Episode # 515 "Man Down" ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

Hunter said:
Ok, it commercials.

Got a question to ask, can someone start a 'Man Down' thread?? Cuz' when i start one, it's just gonna be shut down. Is it just reserved for Mods? I can't think now. Because i want to start spoilerizing already!!
That's what this thread is for, isn't it? Start spoiling away, the rest of us already have! :lol:
A lot of people think that the tear at the end was horrible. I disagree but I guess that's because I wasn't really focused on the tear itself, rather the whole idea that Eric was realizing Marisol was gone. I knew it was fake, just never really payed attention to it.

*sighs* And now if I go watch the episode again, I bet it's not going to be as heart wrenching. Damnit.
No i'm watchin it and Delko is on the table (shirt off by the way ladies) and he keeps on getting shocked by the pads. The lady Doc won't give up because when ever someone tells her to, she looks a tH through the glass on the door. Then she keeps on going. And then...*sobs*...can't say...OH I WON"T SAY! Watch the episode yourself! I don't want to spoil it TOO much! :( *sobs*
Painted_Shadow said:
Avalia said:
And finally... the memory loss. Geez could that be any more heartbreaking? When he kept asking for Marisol I was dying inside. I couldn't imagine having to relive something so painful all over again

Um. YES, EXACTLY. I'll try for a more detailed review later...for the moment I'm gonna be curled up over here in the corner. Weeping. Missing Marisol.

Even for me that's a short post, though, so I guess I'll add some preliminary thoughts.

1) Calleigh folding the rosary into his hand - absolute high point of the vigil montage, which was in itself quite touching, and is it really awful of me if I'm glad it only included characters featured in the credits before season 5?
2) Angry Ryan. Intense. Second week in a row his emotions have come bleeding through the screen - fantastic.
3) Horatio's face at the end of the teaser. I don't care how many times I saw it in the previews, that look of hopelessness followed by the bowed head kills me. And I love the doctor who kept looking at him and finding renewed energy to keep trying to bring Eric back.
4) ...the ending was kind of ruined by that stupid tear. Honestly. Is an episode just not complete without something completely laughable? I may have to teach myself to visually block it out.

I thought the Calleigh thing was great myself, but I was disappointed by her lack of emotion. I felt that one minute her eyes were teary and the next they weren't. I expected so much more from her and Alexx. Therefore, I completely agree with the angry Ryan comment.

I already commented on the tear thing so I won't beat a dead horse. (Is that even the saying?) :lol:

That biotch that *cough coughc cough*. You know, that Clavo kidnapped? (*unintellagble*) Was talking aback to Horatio. I almost punched the screen again. Of course, Horatio 'won' the arguemnt. All politely as always. *smiles*
OK - so I guess I can post a reply to this episode - but be warned West Coasters!

Yea, so the tear was fake? I fell stupid b/c I didn't notice that - that's pretty lame.
Now, is anyone else confused about the lack of a Speed flashback? I mean, there were several times they could have done it - Did anyone else catch that the diamond store was the SAME STORE Speed was KILLED at? It was totally the same insert shot, at least, but of course the writers were too inept to make the connection.
As for Horatio, I could see the left side of his face was wet at the end - i think he had been crying, and we just missed it.
I really didn't like the whole "Marisol" thing last year - Horatio knows her for like 3 months, and he's all broken up - but Speed, a member of his team for over 2 years, and not a mention? That's wrong.
I did like some parts of this episode - the "vigil" - but I was disappointed with the lack of character interaction. i was hoping it would go a bit more like CSI:NY's finale last year - where the whole team gathered together. I mean, Calleigh said like three words to H the whole episode - I don't get it.
And then Clavo bascially committing suicide? He should've just run off somewhere and plotted his revenge - but nooo Horatio has to kill somebody every freakin' week.
Over all, I concede it was a very emotional episode, but in hindsight, I think it could've been done much better. CSI:Miami producers need to start hiring the people who write on these message boards!
Avalia said:
Who else thinks Jonathan Togo did an excellent job portraying his emotions in this one? In all honesty, aside from the look in Calleigh's eyes, Ryan is the only one who had me convinced that what went on was actually sad.

