Episode #513 'Throwing Heat' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

I know. But I guess Eric thought that was the best way out. Unfortunately, he's the loser in this situation.
Well, I liked that episode, lots of Delko/Calleigh moments, which I think is cute because it shows how close they are.

The one thing I was waiting for was at the very end with Delko and Calleigh, when she told him that she hadn't done anything wrong, I was waiting for him to say "I'm Catholic," I guess it was in hopes of some comic relief, but then again it might have been overkill lol.
I liked the epiosode itself, but the ending sort of ruined it for me. I felt bad for Delko.

I am not happy that it's a re-run on Monday. *sigh*
It was a good episode, although something was off about H's character today. Call me crazy, but he was acting different.
I did notice a little somethin' somethin' between Eric and Cal...it was sweet of her to have his back.
It's airing in 14 minutes! :D *squee* :lol:

250 thousand bucks. Does Eric have that kind of money? I guessing no. Maybe he should ask H for a loan. We all know he has cash stashed somewhere/everywhere. :lol:

Argh! 11 minutes! I can't wait. (Wait, do we know if the bomb is deactivated? Or do you now want to spoil it for us who haven't seen it?)
I didn't like Eric's not coming out on top either...but I guess it was intended to show that sometimes the good side doesn't totally win and that sometimes innocent people wind up the losers.

And yeah poor Frank :(
It's on in 15 minutes! Please no one spoil me. In fact, I'm going to go plop down in front of my television and squeal until it airs!
14 minutes! (4 me at least, here in CA)
I love how Eric went out, got into a fight, came back, got sued, investigated the case, and settled - all in less than a day. It would take me a day just to read the damn letter.
I felt so bad for Eric- but I guess the good guys lose sometimes. Oh well.
Great ep, I had hoped for some more Frank time, but it was good as it was- I loved the expression on H's face after Frank stepped off the land mine."And it's only 8 o'clock."
This episode wasn't the strongest I've seen this season. Aside from the boring-Wet foot/dry foot-baseball-cuban immigrant-jelously plotline, and the slightly interesting mini story-arc for Eric, this episode bombed.

I didn't even understand half of what Ryan and Natalia were doing. They were on the landmine case right? Because it was a weird little twist between 'Kill Zone' and 'Losing Face'. (Big scary sniper in a populated area, and people blowing up yet they couldn't seem to find the bomber until they had the last component. *cough* Wow original)

The highlights? At least Horatio smiled. Twice.

5 cows out of 10 for this one.
The episode ended 4.5 hours ago, and I'm only just beginning to form coherent thoughts. I was too busy being in overwhelmed shock at how much I LOVED IT. In fact, I watched it twice. This one's bumping up against Rio for best ep of the season - oh, hell. Even lacking Yelina, it kicks Rio right off the top and takes first place. This was as close to classic as it's going to get. It felt almost like season 3 again. I should warn you now that this is going to be the longest post I've ever written, and you know how long my posts USUALLY are...

I was so afraid they were going to make the scene with Tripp and the bomb either a) over in 2 seconds or b) stretch it out to unnatural lengths over the whole episode. And yet, they finally handled something right - it started in the teaser, used the commercial break to allow a time lapse, and then had the bomb squad or whoever in to diffuse it. There was palpable tension in the moment, where you knew they weren't *really* going to blow Frank up - but you still were on the edge of your seat. Go Rex Linn for conveying such emotion. I imagine it takes a lot to scare Tripp, but the fear was evident here, the hints of panic, followed by Horatio doing what he does best. (no, not the superhero thing. The other thing, keeping people calm)

I love that he stood by a friend and refused to leave. The bomb guys kept saying it was fine, he'd be okay, but Tripp didn't really listen to them until Horatio repeated it. Heck, it calmed me down from the other side of the screen. That voice of reassurance is always going to be one of the biggest reasons I love him. I'd forgotten how much I missed that. And - the smile! The nervous smile/chuckle of relief afterwards, which hasn't been seen in I-don't-know-how-long, season 3? What was the one where SuperH drove out of the building while it imploded behind him? Anyway, very nice.

Loved Natalia tonight, starting with her comment..."You must read on, CSI Wolfe." Man! Why can't she be like that all the time? Just talking casually, not being the center of the drama universe? I also really enjoyed her scenes with Eric. I remembered why I used to be able to tolerate her.

