Episode #503 'Death Pool 100' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

Re: Episode #503 'Death Pool 100'

speed_cochrane said:
DaWacko said
Ah well, at least you don't get lost in the dark.

:lol: :lol:

...But do we really have to worry about that in Miami? I don't think they've had a scene in the dark since...Season three. :p (please correct me if I'm wrong)

Since "Hell Night".
But if they are like... in the bar in the evening and someone mugs them... they are easy to spot and call for help :rolleyes:

Seriously, Miami is bright enough with the funky colour clothes. Reminds me about kindergarden.
Re: Episode #503 'Death Pool 100' Music Question

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction!

For those of you scrolling through here wondering about the song...

Transatlanticism by Death Cab for Cutie off of the Transatlanticism album.

Thanks for the warm welcome!
Re: Episode #503 'Death Pool 100' Music Question

I'm not quite sure yet what I thought of this episode (I've only just watched it), but I have a few thoughts on it.

There was minimal Natalia, which to me is always a good thing. I was greatly amused by Ryan yelling at her.
The scene at the end on the beach reminded me of Innocent, and I notice I'm not the only one, which is good. It made me long for Speed. Oh how I miss him.
I'm getting a little tired of Horatio-as-the-hero-saving-the-helpless story line, but I felt so bad for that kid. What it must take for a person to 'sell' their own son. And for H to say 'you make me sick'. That was good. I'm glad they put that in there.
I was glad to see Frank getting some more screen time this time around. I love his dry humour. Now, if only his name appeared for more than a flash that you barely notice during the main titles.

The other thing I wanted to comment on was Calleigh. I've always liked Calleigh. But this season, she's completely kicking ass. Seriously, she's the best thing about this season so far. I don't know what this show would do without her.
Re: Episode #503 'Death Pool 100' Music Question

The other thing I wanted to comment on was Calleigh. I've always liked Calleigh. But this season, she's completely kicking ass. Seriously, she's the best thing about this season so far. I don't know what this show would do without her.
I completely agree with you on this. It's good to see that the writers are giving her more screentime, and quality screentime on top of that. I guess that after all the fact that Emily's name is listed next to David Caruso's as the lead actors isn't just a fluke. Go Calleigh!!
Re: Episode #503 'Death Pool 100' Music Question

I liked this ep, I don't know why, it might have been H's attitude. But I really think it was his hair. God... it was hot. I might be the only one thinking of that, but eh. I liked when Calliegh snapped at Ryan. Honestly, I would have too.
Re: Episode #503 'Death Pool 100' Music Question

My thoughts:

It's been nice this year that Horatio isn't the focus of everything. Already by the third episode, we've had one Horatio storyline (Ray), one Eric/Horatio storyline (Riaz), one Calleigh (Going Under), and one Calleigh/Ryan (mainly Ryan with the gambling).

Related to the above: I've noticed that Calleigh has had a great season so far. It seems the writers had the realization that they also have a lead actress, not just a lead actor.

Was disappointed that there wasn't more Peter. I was hoping for a scene between him and Calleigh, about what happened in S4 with Monica.

Nice that Eric and Ryan made an arrest WITHOUT Horatio. That's uncharted waters here in Miami, folks.

Loved the part at the beginning with Ryan and Natalia. One of her (few) finer moments.

The scene with Ryan and Calleigh was interesting. I liked how she took charge (still used to being his boss, Cal?) about the money thing, and rightfully put him in his place.

The ending scene was good, but it could have been done in a less melodramatic way. But, wait, sorry, I forgot. CSI: Miami is ALL ABOUT melodrama.

One more thing about the last scene, where Calleigh was talking to Alexx:

Alexx: So, just how real were those bills?
Calleigh: More real then you could ever imagine.

See, I interpreted it as that the counterfeits were so close to being real, they almost were. My mom, however, thinks that Alexx was talking about the bills Ryan had (the ones he burned), and that Calleigh (based on her comment), told Ryan that the bills he had were fake, when they really weren't, just to teach him a lesson. Which sounds like something she'd do. Especially since she took the heat from Peter about it.

What do you think?