I agree...the way he slammed those pics down in that one scene made my heart race. Jon Togo has been stepping it up these last few episodes...here's to hoping he keeps up what he's got going on.
I thought everyone's reactions were completely in character. Alexx is the hopeless optimistic and the mommy. She's the one who stayed at the hospital the whole time, going over Eric's file. She's a doctor, and I thought that she found that scientific comfort zone a nice touch. Calleigh has never been emotional and she never will be. She didn't cry when Speed died. She's never faltered when her father has been around. Her boyfriend shot himself in front of her and she didn't freak out. Calleigh's a rock. Tonight was the most emotional we've ever seen her and may ever see her. I thought her reaction was great. I never thought I'd see Calleigh cry. EP's acting was so wooden in the past couple of seasons that I was worried she wasn't going to bring it but she did. I thought her scenes with Eric and Alexx were beautiful.

To be honest, I was a little miffed by Ryan's reaction. I thought it was overacted, but that's different folks for you. I'm a bigger fan of subtle acting because it's much more complicated and tougher for the actor. Anyone can freak out and start yelling. Not a lot of actors can do the "on the verge of tears but can't cry because I have to be in control all the time" that Emily pulled off.
miamirocks, you noticed that too? I thought maybe I was the only person who noticed the Speed death similarity. Now, was that the same store or just extremely close to it?

As soon as they walked into it I was thinking of Speedle :(

Oh my Gaaawddd.... wahhh!!

Cal: You family is on the way here.
Eric: Where's Marisol.....i wanna see my sister....


Alexx: Slower motor skills, slower speech...
Cal: He thinks Marisol is still alive.
Alexx:....memory loss. *looks at Eric* He just not be the same Eric we've known.

Oh, another BIG SPOILER. H and Clavo have a gun face-off, Clavo's father in the middle. Clavo shoots daddy, H is on his knees by the General and General dies. But H is on his knees and it looks HOT! Crap! It's oN! Bye!
I was expecting H to go to that shop, and see that it was where Speed died, and then they would have that flashback to Speed dying. But no, no flashback like I had heard.
Here's what I think about the episode.... feel free to laugh cry and throw things...

Okay... this show....GOD love it, has a way of making expectations
and falling flat on it's face....I was insanely excited about
tonights episode, and could barely wait to get the little one in
bed, my mind wandering off , thinking giddly about the aspect of
actually getting to see Speed once more on screen...

And you know how that panned out... Sadly, there was no 'Special
Appearance by Rory Cochrane' and that was the beginning of my
distraught ( I mean , really , how hard is it for them to acknowledge
him????). From the beginning, I was disappointed, because, I , for
reasons still unknown to me, actually thought that Horatio would
show SOOO much emotion . Surprisingly, I thought the opening scene
lacked the punch to actually get me involoved ( okay, I did hold my
breath when Eric flatlined for like ELEVEN MINUTES... but I
digress). This is Horatio's brother in law, yet there is not a trace
of emotion , even in those blue eyes. And just as with Speed, he
refused to let that emotion surface, instead finding solace in
getting to the bottom of this. I commend him on that, but honestly,
he is a human, no? And please don't hate me for what I'm about to
say, but Ryan actually got me to care about him for like four
seconds. After that, I stared mindlessly at the wretched For Members
Only jacket that he kept on. Moving on.....

The entire storyline was so full of twists, I thought I was going to
lose my mind trying to keep up with it. Clavo was sure a popular guy,
he got the court reporter, the security guard, and the diamond chick
in his corner, as well as a rich papi who didn't care three cents
about him. In the end, I felt bad for Clavo, because when it came
down to it, he was just a lonely soul, seeking a place to belong. And
in that pursuit of belonging, he pissed off one very leathal
lieutenant [ body count at 45 and rising this season alone-just
joking ;)]. I love Clavo for the very reason that he had always been
able to pull out the Horatio that I've grown to like alot , sadly,
that cat and mouse game ended tonight on the steps or rather the
parking lot of the police station ( how easily resolved). But I have
to say, it did remind me some what of High Noon.

