Episode #517 'A Grizzly Murder' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

I’m surprised that Eric’s parents aren’t taking a more active role in his life right now. I mean, their daughter is killed, their son is handed a lawsuit and now he gets shot in the head. If I were them, heck I would lock Eric in the house and never let him leave.

You’re right, delkolover. It seems that IAB gravitates more towards Eric than anyone else. I wonder why :confused:. I do want to see what comes out of IAB in this episode though; there’s so much potential under there. Use it writers!
I've been wondering about Eric's financial situation, especially since Marisol bled him dry last season too. I'm guessing that's another thing we're supposed assume the almighty H took care of. ;)

Oh, and thanks. Me too! :D

delkolover said:
Oh I am not trying to say that....I want continuity as well but it just seems that Eric always has IAB after him....and it with everything going on right now it is the last thing he needs.

Oh, yeah, I get what you're saying. But I'd be happy with it if it were all about continuity. Plus, I'm hoping if Stetler gets involved, he might actually see some stuff between him and Eric. I don't quite know how they've done it, but the show has managed to put Eric through more crap than anybody on the show (and more than anybody humanly deserves) yet kept him from ever being the center of attention! After something as big as this, a little focus on Eric wouldn't go a miss, y'know. :rolleyes:

As for Calleigh's reaction, it's been just as fascinating to me as Eric's ordeal. Seeing Calleigh as vulnerable as she was in the hospital is something completely new. Calleigh is usually so in control of her emotions, no matter what is going on around her, yet in this instance, she can't be. She's just too emotionally involved to distance herself from this. It's great to see this other side of her, and it's one of the reasons I really want them continue Eric's storyline. About it being swept under the rug, I think Calleigh, and possibly Horatio if he were involved later, would try and keep it as quiet as possible, but there are still channels they have to go through when a mistake like that occurs, so they wouldn't be able to hide it completely, especially from somebody as nosy as Rick is. :p Nevertheless, if Stetler's return does have something to do with Eric, you can bet both of them will be right there ready to throw themselves on the sword for him. :D

I kind of have the feeling, based on what Ausiilo said about Horatio's luck running out about how he has a tendancy to shoot the perp before anything bad happens or before someone gets hurt that Stetler's return has something to do with that but a larger part of me feels it is about Eric and the mistake he made.

I forgot about that spoiler. It's a possibility, but like I said, I am much more interesting in them probing deeper into Eric's story. It has the potential, and so far has seemed to, bring out a new side in everybody. And me likes that. Alot. :D
Wow, maybe the IAB does have something agaisnt Eric. I dunno, maybe because his mother was in the country illegaly...?

5 more hours...
Haven't posted here in a while and I'm glad to come back and read some interesting view points from everyone.

I actually never even thought of the IAB being after Eric for the mistake but that's a huge possibility and I'm sure if that would happen tons of drama is sure to ensue. And dang, if somehow it came out that Eric's mother was in this country illegally (although that would be a huge unrealistic stretch, IMO), that would be crazy.

I think it would be just super if IAB was there for Calleigh... But then again, I'm a Calleigh fiend. Good or bad, I want it all to be about Calleigh!

Anyway, it would be nice to see Calleigh just sort of make Eric's mistake disappear but Stetler catches on, and bum-bum-bum, Calleigh is up for review.

But... *sigh* It will most likely be about Horatio. Everything is about Horatio. Does anyone else think Horatio should go to a police convention in Alaska and not come back for a long while?


I bet 10 peanut M&Ms the whole Delko thing will slowly disappear, even his scar. Gone. Just gone. Poof. Like Calleigh's father. Yelina. Ray and Ray Jr. Oops. We forgot all about them.

Elite, once again. Aren't we getting a tadbit bored with the same people each and every weak. Poor and old people live in Miami too, dang it.

That's all I have to say.

But... *sigh* It will most likely be about Horatio. Everything is about Horatio.

Oh i'm down with that. ;)

Does anyone else think Horatio should go to a police convention in Alaska and not come back for a long while?


No i do NOT think that...

Not. Funny.

Yelina. Ray and Ray Jr. Oops. We forgot all about them.

Oh don't remind me...

Well i don't care much for Ray anymore. Only Yelina and Ray Jr.

And i rather likes Delko's scar. ;)

Elite, once again. Aren't we getting a tadbit bored with the same people each and every weak. Poor and old people live in Miami too, dang it.

Well you are right. But what do you want next? Frosty the Snowman getting stabbed by an icicle?

...How could a snoman and a icicle be in Miami anyways? *scratches head* :lol: 4 hours and 20 more minutes!
Sorry. Didn't mean to offend. :)

Anyways... Does anyone know if anything else is happening in the show, beside IAB and the bear... Maybe the bear eats Stelter. *teehee*

:D :D Stetler! I'm now officially excited for this episode. Even if I do have to wait for tomorrow to watch it, as always.
Its ok! I couldn't stay mad at any of you! *hugs Meghan*

Oh wow that never occured to me....maybe the bear DOES eat Stetler! :lol:

Uh all i know is Stetler, the bear, and a show girl and her guard with a illegal prosituition ring. Or something of the like.
That could either be the description of a really scary nightmare... or the wildest party in town!

I wonder if we actually get to see the bear. As in a real bear. But then again, I never saw the preview for this episode, so maybe there is a scene with a real bear and I missed it.
^ ...wow. Good point! :lol:

I'm not so sure of seeing the bear. Either we have a flash of the hunters seeing a big dark object move towards them through the trees, or we actually get one of the fancy trained bears. :D Only 3 hours and 23 minutes to find out!
Lol, Hunter first I LOVE your icon/avie...that's gorgeous! :D And I gotta say I kinda hope we don't actually see the bear...it makes it more scary when it's this ghostly shape that you're not sure what it is...actually seeing makes it less scary ya know....just my thought! ;)
^Thanks. :) No wonder everyone loves cinegirl. :lol: She made it for me, and i love her for it. :D

Yeah, these are the only words i can find everywhere about the episode.

A hunter is attacked and killed by a black bear, but the evidence suggests the victim may have been set up as bait. The investigation reveals the death may be a cover-up for the murder of a high-priced hooker and her bodyguard who were part of an illegal prostitution ring servicing elite clients in Miami.

*shrugs* That's all.

2 more hours! *squee* THEN we'll have some answers...