Episode #605: 'Deep Freeze' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

I wouldn't go that far to give this a 8 but I'll giv it a 7. Give Eric a break, he deserves it after what hes been through the last year or so. That was funny when Stetler mistook their hug for something else. I was happy when Alexx got alot of screen time. you go girl! Oh yeah, Nat is one lucky girl, getting a hug from Eric.
The episode was quite good...not the best...but it was good :D
just few considerations:
- Jake...I love him :D ....It was evident he didn't want to leave Calleigh...he lovese her too much for it...and he made me cry the way he told her to step back ....I mean that sentenc was too forced..and by that stupid "Stetler's tule" :mad:

-Calleigh....poor girl....she was almost crying :(
*takes a box of cleenex being so sad for Calleigh*
what a sad episode for her :(
Gosh I hate the authors when they treat her in such a miserable way....guys please...give her own beatiful private life with Jake...he's the best one for her ;)
-Eric....I just hated him...what a big mistake :mad: and then he easily called Calleigh just to tell her "ooops I put you in such a big trouble :D " ....Gosh I hated it.
I hated him more right after her conversation with Jake ...he arrived knowing perfectly what happend and told her "ooh you're alone...I'll come with you" :mad:
Eric you need a long vacation ...really...that bullet is speaking for you ;)
and WWWWWWWWWOOOOOO.... How could he move Natalia's shoulder? :eek: you must be a medical doctor to do it :eek: ?

-Ryan is still working at the shooting range :lol: ....poor boy :lol:

-Alexx craked me up the whole time especially when she was performing the virtual autopsy...poor girl...she was freezing :lol: :lol: Go Alexx!!!! :D

ps: For everyboy who told that thing...Jake wasn't flirting with Alexx....he was just observing her....you know she's strange in everything she deos or tells...and for Jake that was his first meeting with her...he was just looking at her in a funny way..
Why do you always have to find something bad in Jake? ....I mean Calleigh fell in love with him..there must be a reason...and if you don't like him you don't have to find every time something disgusting about Jake or even worse about Johnny ;)
So I just got done watching this weeks ep and it was on the interesting end of the tv programing stick.

It was ovbious from the get go that the wife did it. I picked that up when she whipped out the court injunction about freezing the body. A bit too prepared aren't we lady.

Calleigh and Jake. From day one something about Jake bugged me, but to be such a butt to someone you are dating because Stetler is now choosing to listen to the people above him is just plain sleezy. I was kind of hoping that Calleigh would punch him in the face.

Eric opened his mouth, yes that wasn't the good thing. But Stetler didn't bother to ask what was going on he just assumed that they were hooking up in the evidence locker. Here I was hoping Calleigh would punch Eric or step on his foot with the heels.

Ryan, the moonlighting at the gun range seems to e wearing on you. Try the mall security like someone suggested, it might lead to some fun chases of criminals. Serioulsy this kid needs his CSI job back!!

I love how Alexx was up in the faces of the wife and doctor. She wasn't going to stop down and she told them how it is. Though why didn't they give her a jacket when she was in the cold room with the scanner?

Natalia..something tells me she's not going to be passing the gun test in the near future, especially with the shoulder in the present state. But it was nice to see the sneaking of the ice pack from Ryan.

I wish H had been a bit more involved, it seemed like he was off visiting Kyle in prison for most of te ep.

I give it a 7 out of 10. It was enjoyable but it was missing something that I can't put my finger on.
ok 3 points about this episode
1)poor calleigh!this new rule is a crap!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:
she is a csi and jake a detective..there isn't conflicts
i don't like this part of the episode!to forced for me!
2)i start to hate delko!
why he talk about call and jake?????he really didn't need to tell everything to stetler!
he was so stupid! :mad:
3)jake flirting with alexx?
this is ridiculous :rolleyes:
wolfesgamergirl said:
So I just got done watching this weeks ep and it was on the interesting end of the tv programing stick.

It was ovbious from the get go that the wife did it. I picked that up when she whipped out the court injunction about freezing the body. A bit too prepared aren't we lady.

Calleigh and Jake. From day one something about Jake bugged me, but to be such a butt to someone you are dating because Stetler is now choosing to listen to the people above him is just plain sleezy. I was kind of hoping that Calleigh would punch him in the face.

Eric opened his mouth, yes that wasn't the good thing. But Stetler didn't bother to ask what was going on he just assumed that they were hooking up in the evidence locker. Here I was hoping Calleigh would punch Eric or step on his foot with the heels.

Ryan, the moonlighting at the gun range seems to e wearing on you. Try the mall security like someone suggested, it might lead to some fun chases of criminals. Serioulsy this kid needs his CSI job back!!

I love how Alexx was up in the faces of the wife and doctor. She wasn't going to stop down and she told them how it is. Though why didn't they give her a jacket when she was in the cold room with the scanner?

Natalia..something tells me she's not going to be passing the gun test in the near future, especially with the shoulder in the present state. But it was nice to see the sneaking of the ice pack from Ryan.

I wish H had been a bit more involved, it seemed like he was off visiting Kyle in prison for most of te ep.

I give it a 7 out of 10. It was enjoyable but it was missing something that I can't put my finger on.

I'm not sure if anyone has asked this (if they have sorry to repeat), but has Natalia EVER fired a gun, because right now she is acting like she has no idea what in the heck she's doing.
Yeah she started learning how to fire a gun in the premiere but she had never fired a shotgun before last night's ep. I mean the whole point of having a trainer there is to let him show you how to use the gun, not just pick it up and wham.

