Episode # 509 'Going, Going, Gone' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

Re: Episode # 509 'Going, Going, Gone' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS*

Dutchie said:
Thank you Jen. At least you're some help to me. *chases people who hit her with stick* :devil:

Yeah, the promo makes us believe a lot, but I'll wait until I've seen it. I envy people who live in America and Canada and wherever you can see the episode tonight.

I totally agree the episode totally makes you believe a lot of awesome stuff is going to happen but it was pretty blah. And Jake was in it. I definetly do not want to see him again. :(
Re: Episode # 509 'Going, Going, Gone' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS*

Next time Calleigh goes down to the sound of gunshots, there had damn well better be actual injury accompanying it.
Jake is still kind of attractive, and I can see little hints of how they might have worked in the past, but he's so damn cocky that it's very off-putting. Come on, Cal, you can do better. He's no good for you.

Also, Natalia, stop wearing silk to work.

On to the overall view: As you may or may not be aware, I view this season as a cesspool. Loved season 4, hate season 5. But for the first 30 or 40 minutes of this episode, I actually thought it was good. The icky "season 5" feel (I can't explain that, so don't ask) was gone, and while in any other season it simply would have been an average episode, for this season, it was going well. Like old times, if you ignore the editing tricks. The teaser was overly long and disgusting, but I was interested in the case. I think I can chalk this up to the number of scenes Horatio was in. Anyway. I LOVED the scene between Alexx and Ryan over the screen. She's so funny. And then when Calleigh came in and told Ryan he did a nice job, and Alexx's disembodied voice pipes up in protest... :D

Loved Eric's face when they were listening to the tape, and he looked half-sick saying "I never heard someone die before." (guess he just plugged his ears down in Brazil, then) That was a powerful moment. I was definitely enjoying the episode.

And then came the end. Oh, dear, the end. Now, I've been looking forward to that scene with the sniper rifle all month, but when we actually got to it in context...ugh. I had to hide my eyes in embarrassment for the show. Normally I don't mind how Horatio takes over the tasks of every aspect of law enforcement (except the evidence-processing part), but this was just a bit too much to swallow.

Also, there were...very, very disturbing looks between the dark-haired lady and Horatio. I think they were supposed to be the "you'll never stop us/Oh yes I will" kind of look (especially if we're going to see her again), but they came across as something else, which made my skin crawl.

Setting up for plot arc, are we? Hey, you know what I bet would be an even MORE fun plot arc? Remembering Cardinal Benedetti and telling me about what happened in New York ten years ago. The whole anti-America terrorist angle annoys me, because terrorism of that sort is something that is probably best left to a federal level.
Re: Episode # 509 'Going, Going, Gone' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS*

Quite simply the worst episode of Miami in its entire history.
Its actually hard to believe that this show is anything to do with CSi and CSi:NY at all, they are so far removed from each other.
First North Korea, now Arab terrorists....one wonders when the cast from this show will get their call up to Team America, which is ever so slightly more believable than the rubbish being punted out currently.
Re: Episode # 509 'Going, Going, Gone' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS*

I thought it was pretty good. The only thing is why are they always accusing without having evidence to back it up? It never use to be that way. I was glad Calleigh wasn't seriously hurt. OMG when she was shot but, I should've known better that she'd have have her BPV on to keep her safe. Plus, what was she thinking going off by herself to apprehend the dude? No sense at all. I also loved the scene where Horatio was waiting on the truck to blow it up. Love that man with his gun. LOL Makes me wonder if we're gonna see the girl again there at the end? Considering the looks that passed between Horatio & her. Plus my husband made a comment about Horatio not reuniting the man with his family like you use to see him do. *sigh* times have changed I guess.
Name of song played at the beginning of the episode

Does anyone know what the song was, that was playing when the episode started? I think it was during the auction. It sounded a bit like a tune by Goldfrappe but I don't think that's who it was.
Re: Episode # 509 'Going, Going, Gone' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS*

Welcome to TalkCSI and the Miami Forum HMetal. :)

I'm afraid I can't answer your question, but you can ask the good people in the Music Forum. I believe there is a thread located here, where the music in the episode 'Going, Going, Gone' is being asked. Feel free to have a look in there, and hopefully someone will be able to help you. :)
Re: Episode # 509 'Going, Going, Gone' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS*

I'm not sure why terrorists would attack Miami anyway, other than it's a port city and a tourist attraction. Why Miami? So it's got a nuclear reactor--so does TMI, so do a lot of places.
In this episode the blonde twins being auctioned off look a lot like two of the Dahm triplets. I couldn't read credits fast enough. Does anyone know if that was them. Just wondering.
I'm not sure why terrorists would attack Miami anyway, other than it's a port city and a tourist attraction. Why Miami?
Yeah, I had that thought. It just doesn't seem like it would be a prime target.
Re: Episode # 509 'Going, Going, Gone' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS*

