Episode # 515 "Man Down" ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

Well guys, prepare yourself for this episode. You'll go through surprise, sadness, happiness, and utter disgust. This episode is so powerful already, and I'm loving it as I watch it. The actors are doing an excellent job of displaying emotions, and I really think that the writers need something for this one, I mean, the twists and emotions you feel for these characters make it real. Honestly, at the beginning of this episode, I said "I'm so buying this season" which says a lot since I can't stand Ryan and all that good stuff. But the writers really picked it up this season, in my opinion. This episode is an excellent example of that...I don't want to give anything away just yet, since it's not finished airing, but you guys are in for a great ride! :D
Okay, sorry if this does not fit in with the conversation you guys are having, I just quickly scrolled down so I didnt read any spoilers :D Well I guess me and you cainesugar can just wait around...while everyone is enjoying the episode*sigh* :lol: Oh and as cainesugar suggested...I know that this is a thread that has a spoiler warning so I shouldnt rally complain but if what you post is really huge and really effects the show and you think you should let others see it first before you tell everybody, please use the box or spoiler space. But you dont have to listen to me, Im not a mod..obviously, just asking! :)
Hope you all are enjoying the episode, Im so jealous
(3 Hours, 22 Minutes)
Okay , Im an idiot, I wont erase the part of the post but please just ignore the part about spoiler warnings if you want because, I was typing this post for a while and didnt see Mod-Speed's post. Sorry!
That's interesting that the writers decided to write in memory loss, although it was sad when he kept asking for Marisol. So far this episode has been pretty good, although I'm anxious to see what happens to Eric now and if this damage is permanent.
Well, I guess because "Memory Loss" will get the audience so emotionally. (It works!) I wish there would be a turning point for this crisis. T____T
Although I haven't posted any spoilers I have a question...

Isn't this thread titled "Man Down CONTAINS SPOILERS" ?!?!?
Why would ANYONE who hasn't seen the episode yet COME IN HERE?!?!? The warning is RIGHT THERE!!!

Oh and another question... can there be a LIVE thread? Something that we people that are watching it in our real time can discuss it?!?!? With each other? Or does that induce spamming? Like there can be a thread every Monday night labeled "East Coast Live thread" and of course that thread can be locked and discarded the next day? Is this possible? Just trying to make some suggestions.....
That second scene with Calleigh by Eric's bedside was the best thing since chocolate, since sex, since chocolate sex and everything else in the world including kittens and puppies and bunnies and baby rabbits and marshmallows!

I can die happy. In fact, I won't even bother snarking on the episode. As a thank you to the writers for that scene. Meeeep!

That guy claimed he stole a laptop, yet in the flashback he didn't have anything in his hands. Nice try. Okay, that was a freebie. I won't say anything else.
RaCk2ThOuSaNd6 said:
Although I haven't posted any spoilers I have a question...

Isn't this thread titled "Man Down CONTAINS SPOILERS" ?!?!?
Why would ANYONE who hasn't seen the episode yet COME IN HERE?!?!? The warning is RIGHT THERE!!!

Oh and another question... can there be a LIVE thread? Something that we people that are watching it in our real time can discuss it?!?!? With each other? Or does that induce spamming? Like there can be a thread every Monday night labeled "East Coast Live thread" and of course that thread can be locked and discarded the next day? Is this possible? Just trying to make some suggestions.....

I think it's because there's a difference between everyone discussing spoilers and everyone posting tiny one liners, describing the episode. Don't get me wrong, I usually love to be spoiled and i don't mind much, but some people do. I could be wrong, just trying to give an answer. Enjoy the ep, east-coasters!

2 hours 1 minute! (YAY!)
Big A+++ indeed.

The last five or so minutes were so sad. When Eric realised that Marisol would not be visiting him in the hospital broke my heart. I just wish that H would have shed a tear as well.
I ALSO give this episode an amazing rating, also for the end, be prepared to completely bawl your eyes out :'( and anyways, TIPS!!!
i saw the show!!! its sooo awesome!!!
anyone wanna me to tell them anything? wanna ask me questions?... im totally shaking rite now lol... it was sooo sad
That ep was totally worth the wait....I thought I was going to cry at the end. Awesome, superb, excellent rating as far as I am concerned. Now if the rest is like this is, I will be in heaven :D