Whoa! While it's a bit of a shock that Ryan got his @$@$ fired, I can't say that I was too surprised either. Given all the trouble that Horatio's had with Stetler and IA, and given the fact that Erik Delko got his work questioned due to his injuries and the marijuana issue and all the static from the County Supervisor, not to mention that Horatio gave him a chance to come clean and admit to what was going on but Ryan chose to lie to him, he shouldn't be surprised he's been bounced from the Crime Lab. Now it looks like next week he's going to be feeding his desire to be on TV and parlay his old job into a consulting reporter's gig on that TV station with the blonde reporter. Sad, sad, sad, Mr. Wolfe.
I live in Houston, and there was a Seargent with HPD whom I won't name that did this segment on a Houston station for about a year or two. The guy was trying to parlay his HPD job into some version of COPS or America's Most Wanted, and after a year, HPD fired him because he revealed too much about HPD's police procedures and crime lab to the general public. Of course, recently HPD's DNA lab within crime lab has been exposed for having sloppy procedures, making them look like LV's day shift or Miami's night shift.
In any event, the Miami Crime lab, particularly Horatio's shift, is on a VERY SHORT LEASH and Ryan was a FOOL to not come clean with H. I like the character, but I DO NOT FEEL SORRY FOR HIM in the least after all that went down.
It was nice to see Yelena again, but that Bryant dude was a SLEAZE and I hope he gets the Grey Bar Hilton for his residence for the next few years. The whole story was just plain sad really. However, I'm getting fed up with all the rich folks they keep on showing in Miami. What happened to the folks in Overton Loop, or all the Cuban Americans in their barrios like we saw in earlier seasons? WTF?
I was a bit amused at what happened to poor Frank Tripp's car. I bet he had good insurance to replace it with. Still, between the land mine and the rocket powered water heater demolishing his car, I wouldn't be placing any bets if I were him!!!