Episode # 509 'Going, Going, Gone' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

Re: Episode # 509 'Going, Going, Gone' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS*

Yes, she was wearing kevlar, but she still gets 80 Stupid Points for following a dangerous suspect without back-up.

Billy: Mommy, how did you fall in love with Daddy?
Calleigh: Well, Billy, it all started when Daddy caused a suspect to shoot mommy, and then proceeded to make some chauvinistic comments about mommy's looks. Some day, little Billy, when you put a woman's life in danger and you see her writhing on the dirty pavement because of your own stupidity, you'll know she's the one.
Re: Episode # 509 'Going, Going, Gone' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS*

Ohh right. Thats the word. Kelvar.. Thats what confused me. lol thanks guys.

Billy: Mommy, how did you fall in love with Daddy?
Calleigh: Well, Billy, it all started when Daddy caused a suspect to shoot mommy, and then proceeded to make some chauvinistic comments about mommy's looks. Some day, little Billy, when you put a woman's life in danger and you see her writhing on the dirty pavement because of your own stupidity, you'll know she's the one.

That is so great.
Re: Episode # 509 'Going, Going, Gone' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS*

Megan930 said:
Calleigh was wearing a vest. I was a little disappointed about her reaction to it. She just pulled the bullet out of the vest like it was nothing. Is that possible?

Considering the bullet hit her with enough momentum to cause her to shoot backwards and fall on the pavement, no, she wouldn't be able to remove it with her girly, French manicured nails. And even when you're wearing kevlar, getting shot still leaves some nasty bruising behind.

But considering how ridiculous this episode was, that should be the least of your concerns.

"Going, Going, Gone." How apropos. Is this referring to the quality of the show or the audience loyalty? Or both? Or the acting quality? Or perhaps the realism? Donahue's sanity? Mine?
Re: Episode # 509 'Going, Going, Gone' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS*

I can see this didn't go over well lol. I can't really judge much yet until I get a feel for an actual 'good' Miami ep.

I had thoughts about the kevlar and the bruising too. LOL stupid points.
Re: Episode # 509 'Going, Going, Gone' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS*

I remember Dispo Day when Speed was shot the first time. He was wearing a vest and he was gasping and stuff after he got shot. I know it was because his lung collapsed from the force, but Calleigh didn't even look in pain. She just got up and carried on like nothing happened. :rolleyes:

Rating: 5/10
Re: Episode # 509 'Going, Going, Gone' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS*

athlov, I've got Dispo Day on DVD. I remember the paramedic checking Speedle out told Horatio "If his lung were collapsed he'd be dead by now." It just knocked the wind out of Speedle. If you don't believe me and you have the DVD then see for yourself.

Now for some of my venting:
I'm so FREAKING mad at our local CBS station. They've had that story on all day long about that school bus flipping off that overpass. It's not that I'm not sympathetic. I feel bad for the families of those that were killed and the families of those that were injured. But running the story in the ground is NOT gonna change anything. It won't undo what happened. But because our local CBS, ABC and NBC stations don't know when to let a story go, I MISSED 30 MINUTES of tonight's episode. I missed from 9:07-9:37 pm central time. Don't tell me what happened. I'll just get angrier cause I couldn't see it firsthand.
Without that part of the show, I can't decide whether or not I thought this was a good episode.
OOH, I'M SO MAD. I'm mad enough to write this whole post in all bold caps. Don't worry mods. I won't torture everyone with an all bold caps post.
I'll save that for later when I get really fired up angry...JUST KIDDING. :D
Re: Episode # 509 'Going, Going, Gone' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS*

Actually the line was "If his lungs were collapsed, he'd be blue by now." :p

And I don't buy that Calleigh could just sit up and take the bullet out, and just brush herself off and everything's okay. :rolleyes: Big mistake. At least with Speedle, he was able to show some physical trauma. (Not to diss Emily's acting because she was awesome, I just didn't like the directing of that episode.)

Anyway, it was a good episode and kept me interested until the end. I should have more of my thoughts on it later. ;)
Re: Episode # 509 'Going, Going, Gone' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS*

Yeah, Geni, I was just going to mention about that line. But it didn't just knock the wind out of him, because I get winded all the time, but I've never gasped for air and couldn't breathe from the force, so something more must have happened. Because, remember, he was lying on the ground gasping for air spurting out "my. chest...my *choke* chest" and Horatio going "the kevlar caught it, the kevlar caught it" and he was still gasping.