At least she is hitting the target now though.
delkolover said:
Yeah she started learning how to fire a gun in the premiere but she had never fired a shotgun before last night's ep. I mean the whole point of having a trainer there is to let him show you how to use the gun, not just pick it up and wham.

At least she is hitting the target now though.

My thoughts exactly. Let the trainer show you what to do not just go Ok I can do this. I'm beginning to think that she shouldn't be allowed to have a gun. I'm watching the show and not even there, but she's scaring me. :lol:
My thoughts -
1. Midnight_tiptoes, thank you so much for the laugh! I needed that :)
2. Will someone please arrest Rick Stetler for fashion crimes against humanity? Pink and purple!!?? No wonder he suddenly looks older - naaasty colors on him!
3. Eric sure tried to put Rick in his IAB place - looove how Eric threw his relationship with Yelina back in his face, the hypocritical jerk.
4. Sorry all CaKe fans, but if Jake could break it off that quick and unilaterally, he didn't care for Calleigh that much and pretty much just used her for a good time. Calleigh, you can do much better! Find someone who would have been willing to talk things over, perhaps be more covert about your relationship if need be, etc.
5. Go Alexx!! I loved how she got more air time than usual and stood up to the cryogenic creep.
6. Oh how I flinched when Eric put Natalia's shoulder back in place! Eva did a great job with that scene. She made it look like it hurt - A LOT!

The story itself was pretty lame, but the side stories were much better. I'd give it a 6/10 overall.
wolfesgamergirl said:
Eric opened his mouth, yes that wasn't the good thing. But Stetler didn't bother to ask what was going on he just assumed that they were hooking up in the evidence locker.
Thank you! It wasn't entirely Eric's fault for mentioning Jake and Calleigh.
In all defense for Natalia, real life csi's aren't exactly supposed to be a "natural" at shooting. Eva said in an interview that when her & Ann Donahue were discussing the storyline that it wasn't uncommon for someone in that field to be a "bad shot". As for the scene w/ the gun, RICH should of been the one helping her w/ it. Im sure most REAL instructors would have given her some support w/ it but the idiot just stood there continuing to bug her about going to dinner, which I might add, she seemed rather unintersested in this freaky dude. Not to mention, he didn't even ask her if her arm was ok after she hurt it. What an ass!
Okay, I told myself I wouldn't rant about Jake outside the appropriate ship threads, but apparently I have no self-control and some of the arguments are just that illogical.

If anybody's defending Jake's decision to tell Calleigh they should "cool off" because he's trying in some twisted, psychopathic way to protect her (like from choosing between the work that she loves and the man that she, for the sake of argument, loves), give me a fucking break. There's no way Calleigh would have to make the choice between Jake or work, because she has seniority about fifty times over and is infinitely more valuable to MDPD than Jake could ever hope to be. If IAB were to request a transfer be made, it would be on Jake's ass, not Calleigh's. Don't you think he knows that?

Besides, it was only *pending* changes in department policy. I don't know about you guys, but if I loved someone, I wouldn't go and break up with him five minutes after an asshole like Stetler told me I couldn't work with that person anymore. Jake is the one who made the choice of his career over Calleigh, twice, and there's no hiding behind chivalry on that one.

Apparently (don't quote me on this), future spoilers indicate that for whatever strange reason, Calleigh still hasn't kicked Jake in the face in the next few episodes, so I'm basing the above analysis on what happened in this episode only.
I can totally understand why your seeing it this way but I don't think Jake saying "lets take a step back" was him breaking up w/ her but more like saying that they should cool off & stay low-key for a while. Thats how I took it, anyway. If their going to break up im sure TPTB will make it much later in the season & will be over something big that he's done, but not this.
Whether he meant he wants to break up or not, there's nothing positive about what he said. Jake has commitment issues, as seen last episode when he brushed off Calleigh's coffee maker suggestion, as well as the very fact it was hinted last season that the end of J/C the first time was because Jake went to work undercover and obviously couldn't lug around a cop girlfriend. Maybe he grew up, but he sure hasn't changed.

I don't agree that "cooling off" and "low-key" are the same at all. If he meant, "let's stay low-key so Stetler gets off our ass," he should've just come out and said it. "Cooling off" and "taking a step back" sound really negative to me, like he's doubting whether or not this whole relationship deal is a good idea.
speed_cochrane said:
Alternatively, please use the 'Notify Moderator' button instead of responding to a post you may find offensive.
Sure, I'll do that right now. And Delkolover, it doesn't seem like she's a fan of the show, period. Attacking almost every regular of the show is not what I call fan behavior. So do elaborate, please. There was nothing positive in her post at all, and it seems like the only reason she is here is to talk trash about the show. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but it pisses me off when somebody goes to a forum just to say negative, offensive things.
I understand you may be upset with what others have to say and I'm sorry you feel this way. However if we were all to have the same reactions and opinions, it would become rather boring in here pretty fast. ;)

dogbert14 said
Attacking almost every regular of the show is not what I call fan behavior.

Just because some may be displeased with a character, it doesn't necessarily mean they aren't a fan of the show. There are things we like and things we don't like about our favourite hour of television. Posters may criticize the characters of the show all they want as long as they back up what has been said and there are no inflamatory attacks on the actors themselves--which I have not seen.

So again, I'm sorry you're offended by what has been said, but it is all acceptable within our Board Rules. If you wish to discuss this further, please send me a PM.