Episode #503 'Death Pool 100' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

Did I accidentally wander into the Television Without Pity forums? *checks site address* No? Huh. Well, I liked the episode, or at least the second half of it, when it got interesting.

Frankly, way back before I was obsessed, what drew me most to this show was Horatio's rapport with children. So I love it every single time.

(Okay, I will admit to giggling because I swear you could see his "Ooh! Helpless Child Radar!" pinging when he peeked around the corner and saw the kid by himself.)

But otherwise, I loved it. And the EMOTION! He practically spat at the kid's mother when he found out she put him up for collateral - "You make me sick." He doesn't lose his temper very often, you have to really push him over the edge for him to say something like that. Especially if you're a woman.


You know what else I loved? How Natalia was in this episode for all of...maybe 2 scenes...and then she vanished and did not reappear for the rest of the episode. THANK YOU. Anyone else ridiculously glad that Natalia wasn't part of the CSI-family-beach-stroll? Especially since she WAS part of the montage last year in "Prey"...

And I admit, it was kind of fun to see Calleigh get in Ryan's face. She seems...I dunno, so much more mature this year. Or perhaps it's just all that eyeshadow. Eh.

Things I Did Not Love So Much:
1. WHERE THE HELL ARE THEY GETTING ALL THESE EDITING TOYS? They must be confiscated immediately. The split screens are practically a joy compared to the infuriating "let's cut the screen in half, freeze the top and go to grayscale!" I was ripping out my hair by the end of it. That needs to go away and never come back.

2. Ryan! I want to love you, "babe," but you're making it really, really difficult. It is painful to watch you screw up again and again and again until you make Natalia look good by comparison.

3. I'm confused by this new version of Horatio, who is no longer threatening FBI agents with death, but rather...being polite and civil and asking for their help.

4. Once again: stop talking about international terrorists. I don't care what Caruso says, we are not doing CSI: Dubai. You want to leave Miami? How 'bout we fly back to New York and start giving up some more answers about that blood-on-his-hands storyline you so unceremoniously dropped the minute Marisol arrived?
Okay, I have to say something about this eppy. For it's 100th, it was mediocre. The only thing I loved in this eppy is that one, Wolfe got his rights read by Calleigh. And to find out that he was the one who gambled... YATZEE! And of course, his conniption fit with Natalia, someone said it best when he needed Xanax. Give it a rest , drama boy.

The best part for me , well, hands down was when Horatio told the degenerate mother, " You make me sick." It's very rare that we get that type of emotion from him, as some one said,addressed to a woman. I frankly would love to see more of that Horatio. And of course, what kind of Miami episode would this be if Horatio didn't save the child in distress. That mom needed to be arrested and promptly beaten for doing that, but that's the sad thing about addiction... judgement goes out the window.

And the artsy special effects... How many times have I asked, PLEASE GRAB A HOLD OF THE FILM STUDENT!!! Who ever said that this would be awesome for ALL the shows, needs to be seriously looked at as well. This was cool for just about three seconds,... It's tiring now. Let it go.

And the 'family' walking down the beach. *sigh* makes me long for the original team in Innocence. I loved this one though, great shots of Horatio Calleigh , Alexx and Eric,and well, yes Wolfe too. I feel safe within my sanity to say that I loved this shot.

All in all , I liked it. It could've been better, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Besides, this is Miami, even if I hated it, I would still watch. I'm addicted.

*must iterate, this is all my opinion and feedback*
Re: Episode #503 'Death Pool 100' Music Question

hey all...maybe someone can help me with this...what was the song/artist that was playing during the cheezy walk down the beach scene...

a little help please?
Hey guys, :D

I loved this episode...A lot! :D :D

I love How H does show emotion to the dumbass mother... :mad: and I love how he always helps the children. :D

God, I love Calleigh and I love how she just took control and bowled over Ryan for being a DOPE! :devil:

She reminded me of Horatio with her concern for the lab and all. :cool: :cool:


I also loved how they put Calleigh with Horatio.... Heee heee heeeee :devil:

I love it all!!! :lol:
Re: Episode #503 'Death Pool 100' Music Question

cowtowngothic said:
hey all...maybe someone can help me with this...what was the song/artist that was playing during the cheezy walk down the beach scene...

a little help please?

Hello and welcome cowtowngothic. :) I think that the song you're looking for has been identified in this thread in our Music Forum.
Re: Episode #503 'Death Pool 100' Music Question

Okay, I just finished watching the episode, and I'll point out the cons first.


-Dead bodies don't float until 48 hours AFTER they perish. So someone screwed up in the first five minutes of the episode. They sink to the bottom, and then when the gasses fill the body, it floats again.

-Special effects and doo-dads. Stop it. It's annoying, and it's distracting. If I see one more greyscale montage of distressed criminals who are crying because they KILLED someone, I'll switch to another channel.

-The bright colours. Did anyone else have trouble seeing some of the episode? Everything was so...Yellow. Goodness gracious, tone down the spectrum a wee bit guys.

Good points:

Horatio saved the day once again, made peace with the FBI, saved a child in distress for the umpteenth time, had a quarky one-liner, the team walked on the beach and danced along happily ever after. THIS IS WHY I'M A FAN. The cheese gets me right here guys. *taps heart* It reminded me of Innocent (which by the way, is a teeny tiny slap in the face to some fans, you know who you are. Damn...Season two and it's OLD team. No, I will not let it go. :p) and the episode just plain ROCKED.