But yeah, they always mention how getting shot in kevlar leaves nasty bruising and hurts a lot. I remember a CSI episode where it mentioned that it was about the same as getting kicked by a horse. Now, I don't know about you guys, but if I were kicked by a horse, I'd probably be in a lot of pain...

But I dunno, I haven't actually seen the ep, but from what you guys have described, it doesn't sound very realistic (to say the least ;))
Re: Episode # 509 'Going, Going, Gone' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS*

If a person gets shot while wearing a Kevlar vest, usually they'll have a few broken ribs and some massive bruising, but when is CSI: Miami ever accurate?
Re: Episode # 509 'Going, Going, Gone' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS*

At the end of Entertainment Tonight's piece about this episode the lady announcer says:
Look for the storyline to continue. Not even CSI: Miami can stop them with just one shot.

"Just one shot" being when Horatio shoots that truck and it blows up.
After the lady announcer said that.
David Caruso said this:
This foe is so large and so dangerous, that it is just the beginning.

I think I remember reading either in the Season 5 Spoiler Lab Thread or in an issue of TV Guide that came out during the summer that Horatio was gonna have a formidable enemy this season. Maybe the group involved with the guy driving that truck are gonna be the formidable foe Horatio is gonna have this season.

Here's a copy of a post of mine in the Season 5 Spoiler Lab Thread:
Carolyn318 said:
Carolyn318 said:
CSI: Miami Hits the Big One-Oh-Oh
Last 100 episodes, apparently you get trouble. When CSI: Miami reaches that milestone early in October, "we're going to have a really good opponent for Horatio, someone who's almost playing with the CSIs," teases coexec producer Elizabeth Devine. "He thinks he's smarter than them."

Can you guys say Walter Dresden???
Wasn't Walter supposed to be "a really good opponent for Horatio"???
If you ask me, Walter was cookie-cutter standard CSI bad guy. I didn't see anyhing that big-to-do about ol' Walt.
I hope this new opponent lives up to the hype.

Oh yes, it was TV Guide.
Re: Episode # 509 'Going, Going, Gone' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS*

Raven04 said:
I don't think Calleigh and Jake are getting bac together. She always seems so hostile when she's around him, plus I don't think she totally trusts him.

You have no idea of how enticing that can be. Fight sex seems just the kind of approach they would have after a day like that. ;) I haven't seen this ep yet, but I can't wait... I mean, Calleigh+Jake+Angst! That's my heaven!
Re: Episode # 509 'Going, Going, Gone' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS*

Um, question...

The guy Peter, with the kidnapped family.... did they get rescued? I can't picture Horatio missing his chance to take off his sunglasses and smile benevolently.

I still can't believe it. Truck full of C4. Heading towards a nuclear reactor. Homeland security involved. and the * only * person with a gun bigger than a .45 is.... Horatio. Yeah, I know, gotta take advantage of Horatio's "Hero Shield", but really, people.
Re: Episode # 509 'Going, Going, Gone' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS*

If you get shot, even while wearing a vest, it hurts like hell, and you get really beeeeeeeep scared and your system shuts down a bit to avoid that you get an heart attack.

( I have this info from a person who has actually been shot at)

so laying down and clsoing your eyes is like the minimim.
Most people have a much stronger reaction.
Re: Episode # 509 'Going, Going, Gone' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS*

Mightion said
Um, question...

The guy Peter, with the kidnapped family.... did they get rescued?

Not that we saw, I believe. I know it was mentioned that they were taken by the 'terrorists' (Geez, I knew Miami was going to get in on the terrorist action someday. :rolleyes:) but we never saw them being rescued, or even found. But seeing as this storyline might be revisited, there's a good chance Horatio will save the day once again and they'll be found.

...I still don't know what happened to the normal storylines. Come on. Corrupt doctors, hurricanes, lying playboy club owners, swearing they saw a mermaid, highrollers from vegas who kill the husbands and kidnap the wives for 48 hours of fun and games.... :p
Re: Episode # 509 'Going, Going, Gone' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS*

As a stand-alone episode, it wasn't in my Top 20 Favorites. But I think it's purpose was more to lay the initial groundwork for the "terrorist" storyline that I read somewhere, that Miami will focus on for several eps this season. I don't think we've seen (or at least heard) the last of the dark haired woman in this ep. She might be behind bars for the time being, but as she told H., the terrorist plot is already in action.