it's not a myth.
There are many diferent types of landmines, the one Frank steps in is basically a anti-person-mine ( as opposed to an anti-tank-mine).
They either work by preassure, or by a tapwire.
What Frank probably steps on ( and I'm not an expert) is a anti-person blast mine that is activated when someone steps on the preassure plate.
I think the idea is that when you step on it, the preassure makes the little lever go down, and when you step off, the lever goes up and the blast ensues.
So if someone steps on it but not off, the detonator remains down, and no explosion takes place.
It takes very little weight to activate the mine ( just about 30 pounds) which is why for example children were sent into the mine fields during the iran-iraq was ( both sides) to defuse the mines for the tanks.

Note: I've never heard of anyone in real life stepping on a mine and standing still, that just happens on TV when fortunately Horatio is around to do the right thing

So long as Frank doesn't take his foot off the landmine, he may be OK
it's not a myth.
There are many diferent types of landmines, the one Frank steps in is basically a anti-person-mine ( as opposed to an anti-tank-mine).
They either work by preassure, or by a tapwire.
What Frank probably steps on ( and I'm not an expert) is a anti-person blast mine that is activated when someone steps on the preassure plate.
I think the idea is that when you step on it, the preassure makes the little lever go down, and when you step off, the lever goes up and the blast ensues.
So if someone steps on it but not off, the detonator remains down, and no explosion takes place.
It takes very little weight to activate the mine ( just about 30 pounds) which is why for example children were sent into the mine fields during the iran-iraq was ( both sides) to defuse the mines for the tanks.
Note: I've never heard of anyone in real life stepping on a mine and standing still, that just happens on TV when fortunately Horatio is around to do the right thing