Loved, loved, LOVED!
I have to admit, especially during the first half of the episode I was kinda bummed at how little attention was paid to Ryan's 'little' Tornado incident. But once Ryan was back on his feet and making snarky comments again, it was easy to forget. (Ok, not quite that easy. But let's move on...:shifty
Turned out to be a much more Eric centered episode than I was lead to believe from the promos, but somehow that didn't bother me. My sister and I found ourselves commenting on how much his character has changed/mellowed out (?) since the series first aired. It was nice.

I also like the little scenes with Eric and Calleigh. The part with Eric joking about how he found her a new boyfriend was too cute.
On another note, I just about fell out of my chair when Jamie Bamber (aka, Ronnie Hale) came on screen. He's probably my all time favorite actor and since I started watching CSI it's been something of a dream of mine to see him guest star.
All I have to say is that he was a fabulous bad guy! And the fact that they managed to get him and Jonathan in the same room together only made the episode that much better.
As always, the Ryan Walter scenes were awesome! (Shirtless Ryan, Dorthy and Toto. Too great!)
Seriously, I could gush about this episode all night. But I work tomorrow, and have stayed up waaaay to late already.
Plus, Horatio called Ryan by his first name!
Yeah, I noticed that too!