Hey All,
I'm new to the board, and just was checking it out the past few weeks, but I definitely need to vent about this episode. I've watched Miami from the beginning, and I recently began rewatching it on DVD.It's as if the show's writers got away from what really made it a good show - the human interest. The way the victim was humanized - the way it showed human behavior, and the science that made the convictions stick. Nowadays, there's not a lot of science to back up their theories and the victims are just meaningless pawns to move the plot along to a "bigger," "more important" plotline.
Oh, and the cast has lost lots of chemistry. I loved Season 1 - the banter between H and Calleigh, the friendship of Speed and Delko - they were sometimes funny as well as serious, and it all worked.
Now, apparently H doesn't care if Calleigh gets shot, or goes after a guy without backup (or hard evidence). I admit I'm a H/C shipper, but that aside, H should've at least checked on her, talked to her - something. It's like there's been so many deaths at this lab that getting shot is no big deal if you wore kavlar. It's like nobody cares about each other anymore - and I think that started soon after Speed's death. That was a great episode - showed the true emotions without going over the top. This last episode was the polar opposite - unbelievable and it definitely did not live up to the hype.
Sorry this had to be my first post - I really like this site - but I just needed to rant. Thanks! Anyone feel the same?
Re: Episode # 509 'Going, Going, Gone' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS*

Welcome to the Miami Forum miamirocks. :D

You bring up some interesting points, and I'm inclined to agree with you on this one:

miamirocks said
Nowadays, there's not a lot of science to back up their theories and the victims are just meaningless pawns to move the plot along to a "bigger," "more important" plotline.

I have felt for the past few seasons that this has been an increasing problem in the show. Don't get me wrong, a lot of the episodes since season three have been interesting, but the bad guys don't really fit into the episodes like they used to. However, the episode on Monday made me believe differently. It seems tptb are at least attempting to salvage what used to be CSI:Miami. - It's transcended into a really good season so far. (Compared to season four. ;))

As for the team reacting believably to Speed's death in Lost Son, and essentially no emotion from them to Calleigh getting shot in last night's episode, it kind of makes one wonder what the writers were doing. It really does seem like their giant plotline is overpowering the characters. Our characters. We've grown to love them, and we'd like to see more of them. (And I don't mean all this drama that we saw in season four. - I'm talking about the good ol' days like the end scene from 'Hurricane Anthony,' and even the end scene with Ryan, Calleigh and Eric in 'Curse of the Coffin')

This episode (Going, Going, Gone) in comparison with the last three seasons, has made it look like one of the best episodes out of around 30 others. IMO. I really loved the episode last night, and I'd definitely watch it again if it aired a second time.

This last episode was the polar opposite - unbelievable and it definitely did not live up to the hype.

Exactly. Even though I loved the episode, I return to my original statement earlier in this post, to where the team doesn't seem to be expressing the same concern and emotion toward each other. As for the hype? I thought it did an alright job, in my opinion. Again, compared to season four, this episode was actually good. (I guess we'll have to agree to disagree in some areas. ;))

But anyway, I agree with a lot of the points raised in your post. :D I truly hope you'll continue to post here, and we'd love to have you!
Re: Episode # 509 'Going, Going, Gone' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS*

miamirocks said:

Oh, and the cast has lost lots of chemistry. I loved Season 1 - the banter between H and Calleigh, the friendship of Speed and Delko - they were sometimes funny as well as serious, and it all worked.
Now, apparently H doesn't care if Calleigh gets shot, or goes after a guy without backup (or hard evidence).

I don't agree with the lack of chemistry. These days Alexx, Ryan, Delko and Calleigh have wonderful banter going on. It is no linger set between two characters. The only one who is left out is Horatio, who interacts mostly with Frank these days. This IS a shame!
But I don't think that they don't care about each other anymore....just think back to the nice warm scene in 502: going under, when H tells Calleigh that no matter what evidence has been distroyed, she is o.k. and that is important....

I do agree with the lack of science part, nowadays I hardly can figure out just WTH they go for a particular suspect....pity!
Re: Episode # 509 'Going, Going, Gone' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS*

I agree with what miamirocks said.
I went backward with Miami, picked up the show on its (mid) third season and when I rented the First season DVD I was watching a different show. Soon I only watched my DVDs.
I now watch what's on tely (Season 4) and Season 5 from the internet and what miamirocks said still makes sense. Although, and maybe I'm just having illusions, I do feel Season 5 is tending again towards the early seasons' 'way'.
Please note that I haven't seen this episode yet.

As to the why Miami would be attacked point. I may have a possible answer (though I really don't know how terorists think). I live in Belgium and the image we have of Miami is a bit degrading. Well for our 'old' values anyway. And degrading in such a way that at some point it represents the American way of life.
This is touchy I realise. It makes me sick and this isn't my point of view but I've heard it said and it is a stereotype we get all the time. I don't mean to offend anyone.
Sorry if this is a bit off-topic, I thought I'd throw my two cents in.
Re: Episode # 509 'Going, Going, Gone' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS*

Okay, I may be in the minority, but I thoroughly enjoyed the episode. Finally, a Miami ep. that did the terrorism story right (as opposed to the end of Season 3-the buildup was great, the payoff was awful); here both were good. I like how it started with a "simple" murder (I feel this was the ep's only real downside: the murder was kind of throwaway and the killer not that original, but fine enough) and built into something much bigger. I do feel, however, that this ep. should've either been 90 min. or the first of two parts, as it seemed kind of rushed. Overall, however, I quite enjoyed it.
Re: Episode # 509 'Going, Going, Gone' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS*

Have only watched the beginning but...
seriously. The ring size.

Gives this: radius 2.25cm

No way in hell it can be that much. That's like... the same than diameter of ringsize 11.

It's something what I wear (my left index) and I have fat fingers :p

Or then I'm just confuzzled.

To be continued... :p