Episode #517 'A Grizzly Murder' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

:( Not for me. I'm taping it and watching it tomorrow after I get back from school.

*grumbles* stupid school work comming between me and Miami...
Yeah well same here, even though the work is forensic science... :lol: Nothing ever comes between me and Horatio. I always take the hour off to watch the episodes. :)
Calleigh's knee-highs return!!!

Horatio's Latino women fetish is starting to get really creepy.

Oh it's not creepy. Latino woman are obviously very attractive, and are attrected to Horatio. :lol: Thanks for the tidbits guys! They're keeping me alive!
midnight_tiptoes said:
Horatio's Latino women fetish is starting to get really creepy.

:lol: As an Hispanic woman myself, I'm kind of glad he does :D

Ryan's hairdo in this episode is really HOT!!! And I like what Calleigh's wearing despite the fact that she has her pants tucked into her knee-high boots like a supervillain again :lol:

Ugh...why are they playing an outdated Akon song?
Aw. Horatio has a new love interest.

I can see it now... Horatio, save me! He does. They fall madly in love and then she gets killed by that supervisor guy.

This episode was blah. I was more interested in doing a sukudo puzzle. Though, the end was good, much better then the whole show.

They did keep the Delko thing going, but it's just getting less and less, it's little things here and there, just mere mentions so we think they haven't forgotten. Give it time, it will magically go away. Some Horatio drama will will take over and cover everything like a dark thick cloud.

Calleigh looked stunning, as usual. But I'm getting bored with her having to sit in the intergation room so much. I love that she gets to be rough and tough, but I want to see her in the field more, getting into the thick of it.

Blah episode. End.


Gross. And how dare he make googly eyes at a woman so soon after meeting with Stetler. Horatio, you two-timing whore!
I have to admit this episode was very dry, slow and boring. They are doing to Eric what they did with Ryan's eye; throwing in little things to remind us that he was hurt and eventually there will be some major revelation concerning it and then it will be no more. Typical.

I too am getting a little bored of boring Calleigh. The girl needs to kick some ass. She is a major female star in a show, give her somehithing constructive to do. I noticed this at the beginning of the season too; they seemed to keep her in the lab supervising and interogating than actually getting her out there and kicking some criminal ass.

Well sweeps are over and now we have to wait until I think April to get some new eps to hopefully not dry heave over. Why can't the entire season be sweeps?!
I wasn't overly impressed although I loved H's last line "its the only thing I know how to do" that was great...other than that...nothing overly exciting. Although we can't really expect an "on-the-edge-of-your-seat-oh-my-god!" kind of thing so soon after a near character death.

and the hispanic girl thing...so predictable. H needs branch out a little more...not that there's anything wrong with hispanic women. :)
I was disappointed in this episode...the only thing that caught my interest was the situation with the supervisor...that could make for a very interesting future conflict for Horatio if the writers can run with it.
*sighs* Horatio has got another damsel in distress. :rolleyes:
And someone needs to tell the wardrobe department that Valentine's day is long over. :lol: I just love how the guys were in pink and the girls were in red. :lol:

I agree with whoever said it was dry and boring. I've been more thrilled with CSI: LV's cases lately. I love Miami the most, but that's only because my favorite guy is in it. ;)

When Horatio went up against that 'supervisor' I just thought, 'Oh no, here we go again. It's the judge all over again.' :rolleyes:
Pretty good episode. I got a good laugh at the end when Stetler said he wouldn't be able to help Horatio if he went after the Supervisor.

I definatly agree Ricks return has to be connected to Horatio especially after his comment to the girl she says something about you really do believe all that serve and protect, and he responds that's all he knows how to do.

Makes me wonder. I just wish that the writers would stop giving Horatio and Eric a hard road to travel. Geez I mean not everyone has that gray rainy cloud that follows them around. :(

Think happy thoughts writers.... happy thoughts! :D