RE: Last night's episode - I agree with most of what everyone has said.
1. Tornado scene/searching for Ryan - Wonderfully done - the raw emotion was there - loved H calling out "Ryan!" Like that Eric was concerned, but he turned into his typical bully self and went all EMO on Walter (then didn't even apologize later) :wtf: - baaad Eric.
2. Ryan hurt (or not really

) - The way they found him, I thought he'd be pretty banged up and in the hospital at least for the episode. I was really hoping for a team hospital scene or at least a "welcome back, thank God you're OK" thing (like the team taking him out for drinks after). Calleigh didn't even have a scene w/Ryan, and neither did Nat - very disappointed about that. If you're gonna put someone in distress, you might as well show the entire team's reaction.

(SIDE NOTE: Why is it that every time Eric gets hurt, it's like the CSI's world is ending - he gets all the hospital scenes and team love. Even Calleigh had a couple of hospital scenes, though not as much team love. Ryan gets zilch - not cool!)
3. EMO Eric - Delko, Delko, Delko. Gosh knows I haven't been a big fan of his since Season 4, and this is basically why. Somehow, our "Ryan" episode becomes an Eric one (much like the Season 8 ep. "Wolfe in Sheep's Clothing," where Ryan's kidnapping was overshadowed by that wonderful

"sex scene" between Eric and Calleigh :shifty: - still pissed about that one.).
Now at first, I really liked where the Eric thing was going - the dog scene was cute and it was very cool to see him save a life. But then he goes all "bad cop" on the guy when he thinks he's a criminal, and you've just got to wonder if he thinks he can get away with the same bullying s$&*t Horatio does. Eric is way too emotional on the job and it can cost him his job - but of course, Eric can never do any wrong in the team's eyes

. I did like that he apologized at the end, but still, even if the guy was guilty, you shouldn't be making matters worse by almost sending him into cardiac arrest and killing him - be a professional!
4. The Potato Gun - The whole episode, I was like "Where's Calleigh?" Interesting that the tornado scene was originally written for her - but I think it worked much better w/Walter and Ryan - their friendship and dynamic is much more pleasurable to watch than another annoying E/C melodrama scene.

I did like Calleigh building the gun, and didn't mind the scenes between her and Eric, although the new boyfriend thing was kind of

. Seriously, this E/C thing is gettin' old, and it's about time the writers put it to rest so they can just interact like normal - the roof scene was much more natural and better, IMHO.
5. Ryan/Walter - The dynamic duo, Dorothy and Toto :lol: LOVE their friendship, and like someone else said, this shows how awesome Ryan is. He wasn't holding any grudges or blaming Walter (like Eric did

) - no, he wanted to help his friend and make sure Walter wasn't feeling bad about what happened. Loved the locker room scene (although I missed the tatoo

). I think their friendship is what I miss about the show - Speed and Eric had that kind of friendship in the early years, and H and Cal kinda did too in their own way. Now with the team kinda in pieces, it's good to see the solid friendship between Ryan and Walter.
6. H comforting the wife at the end - The husband seemed a bit weird and aloof to me. But I LOVED that H comforted her - reminded of the "old" Horatio of seasons 1-3.
Overall, the ep. reminded me of the earlier seasons (1-3), and the storyline actually kept me guessing - it was an engaging mystery, and I was never sure who the culprit was.