And now on the the absurd. I love her to death, but when is Natalia
going to go for her firearms proficency? I mean, honestly, if you
are going to go on crime scenes and have a chance to get fired upon,
you damn well better be packing something more than a mini mag lite.
The scene at the consulate was purely laughable, I thought I was
going to die laughing at her pose, flashlight held high while Horatio
posed with his sword of justice...Hilarious , simply hiliarious!
Oddly, I don't think that they were going for that kind of reaction

Clavo punked out. Simple as that. I realized that he had nothing to
lose or live for now that he was so alone, but really... Meet you at
the parking lot at 3:30? How so high school... Loved the lines that
Clavo said to Horatio and Horatio repeated to him after he shot him
in the heart... 'Take Care.' A father son moment if I ever saw one. I
will miss the way these two acted off of each other. Now, time to
bring back Stetler....* evil grin*

The scenes with Eric were touching, I almost cried when Calleigh went
in to see him and he asked for his dead sister. Sadly, this was his
best work ( Adam Rodriquez), the anguish of not remembering anything
was hitting me so hard...There is a story by the way brewing on
that ... And the last scene with Horatio was just as touching,
although, again, I noticed the lack of emotion on H's part ( Calleigh
almost cried with her scene). The sole tear tracing down Eric's face
when he realizes that Marisol is dead,... my god, that was an
awesome three seconds of footage. It's sad that I saw in the promo
that he will be up walking around once more.

And a nod to those in the art department, thank you for disconnecting
the paint shop pro 7 program for this episode!!! We as fans love you
for that;). However, the editors sadly thought that they could use
the exterior of MacCauly Jewelers slap a new name on the building (
digitally probably )and pass it off as ( I can't even remember the
name of it). Don't they know that we've seen Lost Son a million times
and can recite each frame shot by shot??? Tisk , tisk editors... When
I saw the red convertible, I got all happy, but then was deflated
when there was nary a sight of Horatio or that Speed flashback that
I've been pining for. The hope continues...

All in all, I loved it, but not as much as I thought I would. It
definelty could've mined more emotions, but hey, it's CSI Miami, not
All My Children... wait, am I sure about that? I give it a solid 9.5.

Can't wait to see what you all had to say!

Disclaimer: Thoughts and comments are the sole opinion of Speedfanatic05 and she apologizes in advanced if something was said in
offense. :)

I get what you're saying about Calleigh and in a sense I agree with you, but I think she cracked a little when the boyfriend shot himself. She was huddled in a corner and wouldn't leave. I felt her emotion was better than then it was tonight, but that's just my opinion.

I love her otherwise and agree she is a rock and that she does a great job of holding herself together and being strong, but I wanted to see something. I wanted her to get pissed, something. I'd like to see that girl extremely angry and I guess I should stop hoping because she seems to close her emotions up inside, which is fine and great for her character. She does it best.

I see what you're saying about Alexx as well, but I didn't see/hear the sadness and disappointment in her voice like I usually do. But then again, I was too busy concentrating on what they were actually saying because I was trying to understand the memory loss.

I think I wanted a lot of out-there emotion tonight and it didn't happen. I still think it was good though, and possibly all that emotion would have been a bad thing.

My favorite though, was when Calleigh started to talk to Eric and he spoke of Marisol. I saw her sadness then and felt bad for her.
Doing the happy dance. thank god they didn't kill off Delko, heck I still haven't recovered from the death of Speedle, I'm still waiting for them to bring in his identical twin, yeah I know he didn't have one but remember it's a show and they can make him one..lol stranger things have happened on TV. Now back to Eric, (love him) and the episode was a good one in my opinion, I think they should have let Wolfe kick the s*** out of you know who, heck I would have loved to have seen Calleigh kick his butt too, and Horatio (love him) but he should have popped a few more into klavo..but anyway a few minor fuppah's but heck who cares, Delko is alive. Almost forgot Alexx(love her) One of the best Chief Medical Examiner's on TV. Just so happy you didn't have to do Delko to. but again I'm just happy deko's alive.