, that's all. And I mean NO disrespect toward the writers. I just didn't understand why it was in this particular episode. If it had been in an episode before "Sink or Swim", it would have been something I would have understood better, but now it just leave me a bit
The only other point I was trying to make was, we (the audience) know E/C are together and therefore I personally didn't understand the reason for that scene with Ryan/Natalia (since it wasn't comic relief to me). What was the purpose of the scene? I just don't understand the reason to have co-workers gossping about them. It felt to me like that scene was out of place because they're already together and the audience already is aware of that fact. If there was still the "are they, aren't they" aspect to the storyline, then that scene would have made more sense. But, since E/C are already together, it just seemed odd to me. Again, no disrespect intended.
I apologize if my comments were misinterpreted. I realize its difficult to understand someone's meaning and tone when you're only reading their comments rather than hearing their voice. But, I never mean to bash. I hope that I've explained my thoughts better now. I apologize that I stunk at it earlier. I'm not always able to express my thoughts that well. Sometimes my mind just gets all jumbled and the thoughts come out kind of jumbled as well, so they're harder to understand and easier to misinterpret. That's my fault and I apologize. I'll try to do better from now on.
Please feel free to ask me to clarify my opinions anytime and I will gladly do so. Honestly, its very hurtful to be accused of bashing, especially when that was most certainly not the intention. Therefore from now on, I'm going to try to better express my opinions so that hopefully, they won't be misinterpreted again.
I guess to sum up, the whole episode left me a bit confused. :lol: But then again, as my cousin says, it's not hard to confuse me. :lol: