Episode #517 'A Grizzly Murder' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

Yeah I wonder who came up with that combination!! :lol: It sounds interesting and since this is the last new ep for a while, I hope it is at least interesting.
speed_cochrane said:
I'm also glad we have a case back in The Everglades. That location is such a recognizable site, so it's always great to see them investigating out there. It makes the whole atmosphere change, and really gives that feeling that they're in Miami. :)

True, but if they're gonna add Alexx, Eric and a bushfire, I'll pull my hair out :lol: That's TOO much continueity.

I hope this is a good episode because we won't be getting new ones for a month(?). They better satisfy my needs so live through that. Then again, in Holland they're probably continueing to air season 5 soon, so I'm good.
It's airing today! *squee* See, i'm glad CSI Miami is on mondays, because it's the ONLY highlight of the day! :lol: Well, there's also RT. RT was in the everglades too. :D Ah crap, gotta get back to chem class. :)
UK doesn't even have a start date for S5 :mad:. I keep trying to find out, but no luck so far. Other channels are more helpful and give trailers for at least a month ahead... :mad: :mad: :mad:
Oh well, just have to put up with the promos on CBS.
Annwn said:
UK doesn't even have a start date for S5 :mad:. I keep trying to find out, but no luck so far. Other channels are more helpful and give trailers for at least a month ahead... :mad: :mad: :mad:
Oh well, just have to put up with the promos on CBS.

They won't start showing the new season of Miami over here until they finish airing both NY and LV. I don't know why they decided to do it like that, it sucks for Miami fans, but I guess it's just their way of making sure they have something new to show later in the year. Expect it to start airing around summer/fall. :(
That sucks for you guys. And I am not being sarcastic...I truly feel for you. With everything that has happened this season, especially this month alone, you guys really miss out and I think it is stupid the way they have the scheduling set up by you.

They do the same thing with the U.S. and the U.K. for Scifi Channel shows. Here in the U.S. we get the beginning half of the season while they are still in repeats from last season, then over here we go into hiatus but the U.K. starts the season and runs all the way through till the end. Which means they actually end up seeing the new eps before we even come out of hiatus. It is so messed up. When a new season is set to begin it should begin at the same time in whatever country it is shown.

Just my two cents.....now onto the fact that I am stoked about Stetler being and am dying to know why he dares to show his face in the lab.
I’m cautiously optimistic about this episode. I mean, the past few episodes were great (even with a few minor flaws), and I can see that the writers' are trying to bring the show back to its roots ever so slowly. But this can easily turn into a really good episode, or a really bad episode with the whole grizzly/prostitute storyline. I just hope it swings to the really good side.

I wouldn’t be surprised if Stetler was back because of Eirc’s mistake; there have been small bits of continuity here and there throughout season five, and it’s refreshing to see. But what puzzles me is why it took so long. I mean, when it was believed that Eric spilt the HCl in “Innocent”, Stetler zoomed over to the lab in the speed of light. Now, it seems to have taken a while before we see Stetler come by, and even then we have no idea why he’s there. And if he is there because of the last episode, then where was he when Eric got shot? IAB was involved in every other time an officer got shot, so why not now?

Please, writers, I beg for a return of continuity with this episode.
Just my two cents.....now onto the fact that I am stoked about Stetler being and am dying to know why he dares to show his face in the lab.

I'm totally with you on that Delko. :) Stetler's being a dick....more than usual lately.
My only question is....why is it whenever IAB pops in or shows its face does it always have to do with Eric? Eric is always getting into trouble with IAB....I mean c'mon already pick on someone else as afar as IAB are concerned. Leave the poor guy alone for a little while jeez :p
Any other time, I'd get annoyed if it were to do with Eric, but this time, I really want it to be. I want them to keep this storyline going. The last thing I want them to do is brush this under the carpet.
Oh I am not trying to say that....I want continuity as well but it just seems that Eric always has IAB after him....and it with everything going on right now it is the last thing he needs.

If everyone in the lab didn't know Eric made the mistake then I would say Calleigh would have swept it under the rug b/c the last she wants is Eric to lose his confidence....same would apply to Horatio if he had been involved in the incident.

I kind of have the feeling, based on what Ausiilo said about Horatio's luck running out about how he has a tendancy to shoot the perp before anything bad happens or before someone gets hurt that Stetler's return has something to do with that but a larger part of me feels it is about Eric and the mistake he made.
CSI Ali, love your icon. ;) :lol:

By the way, hows tha 20 tho debt with Eric been going? I haven't heard anything about that. And then there's the bill from the hospital...unless being a CSI covers that. Which it probably does. :lol:
I would assume the hospital bill is covered since he got shot in the line of duty....if not man he going to have to go back and live with his parents :lol:
Oh boy. If he did...*shudders* That'll be sad too. Maybe Eric won't remember his family to well, and when he says "Where's Marisol?" the family will start crying. :(

Yeah but he still has to pay that 20 thousand. :mad: That stupid bitch con.