Episode #517 'A Grizzly Murder' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

I'm guessing (or rather, hoping) that Stetler's return has something to do with Eric and the mistake he made last week. Really, I just want some more continuity. They have a prime opportunity to make a really good storyline out of this, please use it!

Happy Birthday, Thumps! :D
Thanks Ali. :D

I agree...sitting here thinking about it, that's the only thing I could come up with as well to explain Stetler's return, I really hope it proves to be true. We all know that continuity isn't always this show's strong suit, and it would be quite refreshes to get a dose of it. ;)
Yay, Stetler's back!
LOL YAY!!!!! Stetlers back.
*gives major WTF look* ...Why is everyone happy that Stetler's back? I'm pretty much the opposite.

Actually once i think about it, it'll give Horatio or someone a chance to say something insulting to Stetler. *smiles* :) Ok good. Now i can't wait for the episode...
Hunter said:
Yay, Stetler's back!
LOL YAY!!!!! Stetlers back.
*gives major WTF look* ...Why is everyone happy that Stetler's back? I'm pretty much the opposite.

Actually once i think about it, it'll give Horatio or someone a chance to say something insulting to Stetler. *smiles* :) Ok good. Now i can't wait for the episode...

I can't wait for the episode either. From the previews, it looks pretty good.

As for Stetler, glad to hear that he's coming back. I was beginning to wonder where he'd gone. But then again, I have this thing where I think he's seriously stalking Horatio... :eek:
I can't wait for the episode either. From the previews, it looks pretty good.
On my stupid 5 channel tv, the only time you get previews is 30 seconds before the actual episode!

The only reason i'm a bit happy that Stetler is back is that so someone, particularly Horatio, can do something or say something really mean to him. :devil: (I've been reading too much RT)
Hunter said:
I can't wait for the episode either. From the previews, it looks pretty good.
On my stupid 5 channel tv, the only time you get previews is 30 seconds before the actual episode!

The only reason i'm a bit happy that Stetler is back is that so someone, particularly Horatio, can do something or say something really mean to him. :devil: (I've been reading too much RT)


I find that he does like to irritate Horatio. But H seems to take it in stride. So I find that its good. At first, I really didn't like Stetler. But now, he's sort of grown on me.
Can't wait to see Ed Begley Jr. I just finished watching the short series, "Living with Ed," that he did for HGTV that focused on his environmental activism.
I'm glad to see Stetler back. He's the character we love to hate, and some of us just plain love him anyway. ;) He just has great chemistry with Horatio and it's so much fun to see them duke it out onscreen. :D Besides, despite any other nemesis Horatio has ever had, Rick Stetler is the only character on the good side of the law that can get under his skin and irritate the hell out of him. :lol: It's great to see Horatio silently frustrated. :p

I'm also glad we have a case back in The Everglades. That location is such a recognizable site, so it's always great to see them investigating out there. It makes the whole atmosphere change, and really gives that feeling that they're in Miami. :)

And look! The case is almost unique! I mean, CSI:NY had a guy in a cigarette costume on fire fall to his death, so it would only be fair that we have someone get mauled by a vicious animal. :p
hey who is DC and i want horatio just to give rick stetler a rite big punch right in the middle of the lab so everyone can see lol....

also i want horatio to get shot so that yelina comes back and then they become a couple that would be good

wot does everyone think about horatio and yelina?
Welcome to the Miami forum vikki07. :)

DC is an abbreviated term in reference to David Caruso. ;)

Also, as this is a thread to discuss the upcoming episode 'A Grizzy Murder', please check out the Horatio/Yelina thread down in 'Shipper Central'. ;)
I'm glad to see Stetler back. He's the character we love to hate,
THAT's the expression i was looking for! Thanks you Genevieve! 'We love to hate him', which i do. :lol:

By the way, vikki07, welcome to the thread! And jsut to say this, try to use the least amount of internet slang before the Feds (Mods) pin you down. :lol:
I wonder if Stetler being back has anyhting to do with the mistake Eric made in Broken Home? I'm glad he is back, I do love to hate him!!

If he is not back b/c of Eric, then I wonder what brings him to see H and the team. Basically it raises the question: who made a mistake now?
Whoever made the mistake, we'll all point at Stetler, but of course he'll point it at the team. Like they say, you point one finger; you'll find 3 pointing back at you. :)
Hunter said:
By the way, vikki07, welcome to the thread! And jsut to say this, try to use the least amount of internet slang before the Feds (Mods) pin you down. :lol:

Guys...please leave the modding to the mods. Thanks. :)
Sorry Thumpy, just trying to help people escape your....wrath. :lol: JK, you Feds are realy nice. :) *hugs*

So lemme get this straight. Mondays episode will contain a muder by a grizzly, and a prostitute ring? *silence* A good combo...