Okay, to get it out of the way, I CAN'T wait for Monday!!!...this weekend is going to be murder on my nerves. I have to say, watching the promo (let's just say, numerous times), will bide me over until then. God, it's a sin for him to be that damn fine.
Now, I said three years ago, that I don't care in what form or fashion they brought him back in , I would take it. And when I heard that he was in fact returning, but as a figment (allegedly) I was somewhat put off. Now, I'm a little in between- I'm slapdamntasic over the moon that he's back, but sad that it's only for a short while. It will be cool to see him in Miami once more
I find it slightly hilarious that all the talk is of Speed- and not the ep itself. I guess that they are getting what they wanted (TPTB) in the form of serious numbers, the fans are getting what they wanted (well, Speed!), and well, Rory's a step away from getting what he wanted (to be done completely).
I'm just happy that I get to see Speed again! :lol:
Monday can't come fast enough!