Episode # 515 "Man Down" ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

i think this tops... any finaly or season premiers..... i agree a wished H would have shed a tear... that would have made it a perfect episode
delkolover said:
That ep was totally worth the wait....I thought I was going to cry at the end. Awesome, superb, excellent rating as far as I am concerned. Now if the rest is like this is, I will be in heaven :D

Ditto on that delkolover. It was episodes written like this in previous seaons that I got into the show.
I can't believe they gave Eric a CGI tear. That made me laugh.

I know that scene was supposed to be sweet, but anything with Horatio is just so... bleh. I thought Calleigh's visit was much more powerful.
The tear was faked. It was digitally added after the episode was shot. You know, they could've just put eye drops in his eyes. Old school and inexpensive.

For the price of a digital tear you can rescue a wretched African orphan from the hands of evil Miami diamond overlords!!
did you guys see the preview for next weeks episode yet?... o and i think the eye drop thing would have been more real... but ide like to think that adam rodriguez is a good enough actor to pull off his own tears lol so dont ruin it for me
midnight_tiptoes said:
The tear was faked. It was digitally added after the episode was shot. You know, they could've just put eye drops in his eyes. Old school and inexpensive.

For the price of a digital tear you can rescue a wretched African orphan from the hands of evil Miami diamond overlords!!

Nice. For real, Jerry Bruckheimer loves his excess...he would even go so far as to forego a simple acting technique for, like someone said, expensive CGI.
Does someone wanna tell me why my spoiler code won't work? :(

Anyway, I guess I can put in my total review of the episode a little later.

I agree with everyone about the whole tear thing, but I wouldn't have thought otherwise if I hadn't read it on here. Not that I didn't notice it looked a little odd, I just didn't pay attention to that little detail. I was too consumed with the pain of what Delko was realizing.

Who else thinks Jonathan Togo did an excellent job portraying his emotions in this one? In all honesty, aside from the look in Calleigh's eyes, Ryan is the only one who had me convinced that what went on was actually sad.
Ok guys...I think we need to go over a few things again here. I apologize for being a bit late in saying this, but I've only just now had time to sit and read threads other than a quick glance earlier.

I understand that y'all are/were excited for this episode, but this is not a countdown thread, nor is it a thread to discuss what time you get home from school, what time you have to go to bed or where you live.

It is a thread for discussion of the episode 'Man Down'.

Now, back to the spoilers again. If you read what I posted in the 'Regarding Spoilers: Everyone Please Read' thread you'll see that I said the following:

What spoilers are allowed to be posted in the episode specific threads?

The only spoilers that are allowed to be posted in an episode specific thread are those that pertain to that particular episode. Spoilers pertaining to any other episode do not belong in these threads in any shape, form, or fashion. Please confine those to the Spoiler Lab thread.

So yes...anyone may feel free to post plot details/reviews of tonight's episode in this thread without having to use spoiler code or spoiler space. If the episode has not yet aired in your time zone and you do not want to know what happens, then avoid this thread until after you have seen the episode. It's as simple as that.

Thanks guys.
ThumpyG42 said:
Ok guys...I think we need to go over a few things again here. I apologize for being a bit late in saying this, but I've only just now had time to sit and read threads other than a quick glance earlier.

I understand that y'all are/were excited for this episode, but this is not a countdown thread, nor is it a thread to discuss what time you get home from school, what time you have to go to bed or where you live.

It is a thread for discussion of the episode 'Man Down'.

Now, back to the spoilers again. If you read what I posted in the 'Regarding Spoilers: Everyone Please Read' thread you'll see that I said the following:

What spoilers are allowed to be posted in the episode specific threads?

The only spoilers that are allowed to be posted in an episode specific thread are those that pertain to that particular episode. Spoilers pertaining to any other episode do not belong in these threads in any shape, form, or fashion. Please confine those to the Spoiler Lab thread.

So yes...anyone may feel free to post plot details/reviews of tonight's episode in this thread without having to use spoiler code or spoiler space. If the episode has not yet aired in your time zone and you do not want to know what happens, then avoid this thread until after you have seen the episode. It's as simple as that.

Thanks guys.
Goodie. Then that means I can go ahead and post my review or whatever you wanna call it about this episode. :)

Anyone who doesn't want to know anything, please don't read any further. I'd hate to spoil it for you.

I seriously thought this episode, or at least the emotional connection with the audience, was brilliant. I definitely was not expecting to tear up at all in this episode, but of course... I was wrong.

Let me start with the beginning. As soon as the doctor jammed that needle into him and he shot up my heart dropped. For what little he did in this episode, I think Adam did a good job.

And for crying out loud, Jonathan Togo deserves a standing ovation. He truly had me feeling his pain and frustration throughout this entire episode. He had me upset because the look in his eyes was so intense and I think it's great that he is getting angry and hopefully this can be the beginning of a great friendship for him and Delko. I absolutely loved it. But speaking of, I was slightly disappointed in Calleigh and Alexx... I really thought a lot of emotion would be coming from them and here Ryan surprised the hell outta me.

Anyway, now onto Clavo. As bad ass as that asshole is, I absolutely love him. It is great to see how torn he really is and how there's really no hope. In the end I was expecting him to shoot himself because of those teary eyes, but he's still the bad ass at heart so what can I expect.

And finally... the memory loss. Geez could that be any more heartbreaking? When he kept asking for Marisol I was dying inside. I couldn't imagine having to relive something so painful all over again -- and the tear falling down his cheek at the end... that did me in. I was very, very sad and near sobs. Poor Eric. Poor team. And when Alexx and Calleigh were talking about the effects and his slowed speech and motor skills... horrible. I really can't imagine never seeing the funny, flirtatious, and serious Delko ever... this is sad.

However, I think they're doing a fabulous job of being there for eachother. But I'm still giddy of Togo's performance, bravo!

Lastly... in the previews, was that Eric with the shaved head? I mean, I know his head is shaved now... but I couldn't tell if that was him because he was out in the field and not wearing a hospital gown.

Okay, that was my long review. Sorry. I had to get it all out. :D
ok good... then lets get down to buisness... how sad was it when delko kept cryin out to caleigh for marisol?... i think i was gonna cry then... it just really suks that horatio cant shed a freagin tear man... i mean cmon... ure not made of steal