Episode #419 'Driven' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

pabzi said:
i am happy for you that you liked it, but i think that you may have been the only one :(

wow really? :eek:
Well there are some people in the marisol thread who liked it..... :p
I thought it was cute.....
like that scene with valera, eric and natalia...
well I like being unique :lol:
i also like being unique. i didnt see the ep. it didnt get to my country yet, b\ut i dont think that i would have seen it if it did, cause i stopped watching csi. not for moral reasons, i just think that vegas is stronger, and has a good balance
Alright, finally some positive comments on the show. :D Been a little gloomy around here anyway. No grudges on the cast just, on the writers. Hehe.
I thought it was okay. Logic-wise not worse than the Miami standard.

Ryan in tee-shirt. :eek: :D
I liked his storyline and how Calleigh encouraged him at the end.

My attitude to Horatio has not changed since season 1: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I'm with you there! :D

yeah someone who's my oppinion :D
For me driven was like a really great eppy...
I don't how it's about you guys...but I could feel that the end is comming...it was like I could smell it...the finale is near... :lol:
I'm a little confused and maybe some of the veterans can help me out. On 1/9, episode "The Score", Marisol asks Horatio over for dinner as a thank you for her non-pot bust and he reluctantly says yes. Then in the following episode, "The Silencer", Horatio says he had a good time and he is going to speak to Eric about dating his sister. Eric doesn't seem to mind, except he worries for Horatio since his sister is terminal.

NOW----we jump SIX episodes later, and Marisol shows up again and the plot has considerably thickened (as discussed above ad nauseum).

BUT did I miss something??? Was Marisol mentioned any other time between episodes so we have some sense Horatio has been dating her? Tripp definitely treated Horatio like he was serious with her..."There's something I have to tell you...Marisol was one of the witnesses".

I'm just surprised the story line was dormant so long and then came back with such a vengeance.

Thanks for your comments.
well no you didn't miss anything...
but you know they've been dating....
I don't think you have to see that every episode
like "hey i have another date" it's kinda sure for me they do...if it would be otherwise they would have put it in like "we're not dating anymore"
But as midnight would put it: If you don't see it in the show, it never happened :p

One of the reason I'm dissing this H/Aerosol storyline is that it's so goddamn soapy! And I don't think CSI shows should be soapy. If you want soapopera like this Aerosol storyline, you should get it from The Young and Restless and The Bold and The Beautiful.

Not CSI.
pabzi said: i am happy for you that you liked it, but i think that you may have been the only one :(
Actually if you look back through, there are many who didn't like it, some thought it was okay, and a few (like me) who did like the ep. ;) :D
i didnt know that some people use to call marisol "aerosol" ha ha ha thats a funny nickname :lol:

anyway i did like the episode too, probably cause there was a lot of ryan on it :p but i really like it ....ryan's eyes problem came back, sounds bad for the finale **snif**

as for aerosol:p/ horatio relationship i was surprised as well...and there was one thing which really made me mad: when eric wanted to go to the hospital to see his sister at the beginning of the episode, horatio told him she is okay and he needs him on the field.....come thats a joke???it is HIS sister!!!!! i didnt understand why he didnt let him seeing his sister, that was stupid.....
people actually use vcrs and tapes still...wow...

anyway i am definatly buying season 4 on dvd, this is a great season!

as much as everyone is complaining about this season...its ratings are doing better than every, the show is huge right now...so they are doing something right

ok, after flicking through the ep again on my computer...everyone is wearing purple! how did i miss that the fist time around...even the tech guy(can't remember his name) has a purple shirt on under his lab coat, and calleigh had some purple on the trim of her sweater...hehe, thats cute how they all match...and i love togo's shirt..nice
You should read Eric's bio here I think it explains it.

I think the only reason Eric was broke was because he was buying pot; and his parents obviously aren't going to pay for that.

Their dad probably pays her bills. That's just my guess anyway.
Ryan...I liked this storyline, and I know I say that a lot about storylines involving Ryan, but it's true. I was so sure his 'freezing' was going to be related to his eye, and for a minute I thought we weren't even going to know why, that it was going to be one if the things left hanging. I do think it was a somewhat plausible reason for him to freeze though. He's been off the street and in the lab for awhile, eh, I dunno.
I was thinking from Ryan's p.o.v.

For a moment I was thinking, "Is this guy really going to shoot?" because it looked like he might not. But they did slow it down a bit so I don't know. It's just that I would think,

"Do I really need to do this? Is it really necessary? Do I really have to kill this man? Maybe he won't shoot?"

That's a lot of thinking going on. Imagine that he was thinking all of that while he was standing there. Plus, imagine that the scene wasn't slowed down.
Behind you all the way DeWacko. I can think of a better name than "Aerosol" but you would probably ban me from the site. Anyway thats enough about her. More crime/forensics and catching the bad guys, PLEASE!!!!! not soapy stuff. There is more than enough of that on the box already. ;)