Episode #513 'Throwing Heat' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

So long as Frank doesn't take his foot off the landmine, he may be OK

it's not a myth.
There are many diferent types of landmines, the one Frank steps in is basically a anti-person-mine ( as opposed to an anti-tank-mine).

They either work by preassure, or by a tapwire.
What Frank probably steps on ( and I'm not an expert) is a anti-person blast mine that is activated when someone steps on the preassure plate.

I think the idea is that when you step on it, the preassure makes the little lever go down, and when you step off, the lever goes up and the blast ensues.

So if someone steps on it but not off, the detonator remains down, and no explosion takes place.

It takes very little weight to activate the mine ( just about 30 pounds) which is why for example children were sent into the mine fields during the iran-iraq was ( both sides) to defuse the mines for the tanks.

:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

Note: I've never heard of anyone in real life stepping on a mine and standing still, that just happens on TV when fortunately Horatio is around to do the right thing :rolleyes:
Annwn said:
The really frustrating part, being in the UK, I can access the previews or 'Coming up on Monday's show', but not the epis. Oh well, just have to wait, I suppose, either till it airs on 5US on Sky or the series is released on DVD.

*And my favourite syaing is 'Couldn't win an argument'*

Yeah it really sucks when you can't get to see them and everyone is talking about. On the positive side though it's great to read whats happening. Makes me all excited.
A la the CBS online promo:

"When in Miami, watch...your...step." I laugh every time.
I can't wait to see it tonight. It looks really good.
Something kind of made me wonder about the promo. They're saying that the mines are from the Cuban Missile Crisis. Does this mean someone planted these weapons after all this time now? Or does it mean the mines were already there? Because I'd be afraid to step on that beach and find a mine after all that time. :lol: (You'd think the amount of times the Miami team walked down the beach, they'd be sweeping the place with metal detectors on their way too. :p)

(And um...There were no mines during the Cuban Missile Crisis. - Unless I'm wrong about that. The US was scared about Cuba deploying neuclear weapons, which almost started a nuclear battle during the Cold War. So um...What the hell are they talking about mines in Florida for?)

Anyway, I'm sure I'm probably way off and wrong about this, so I'll wait for the episode.
Geni, I bet they have a perfectly logical explenation for the whole thing, and I bet it involves terrorists. :rolleyes:

I'm excited for this one. (Then again, when was the last time I wasn't excited? Oh I remember. Dead Air.) I really hope Tripp doesn't get hurt.

Ducky, you got me wondering how you say someone's a whore by only seeing her curled hair. :confused: I'm not a fan of the curly hair though. I like straight-haired-Calleigh. But nonetheless I love her anyway.

Except for the Horatio fortunately being there to save the day part, it looks like a good ep. Let's wait and see.
^ Oh right, I was trying to add reason to CSI:Miami. Silly me. :p

About her curled hair last time, I thought it didn't compliment her beauty as much as it could have. She was wearing a lot more makeup, and the amount of lighting with the colouring of her hair, made it seem a little....Un-flattering.

But I always have enjoyed her curled hair, because it adds a little more spunk and bounce into her. :D There are only so many times I need to see her hair straightened and looking conservative. :rolleyes: (Don't get me wrong, I love her straight hair, but the curly hair she'll have in this episode makes me happy. :))
Dutchie said:
Geni, I bet they have a perfectly logical explenation for the whole thing, and I bet it involves terrorists. :rolleyes:

Do we have a little icon for "bashing head into wall"? Because I could use that right about now. Here's hoping they don't force us down that road again, because so far, this episode looks great. That could just be because one of my New Year's resolutions was "CSI Miami WILL be good again in 2007," but...
I don't think I could take another terrorist plotline either :devil: I mean what is sooo big about Miami that all the terrorists seem to want to flock to it?!

I'm kind of hoping this episode takes us back to the CSI Miami of old and the rest of the season continues the trend. The whole storyline with the terrorist got a little out of hand.
DaWacko said:
I'm sorry but last time she really looked like someone's paid date :rolleyes:

Whoops, that was supposed to be a secret. :rolleyes:

I love curly haired Emily! She looks awesome in the promo! I have to admit I prefer her with straight hair, but notheless she looks hot.

I'm really eager to see the scene in the street, with Ryan yelling out at who knows who... I just hope everyone is coming out undamaged from this ep. :rolleyes:
Call me a film nerd, but I really liked the different effects they're using. Is it just me or are they using different cameras to film this one...it's grainier than usual, like movie film or something. It's looking like a good one!!!

Eeek...I'm not liking H's Supercop attitude right now, like he's invincible. This is not the H I've come to love.