Re: Episode #503 'Death Pool 100'

Rosefern said:
Was disappointed that there wasn't more Peter. I was hoping for a scene between him and Calleigh, about what happened in S4 with Monica.
Me too - in retrospect, it seems odd that they didn't acknowledge it any way. I guess that's one of the 5 million things they got to skip over by shooting 6 weeks forward between One of our Own and Rio. Cheaters.

Nice that Eric and Ryan made an arrest WITHOUT Horatio. That's uncharted waters here in Miami, folks.

No kidding. I was kind of amazed.

One more thing about the last scene, where Calleigh was talking to Alexx:

Alexx: So, just how real were those bills?
Calleigh: More real then you could ever imagine.

See, I interpreted it as that the counterfeits were so close to being real, they almost were. My mom, however, thinks that Alexx was talking about the bills Ryan had (the ones he burned), and that Calleigh (based on her comment), told Ryan that the bills he had were fake, when they really weren't, just to teach him a lesson. Which sounds like something she'd do. Especially since she took the heat from Peter about it.

What do you think?

HAHAH! I didn't even think about it the second way...oh, man. Honestly, I think she was probably just talking about the C-notes, but now I'm king of hoping she tricked him, because that's too hilarious for words. :lol:

I have a slightly twisted and occasionally-mean-spirited sense of humor, though.
Re: Episode #503 'Death Pool 100'

i agree with the 2394720394832 many of you who think these stupid screen effects are cheesy. they just .. i don't know. they wouldn't be so bad if they weren't boldly outlined by bright blue lines, i could do that in microsoft paint workshop on my computer. JEEZE.

no more split screen, PIP x's 3 junk. thankyou!
Re: Episode #503 'Death Pool 100'

It was an ok episode. I still don't feel any closeness between the gang that I feel in the other CSI's. Calleigh is just so cold.

Overall though, it was ok. I cringed as soon as H sat down next to the moppet. He doesn't really come across as very passionate...it's fake to me.

I also didn't care for the walk on the beach scene. I mean, why were they all meeting on the beach? H standing there, the two guys coming from one direction and the two girls from the other with a vehicle right there....and then they go for a walk? These aren't co-workers that I see going for a friendly stroll every now and then. They all have issues with each other. And where was Boa Vista? She's been on for several years and is now a CSI...why not have her there? And where was Frank? He'd make more sense being there then Alex.

Ok...sorry, but that ending just bugged me. The only thing that would have made it perfect is if Speedle were there.
Re: Episode #503 'Death Pool 100'

Actually this is only the second season for Natalia (Eva) being on the show, where as Alexx (Khandi) has been with the show from the beginning.

Okay my review is going to be short, Loved the opening view, as always, the fineal scene with the sunset was nicely done, the referrence to the 100 nicely insinuated into the conversation, Liked the idea of the visuals they did go a bit over the top, but no different from them testing other visuals prior to the ep. The case, was not bad until it got to the part where the mother actually had the nerve to bargin with her child like that. That was sickening to me very happy she will be seeing a cell.

It was good to see H dealing with a child again and re-enforcing the action of getting down eye to eye level and speaking softly. Calleigh yelling at Ryan, not bad seemed a little to forceful and less ticked off, I agree she makes a great second in command. Ryan is such a major goober making a break for Natalia telling her to put down the evidence before she contaminates it, only to find out that she learned from her mistakes and did it right, come on making a major scene like that when there were how many CSI's there, hmm bet he felt like a major goober his facial expression sure looked it. Frank was funny dude is pretty cool.
Re: Episode #503 'Death Pool 100'

I enjoyed Miami's 100th episode last night. I was actually surprised that the episode itself wasn't more...bombastic. In fact I thought that the plot was rather typical for Miami, though it did go in more directions than a usual case does. It was clever of the writers to reference the 100 episode milestone subtly at the end. I actually had to replay the scene in my head to get past the face value reference to the 100 dollar bills. As corny as it may seem, it was nice to see the whole cast together at the end, it felt very celebratory. And just to prove that the episode did make an impact on me, this morning I actually looked very closely at a 100 dollar bill and wondered whether or not it was supernote. But alas, I didn't have a cool magnifying glass and scalpel to check it out. :p

Oh and those CSI guest stars just keep cropping up throughout the franchise. Max Burkholder, who played the little boy Tyler Lamar, also played the character Sam in the CSI:NY episode "Necrophilia Americana".
Re: Episode #503 'Death Pool 100'

:lol: Goober. I'll have to remember that.