Eric's storyline: damn, he looks good in a suit. *shakes head* Um. I haven't had any particular love for Eric in quite some time, but him defending an abused woman - oh all right, punching a guy who really deserved it - brought it all back in a rush. Swoon. The look of utter contempt on his face was priceless. Though it was rather intensely uncomfortable later on, watching Eric flirt shamelessly with the pretty woman who was CLEARLY only there to serve him with a lawsuit. It was made worse by the fact that I couldn't tell if the woman was a terrible actress or the character was just really bad at flirting. I'm hoping for the former, because acting like a ditzy teenager is not a very appropriate way to conduct yourself on the job. She was two steps away from twirling her hair around her finger, or snapping gum. I actually had to rewind and check to make sure I'd only imagined that.

I did think it interesting that neither Stetler nor Jake felt a need to pop out of the woodwork and haul Eric in for questioning, considering that the guy threatening a major lawsuit against him conveniently turned up dead shortly afterwards...

I REALLY liked that he didn't come out on top in the end. Loved the reference to Brazil, loved his rationale for settling even though "[he] didn't do anything wrong." It provided some beautiful moments between him and Calleigh, the realization that even the Super CSI's don't get out of everything. All the same, I couldn't help wondering - where's Horatio and his cash handouts when you need 'em? :D

Oh yeah. And there was a case. I didn't really pay attention to that, which I take as a good sign. The best episodes are the ones where there's so much character development to focus on that you don't HAVE to pay attention to the case. Heh.

Just two little complaints:
1) Concerning the first half of the teaser: one of the problems with watching episodes streamed online is the way a slow connection will sometimes cause the picture to jerkily start and stop. It's very annoying. I really shouldn't be seeing that same kind of action on my TV screen, you know?

2) Remember Gavin from 'Dark Room'? Horatio wasn't making an empty threat when he threatened to blow your brains out; smart of you to surrender. The guy here was not so smart, so he got a bullet. Now, I'm all for H having to do unpleasant things like that in order to save the life of someone innocent...but how is it that he can shoot at point-blank range and not get any spatter on him whatsoever?

Loved the ending scene, though. A nice conclusion to a great episode. Does this mean I can stop holding my breath and allow myself to believe that the streak of good stuff will continue into February?
after here have one so positive post from this epi, why not to have some criticism ;)

1) Frank, H and the bomb/mine scene was good. but i was expect to be more long in the time. or to have some complication. anyway this was the good part from this epi. hope in the future to have more H/F momenst. :)

2) when i see that in this epi have whole three crimes to be allow .....man i just say 'WOW'....till not after 10-15 min we have winners. so elementary solve and investigation MOA . when i watch crime show somehow i expect whole epi to wonder who is the bad guy this time (even to have few suspect in my list). ohhh silly me, this is just Miami and i don`t have to search for sense :rolleyes:

3) Delko story...is this only me or is like some Deja vu re Delko plot line from S 3-4 ?! he again go in trouble when is off work and in the end again have money problem...poor guy, he need rest after his sis loss - i prefer to see this story :rolleyes:

4) why only in Miami all womans are maltreat by their hubbys and always have some CSI to save them ?!

5) the Cuba and Fidel comment just make me ...ur....crazy !!! if there is not terrorist in Miami, always can be blame 'the old enemy' Cuba...blahhh..don`t TPTB have any respect to Fidel Castro who most probably is in his 'death bed' :confused:

6) the last Call/Eric scene...i just don`t have nervous to see it. after this absurd invincible Supercop H i have put end of this person drama for me :mad:

7) visual effect - man my eyes just get so tired after this 40 min. my mom now watch one new soup FashionHouse and if u don`t look carefully who play there for security can mix CSI Miami with FH...now i`m wonder who form who steal visual effect ideas :lol:
What's with the closed captioning, have people complained before that they can't understand when hispanics are speaking English..? Cause I understood him just fine. It's so big and distracting.
allstar12 said:
What's with the closed captioning, have people complained before that they can't understand when hispanics are speaking English..? Cause I understood him just fine. It's so big and distracting.

I totally agree. i could understand him fine for the most part, even when he was speaking Spanish (I studied it for five years)--plus Ryan basically translated anyway when he asked if George said the assassin planned to do something evil.