Episode # 515 "Man Down" ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

It is true that he's not made of steel, but with all that has happened to H it doesn't surprise me. A lot of people become extremely good at hiding emotion, I'm sure Horatio has a breaking point but right now he has to be strong for everyone else. Although a tear would have been appreciated.

Like I said before too, the Marisol thing was horribly sad. That had my emotions reeling and if I was ever in that situation with someone I have no idea how I'd react. Definitely not as composed as Calleigh was.

I'm still very proud of Togo.
yup ive got to admit togo did do a good job... as a matter of fact he showed more emotion than anyone has since... hmm... maybe since last son... or at least since marisol... ide have to agree with you

BRAVO Togo!!!.... as to DC shed me a tear.... and ill think about it lmao jks...

Excelent job to the cast and crew of csi miami... this was the best written episode to my opinion
Wow, so that moment they stuck that thing in Delko's heart was freaky. :eek: The look on his face... *shudders*

:rolleyes: Like Clavo is that big of a baby. 'I don't have a daddy, poor me!' He was about the best rival H had, and then they ruined it by having him walk right up to the front doors of the police department. How pathetic. *sighs*

I almost snorted when General Cruz asked, "How did I raise such a man?" :rolleyes: I really wonder if he had hardly any part of raising Clavo, or if he just let his mother do that while he worked all the time. Lack a discipline has a lot to do with it too. The guy walked around for years believing that he was about the law and that nobody could touch him.

Another thing that bugged me; Calleigh talks to Delko for about a minute and then decides that he's different. What was so different. Is it just me - do I not know his character well enough?

And why didn't they just swab both hands? They made such a big deal out of picking a hand to swab. I don't remember them making such a big deal out of it before. *Throws hands up*

I'm tired, maybe I'll like this ep better tomorrow.

ETA: Yeah Jon did a great job. It was like he was alone though in his emotions. Everyone else seemed so... nothing. Like maybe they had no idea of how to feel.

That's why Jon's my favorite. :D He made me proud.
athlov said:
Wow, so that moment they stuck that thing in Delko's heart was freaky. :eek: The look on his face... *shudders*

:rolleyes: Like Clavo is that big of a baby. 'I don't have a daddy, poor me!' He was about the best rival H had, and then they ruined it by having him walk right up to the front doors of the police department. How pathetic. *sighs*

I almost snorted when General Cruz asked, "How did I raise such a man?" :rolleyes: I really wonder if he had hardly any part of raising Clavo, or if he just let his mother do that while he worked all the time. Lack a discipline has a lot to do with it too. The guy walked around for years believing that he was about the law and that nobody could touch him.

Another thing that bugged me; Calleigh talks to Delko for about a minute and then decides that he's different. What was so different. Is it just me - do I not know his character well enough?

And why didn't they just swab both hands? They made such a big deal out of picking a hand to swab. I don't remember them making such a big deal out of it before. *Throws hands up*

I'm tired, maybe I'll like this ep better tomorrow.
I was thinking the same thing about swabbing the hands. But I forgot about it because I got excited when Togo slammed the pictures down. I know it's a different scene, but still hahaha. I love when him and/or Eric get angry. It's sexy.

Anyway, I agree with you on the Cruz deal, and I thought his death was a little of a waste. It kind of seemed like a filler to me and served no purpose except to show that Clavo got revenge. Weak.

I think Delko was different, just in the sense that he seemed a hell of a lot weaker, (which is expected), and out of it. To me, he just seemed extremely distant and almost young-sounding... if that makes any sense.
well it was a very emotional episode... but if they took all the technical parts out of the show it would be like a late night sope opera (sry bad speller)... and plus the lack of time.. prevented caliegh from having a longer convo with eric and she know him better than most people... i guess thats what they were tryin to show
Anybody have ideas on music used in this episode? Especially the song played toward the beginning of the show during a montage of Eric in the bed with different folks visiting?
Did anybody get any of the lyrics? Perhaps I can figure it from there...
sry i was focused on what was goin on rather than the lyrics... it was too hard to keep your eyes off eric in that scene lol
I haven't seen it yet so i'll be on the look out. Tomorrow I can watch the recorded one so I'll get them for sure then. :)
So excited! What everyone says after they see it makes it that much more exciting.
1 hour 1 minute! (the big 11)
ure so lucky u get to tape all the episodes... i gotta wait for it to come out on limewire... so i can download it lol.. im still waitin for no mans land... then wen he time comes... man down... i cant wait until this box set comes out... its gonna be all thats on my x mas list lol
csi_pinoy, I'm pretty sure you're not allowed to discuss downloads on here. I'm not a mod so I have no room to tell you about it, butttt just in case :)
csi_pinoy said:
ure so lucky u get to tape all the episodes... i gotta wait for it to come out on limewire... so i can download it lol.. im still waitin for no mans land... then wen he time comes... man down... i cant wait until this box set comes out... its gonna be all thats on my x mas list lol

Please refer to what the Board Rules say about downloading episodes illegally:

As a fan site for a television show, intellectual property is an important topic for us. We cannot legally or morally condone tape-trading in episodes or downloading episodes online, and do not allow discussions on this matter. Any other copyright violations will also not be allowed.

The only legal way to see the episode via the internet are CBS's InnerTube and by purchasing them from iTunes, please do not discuss any other methods of obtaining the episodes.

Hunter said:
36 seconds!! BYE EVERYONE!

Hunter...please see my above post where I stated this is not a countdown thread.

Guys...the off topic chatting and spamming is going to stop or Official Warnings will start being handed out.
Avalia said:
And finally... the memory loss. Geez could that be any more heartbreaking? When he kept asking for Marisol I was dying inside. I couldn't imagine having to relive something so painful all over again

Um. YES, EXACTLY. I'll try for a more detailed review later...for the moment I'm gonna be curled up over here in the corner. Weeping. Missing Marisol.

Even for me that's a short post, though, so I guess I'll add some preliminary thoughts.

1) Calleigh folding the rosary into his hand - absolute high point of the vigil montage, which was in itself quite touching, and is it really awful of me if I'm glad it only included characters featured in the credits before season 5?
2) Angry Ryan. Intense. Second week in a row his emotions have come bleeding through the screen - fantastic.
3) Horatio's face at the end of the teaser. I don't care how many times I saw it in the previews, that look of hopelessness followed by the bowed head kills me. And I love the doctor who kept looking at him and finding renewed energy to keep trying to bring Eric back.
4) ...the ending was kind of ruined by that stupid tear. Honestly. Is an episode just not complete without something completely laughable? I may have to teach myself to visually block it out.