The music at the end, really added to the effect of the episode, and it felt like a job well done. They all needed a pat on the back. I also loved the interjection of humor in the episode. I could point out about three places that had me in stitches, but it would involve the abuse of smileys, and we don't want that. ;)

Excellent episode. Not the best, but excellent. I can't wait for the next episode.
Re: Episode #503 'Death Pool 100'

Excuse me as I LOL while typing this. :lol:
I was just watching where I taped episode #100-(Death Pool 100)...
There at the end just before Horatio and the gang went walking down the beach Calleigh said "I guess somebody will always think it's easy to make a hundred." Horatio replied "But we...we know different, don't we?" That could be interpreted one of two ways.
#1. Easy to make a hundred dollar bill.
#2. (inside remark) Easy to make a hundred episodes of a show.
And if it's the inside remark one, then Horatio's line about them knowing different was actually David saying it but as his character Horatio and NOT as David Caruso.

*wonders to self: Just where the heck was Natalia when the team was walking along the beach???*
Re: Episode #503 'Death Pool 100'

midnight, your post was awesome! :lol:

Carolyn318 said:There at the end just before Horatio and the gang went walking down the beach Calleigh said "I guess somebody will always think it's easy to make a hundred." Horatio replied "But we...we know different, don't we?" That could be interpreted one of two ways.
#1. Easy to make a hundred dollar bill.
#2. (inside remark) Easy to make a hundred episodes of a show.
Ah, good catch. Didn't even think of that :D I think I was too busy thinking "Hey, it's the season 2 finale all over again! SPEEEEDDDLLLLEEEE!!!" :lol: :p
Painted_Shadow said:Anyone else ridiculously glad that Natalia wasn't part of the CSI-family-beach-stroll?
WHERE THE HELL ARE THEY GETTING ALL THESE EDITING TOYS? They must be confiscated immediately. The split screens are practically a joy compared to the infuriating "let's cut the screen in half, freeze the top and go to grayscale!" I was ripping out my hair by the end of it. That needs to go away and never come back.
:lol: I'm in total agreement with you there!
darx2mint4 said:
Did anyone notice that Calliegh was wearing similar glasses to the ones Sara wore in the most recent episode of CSI..?
I saw that too. Looks like someone raised Vegas' waredrobe room!

So, they all show up on the beach together. What did Ryan do? "Hey, Delko, I'll be at the spot in 5 minutes, I've just got to go to the other side of the beach and burn some fake bills I won while gambling...." :rolleyes:

ETA: okay, I just realized that, like, my entire post is quoted responses. Ah well ;) :D
Re: Episode #503 'Death Pool 100'

I'm new here and this is my first post.

Anyway, I'm watching this episode on Innertube right now and I'm just wondering how long they are going to run on this "Natalia is incompetent" thing. Yeah, she was the mole (or at least one of them) but I think the resultant impact of that should be seen over time in small things which come to a head. This whole "you don't know what you're doing" thing is not good at all.

Why involve Ryan in the counterfeiting thing? I thought he and Calleigh were tight after he had his first case with Calleigh's dad being drunk in that accident. He's taken a lot of grief and I don't like where the confrontation between Ryan and Calleigh is going.

I think my preference is to have the lab working fine. Losing the accreditation of the lab is way over done. I would think the writers and producers of the show would be able to do something better for the 100th episode.

I do like Horatio's role in this episode. He's absolutely classic and I would expect nothing less from him.

Anyway, I guess I'll be around more often to chime and read up on other posters thoughts.

Long live CSI!!
Re: Episode #503 'Death Pool 100'

First. Calleigh again a kickass. <3

I have to say that they had to make Ryan be the one with the gambling problem because eric already had the drug storyline, so if it was Eric who had this gambling problem, Eric fans would have gone "whaaaaaaa, why it's always Eric [insert million sad faces here]"

To the episode. Awwww, Frank is so great. "In Texas we call that a bribe" and few other great lines, like that fashion stuff.

Little of Snake in the eppy. It's a good thing. For now.

Was hard to see GBN as a killer :eek:

The shirt colours. When Eric and Ryan walked side by side... it was bit too much. Yellow shirt and orange shirt.
Seriously. Ah well, at least you don't get lost in the dark.

It wasn't a bad episode. Tho shootin' at the pool... reminded me about "Pro Per". :rolleyes:

Oh, the split screen. They start to use it a ... _bit_too_much_

....I had something else in my mind but I forgot.

ETA: The politics! GOD I hate how CSIM is all the time referring straight to US politics. Now it was "evil North Korean" and last week it was "terrorists = Palestanians"

Why cannot they referr to Northern Ireland terrorists? Spanish activists? Other activists, but straighty to what Bush's administration goes after, with their "these nations are bad"

pissing me off big time.
Re: Episode #503 'Death Pool 100'

"Some people think.... it's easy... to make a 100.... but we know better." And we get a full shot of the cast walking on the beach. Very over the top, but very Miami!
Re: Episode #503 'Death Pool 100'

Can someone explain something to me regarding the bullet from the body?

Calleigh explains that the bullet looks like one she fires in the lab. Cue demonstration showing the bullet being fired above the water line, entering the water and mushrooming, not from within the water

Why does this make the shooter in the pool (i.e. firing underwater as shown) when they could have standing at the side and fired in.
Re: Episode #503 'Death Pool 100'

I guess it's because it needed to have the pressure initially from the water, and not having touched the air to have mushroomed. Ie: Only touching water.

But hey, we've seen the writers make mistakes before.

DaWacko said
Ah well, at least you don't get lost in the dark.

:lol: :lol:

...But do we really have to worry about that in Miami? I don't think they've had a scene in the dark since...Season three. :p (please correct me if I'm wrong)
Re: Episode #503 'Death Pool 100'

It was adorable that Calliegh got ryan's niece an ipod,...so sweet