And I agree Destiny, I liked at the end with the sunset, and the reference to it being the 100th episode. It was a nice touch. I would have liked to see Frank and perhaps Natalia at the end with the team, but it's great that they stuck Alexx there with them this time. :)

And in response to nccjones' post, it would have been absolutely magical if Speedle were there. ;) (And he wasn't, but I'll live. :p)

nccjones said
why were they all meeting on the beach? H standing there, the two guys coming from one direction and the two girls from the other with a vehicle right there....and then they go for a walk?

Well, the first time they had their signature walk on the beach, they were headed to a crime scene so it worked out perfectly. The little team that could, I suppose. :) - However this time, it didn't seem like there was a reason for them to be on the beach. I know that Ryan was burning the money, so perhaps they all met him there or went with him. There may have been a billion reasons why they were on the beach but I think the important thing was that it was meant to be seen that they all met up at the end of the day. It seems a little cliché to just have them all standing at the front of the lab. (That's my opinion though.)

Not to say the beach ending wasn't cliché, because it was, in all honesty. Perhaps it's just an opportunity to show of Miami and all it's beauty. (The beach IS an icon of Miami, it's very recognizable. Along with Horatio's shades. ;)) And it also reminds the viewers of season two as well. What better way to end the episode? It worked the first time and it was a powerful scene. I guess they tried it again. Personally, I loved it. They could walk on the beach every episode and I'd be a happy fan. :D

Then again....They might wear out the beach and the tourists will complain about the bigass Hummer in their way of the pretty scenery. :p
Re: Episode #503 'Death Pool 100'

speed_cochrane said:
I guess it's because it needed to have the pressure initially from the water, and not having touched the air to have mushroomed. Ie: Only touching water.

But hey, we've seen the writers make mistakes before.

I can explain it.
Calleigh realized that bullet being mushroomed looked like her test fires in the tank. She said the hollow point bullets mushroom in the water. Then they show the flashback with the gun being fired underwater and they show Dakota, the character that got shot in the water, getting hit by the bullet. If you look at that flashback you'll see that where the bullet struck her was underwater, same as the gun when it was fired. Alexx explained why the water made the bullet mushroom...cause water is denser than air.
Now, does that clear things up for everyone on the underwater, mushroomed bullet???

Add on:
I can also explain why the gun had to be underwater.
Calleigh and Alexx first thought the bullet had mushroomed cause it hit something before it hit Dakota. Then Calleigh examined it and there wasn't anything else on it. So for it to have mushroomed like that before it hit Dakota and NOT have hit something else first, it would have had to have been fired under water. It mushroomed before it hit Dakota because Alexx said the bullet's penetration was shallow.
If Dakota had been standing up in the pool, like when that guy took her jewelry, or if there'd only been like an inch or less of water between her and the bullet...it would NOT have mushroomed. So the bullet had to have been fired underwater.
Plus water would probably make a great silencer.
Re: Episode #503 'Death Pool 100'

That sure clears it up for me. :)

But I guess the concern that ClarkF1 had, was that a test fired gun isn't directly in the water when Calleigh would have performed the experiment, so the question is 'why does that automatically make the murderer IN the water, when they could have easily been just near the water and shot it into the pool'.

But your explanation is excellent! It's way better than mine. :D

EDIT: Thanks for the add-on to that. It cleared things up. :)
Re: Episode #503 'Death Pool 100'

Hankster said:
"Some people think.... it's easy... to make a 100.... but we know better." And we get a full shot of the cast walking on the beach. Very over the top, but very Miami!

Yeah that's what I thought too but hey I will watch H walk on the beach anytime.

Otherwise I thought it was an OK episode, pretty much the usual stuff.