Episode #513 'Throwing Heat' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

A couple of comments here:

1. This episode, especially with the sniper and the back and forth stuff with the old assassin/enemy of Horatio is reminding me more and more of McGarrett and Wo Fat from Hawaii Five'O, not to mention all the beach shots and the guys in suits despite the heat and the Sunshine.

2. While the true nature of that landmine situation with Frank Tripp was scary, part of me was thinking that in an alternate university: H, Ryan and Alexx were about to burst out laughing because he was getting a hot-foot (the old cartoon gag where someone would put matches in the toe of someone's shoe, unbeknownst to them and light 'em up) and the mine was just part of the practical joke.
He smiled twice! I know! Did anybody else catch that one expression on his face near the end of the ep, in the lab with Eric,Mr. Wolfe and H? Wolfe said something about a job and Horatio had a expression of surprise on his face. I can't explin it really, his eyebrows were a mile high. It was priceless.

Man, i just LOVE it when Horatio calls him Mr. Wolfe. It shows that H isn't really warming up to him, and that he still misses Speed. And i'm looking forward to the day when one of the CSI's say "What time is it Mr. Wolfe?" Either accidently or intentionally. :lol:

And let's add one to Horatio's body count, taking out that sniper at the end of the eppie. It's a shame that they don't show the actual killing.

And i feel SO sorry for Eric! That @#%$& ripped him off and now he's, and i quote, "Having his paychecks garnished". At least Cal has him covered, with his extra shifts. A good friend always comes in handy.

And the mine was a joke! That guy really doesn't have a sense of humor. Well, it was exciting while it lasted.
Oh, I forgot about the captioning...that was admittedly irritating. If you're going to bother with that, you might as well have the guy speaking entirely in Spanish. I think I'd get that even if they can't speak it fluently, pretty much everyone on the team has at least a rudimentary knowledge of Spanish, enough to understand the gist of a conversation. It's particularly obnoxious that they have the words in big, blocky text, as if to emphasize how strange and foreign-sounding the accent is. It's really unnecessary.

Still loved it, though. That's important for maintaining my sanity.
Yeah, Jorge (or however you spell it) sounded like he was speaking English in a Spanish accent. The captioning was annoying and got in the way.
Other parts about the episode- I liked how they made it clear that they weren't using the myth as the reason there were land mines- the promo made that sound like it was the case, and that wouldn't have really worked.
Loved the reference to Brazil- I was wondering if that was going to come back and bite Eric or H in the butt, or if it wouldn't be noticed (highly unlikely with Stetler and Jake) and it was good to hear that they hadn't forgotten about it completely.
HORATIO SMILED! That was the best part of the episode- him and Frank there. He really, truly smiled, and laughed- and then said wow. It was great- he's not a completely emotionless superhero.
I had hoped for some more Frank screentime, but what can you do. It worked out. Also, someone said that H didn't get any spatter on him when he shot the sniper- in CSI Miami they've had shootings from like ten feet when the guy gets some spatter on him, and H was spotless at a foot.
Loved the ending, and how Horatio wasn't in it for once. Love it whenever they focus on someone else for the end.
All in all it was a good episode- can't wait until next week, Clavo's coming!
This was an okay ep for me. Not at all what I expected. Loved the interaction between H/F. Especially after Frank was able to take his foot off the mine. The part I really enjoyed was the laugh from Horatio. Gave me goose bumps cause you just don't hear him laugh that much. Loved all my H scenes. LOL

Never did understand all the moving around on scenes. Got confused somewhat & it don't take much. LOL One thing that puzzled me though is why didn't Eric fight the lawsuit? I didn't understand that part. This would've been a good ep to have seen Calleigh's dad in. He could've advised Eric on what to do. I'm glad Calleigh's got his back. Also glad to see the tension between R/N/E has let up since the mole deal.

I mean Ryan even said my friend to Natalia. That about blew my mind. Not a bad ep just confusing but Horatio sure did look good to me. LOL
One thing that puzzled me though is why didn't Eric fight the lawsuit?
He said at the end that he didn't want to do a lawsuit, because that would bring people and trouble into the lab. Or something like that. And i know i wouldn't want to be the source of more trouble for Horatio. But Eric did the right thing, but now he's going to pay for it. Literally.

The part I really enjoyed was the laugh from Horatio. Gave me goose bumps cause you just don't hear him laugh that much.
I know i know i know i KNOW!! It's SO great! I actually heard him laugh in Season 1. heard, not saw. He asked Cal how she wants her coffee, then he walked out of the scene, then she said "Sugar." then he laughed off camera. Whew, run-on sentance. :lol:

Loved all my H scenes.
I'm totally with you there katpin. I always do too. ;)

I'm glad Calleigh's got his back.
Like i said before, it's always good to have friends that you can trust. These are the moments that bring out the best in people. And the worst in others.
Best episode since #502 'Going Under' and #511 'Backstabbers'.
One thing I have to know:
What was so darn funny when Frank stepped "SAFELY" off that mine??? Horatio was smiling then snickering. What, I ask again, was that about??? Frank's line "Well, that was a hell of a way to start the day." was funny. I just can't figure out what was so funny before that. :confused:
But my "what was so funny?" confusion aside, this was one of the 3 best episodes season 5 has had so far. The other 2 were #502 'Going Under' and #511 'Backstabbers'.
I guess he smiled and laughed because when you're really nervous for a long time and then it's all over in a split second, you have to laugh at how nervous you were. I wouldn't have laughed personally, but any laugh or smile or any happy expression from H is appreciated greatly. I LOVED THAT SCENE!
Yeah that scene was just great. We need more of those. It is really nice to see him laughing and smiling.
It would be awesome if he did it more, and showed more emotion. But hey, i'm just happy that he smiled in the episode. TWICE!
yep, he smiled. he really has a nice smile, and i wonder why they don't have him smile more. oh well.
Missing, i love your avatar! great job on it!
and i wonder why they don't have him smile more. oh well.
Mystique. The hot mysterious character hides his feelings. (Most of the time) A mysterious char can't smile or laugh much. It's pretty much the rule of thumb.