Episode #506 'Curse Of The Coffin' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

Re: Episode #506 'Curse Of The Coffin' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS

I missed the bubble. Think I'm going to have to watch this eppy again.
Re: Episode #506 'Curse Of The Coffin' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS

lol Bubbles? What bubbles? Did I miss something?

I don't know but it sounds funny...

Oh I forgot to mention, I love the part where Calleigh tells Ryan: Now, the cemetary doesn't look that scary in the day time...
Ryan: What? I wasn't scare!
Calleigh: You do know I listened to the entire tape...
Ryan: So, you said that there might have been a second person?
Calleigh: *laughs* Great way to change the topic..

Not exactly word for word accurate but the convo went something along those ^^ lines :)
Re: Episode #506 'Curse Of The Coffin' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS

Then I read the official blog, which says they used a real goat's head. So let me rephrase "impressed" to "disgusted."

Well, you can't please everyone, can you? I mean, they show the crime scenes all the time with violent deaths. Granted, the bodies aren't real but the manner of death is. What if someone whose parents or sister or brother or boyfriend or girlfriend or spouse was killed in that way? If the show(s) had to cater to everyone's whims and fancies, they wouldn't exist. The goat was already dead; animal cruelty isn't a factor here.

Anyways. The "Burn, baby, burn" line had me laughing so hard. I mean, honestly; this is Horatio Caine -- not only is it a slightly ridiculous line, but I just can't take the H-bomb seriously when he says something like that. And, yes, the fact that he got to the beach in under four minutes was tv!magic. Once again, Horatio saved the day. Explosions are getting a little overused on CSI: Miami, and I wish they'd come up with something different.

Ryan was just so genuine throughout this episode -- I loved him to pieces. The scorn at the beginning of the episode, then the gradual doubt and belief in the curse... Oh man. Even I was getting kind of spooked out by the way things went down. The way he and Delko interacted this episode was great. The friendship, while not always on its best terms, was evident. I didn't get the coffin though. Did Danielle remove it from the lab, or is that one more mystery we're left wondering about?

I didn't notice the soap bubble. Good thing I taped the episode for my mom -- she only watched to see Ryan run out of the morgue. XD
Re: Episode #506 'Curse Of The Coffin' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS

Yes the soap bubble was in the part where Calleigh and Ryan are talking and she is holding the golf club and when they show her close up you can see a bubble right by her nose going up toward her left eye. It is in like the start of the last ten or so minutes.
Re: Episode #506 'Curse Of The Coffin' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS

I think the whole Delko being afraid of a curse was downright silly. But my biggest problem with this episode...why didn't Ryan know what a bait car was when he used to be a cop????
Re: Episode #506 'Curse Of The Coffin' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS

Because they needed to inform the viewers about what a bait car was. :lol:
Re: Episode #506 'Curse Of The Coffin' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS

Delko wasn't afraid, he just had respect for his religion and decided he didn't want anything to do with the Santeria offerings...though, If it were me I wouldn't care that much...
Re: Episode #506 'Curse Of The Coffin' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS

screamingpoet said:
I didn't get the coffin though. Did Danielle remove it from the lab, or is that one more mystery we're left wondering about?
Just TPTB making us think..
Re: Episode #506 'Curse Of The Coffin' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS

omg, that was such a funny episode! i nearly wet myself with laughter when horatio said 'burn baby burn'... seriously... of all the stupid things horatio has ever said, thats gotta take the cake...

and Missing, i noticed the bubble too! i was like... wtf? why is there a bubble?

the spontaneous combustion of the laptop amused me also... and ryan... oh god... dont get me started... *snort*
Re: Episode #506 'Curse Of The Coffin' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS

I thought it was a funny and enjoyable Halloween ep. I liked Ryan being a wus it was funny.

Now granted I would screamed like the little girl that I am when that guy set up on the table but then I would stayed and been like "Hey Aleex I think you've got a live one here!" Since in Vegas they had a guy on the table that wasn't really dead before.

The only thing that really bothered me was that they never took apart the coffin. What if there had been something inside? Like a pair of eyeballs wrapped in cotton? Seriously I spent the whole ep waiting for them to crack that sucker open and they never did *sigh*
Re: Episode #506 'Curse Of The Coffin' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS

I watched Cal and Ryans scene again. I saw the soap bubble.. Kinda freaky considering it's an episode when weird things happen :p

:eek: It was an unsolved case. Ahhh.. Scary.
Re: Episode #506 'Curse Of The Coffin' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS

I too was waiting for them to open the little coffin. I kept screaming at the TV. "OPEN IT!" "What's IN THERE?" I wanted to know if there was anything in the little coffin. Disapointed that they did not open it up. Seems kinda like bad evidence gathering technique to me. Although I would of been too chicken to open it up I would of made another CSI do it. LOL

Unsolved cases have a way of making there way back into an episode. Yes?

The Good Rebecca
Re: Episode #506 'Curse Of The Coffin' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS

OMG i rewatched the eppy and i saw the bubble. :lol: I yelled theres the bubble and my hubby was like huh.. so i had to rewind and show him. He thinks it came out of Cal's eye..
Re: Episode #506 'Curse Of The Coffin' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS

Maybe the coffin couldn't be opened. I could have just been a carving of one and not an exact replica. Or maybe they did open it and the scene got cut during editing.

Or I could just be giving the writers too much benefit of doubt.
Re: Episode #506 'Curse Of The Coffin' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS

I watched "Curse of the Coffin" again this afternoon, being banned from school by my doctor (sinus infection). I saw the bubble. It made me giggle, because -- Honestly. Random bubble. I was thinking about the coffin, and how it was never opened and just disappeared. Maybe it'll come back later in the season. It has raised a lot of questions, like what was in it (if there was anything), what it was exactly, what its purpose was... I'd like it if the coffin was brought back. At any rate, it would freak Ryan out. It was definitely a good plot device, always staying in the background.