Episode 10x03 - 'Blown Away' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

I definitely got chills watching it. I almost felt how Walter felt when he got trapped on the closet. That's a good sign though- it means the acting and the special effects are top notch.
We have only seen a small glimpse,but I agree.The special effects are great as well as the acting.Both definitely make you want to catch this episode.
Yeah I am Super excited to see this eppy! When I watched that sneak peek, I had such a heart attck that my whole family watched it whether they wanted to or not XD
Wow! Intense promo! How can Ryan not be seriously hurt after being sucked out the window like that? :wtf: I mean, seeing Ryan go out that door - I know he survives, but how? Looks like a great ep. - superb acting in that scene. Kinda "ripped from the headlines" w/all those tornadoes that went on this past Spring. Hope it's respectful to those who lost their homes/lives in all those tragedies. And apparently Eric and H are getting trapped in it too, which should make for some good drama. Would've liked to have seen H paired w/someone other than Eric for a change - maybe Frank or another CSI - but I'm interested to see how it'll be handled. Wonder where Nat and Calleigh are during all this? :confused:
Show is being delayed 35 minutes for east and central times :( and i'm getting super tired so this is pretty irritating. :(
Why can't CBS just start the football games 30 minutes earlier? Surely it would fix a lot of problems. I have the day off tomorrow as well, so it's not that bad...but still.
Perfect episode. Perfect, perfect, perfect.

OMG, so awesome....even though the opening scene was taken RIGHT from Twister...but since that will forever be one of my favorite movies, I don't care.

The only thing that irks me is that they kept referring to the tornado as an F -2, which isn't right. The National Weather Service/NOAA/etc. have been using the Enhance Fujita scale since 2007. So, they got that part WRONG.


So, yeah, did I mention it was a perfect episode? Also, HORATIO DIDN'T SHOOT ANYONE. Hell, NONE of the team members shot anyone. \o/

Seriously. This one had the quality of an episode from Season 1-3. LET'S KEEP IT THAT WAY, WRITERS.
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As a Ryan fan, can I JUST say, this episode made me very happy.

Seriously though, it was really good. I loved the whole team and all the sciency stuff and Eric and the dog and everything. Loooved it.
Sigh. This episode wasn't what I expected at all. The first couple of exciting scenes were great, and then came the Eric agenda. Ryan disappeared and was barely mentioned until the end. Ryan gets sucked up by a tornado (which can cause breathing and ear problems due to pressure), slammed into a car windshield, and has a bookcase on top of him..... Yet he's out of the hospital before the end of the day? And he's hopping and bopping around like he's just had a red bull? Not only does the physical damage make no sense but anyone that's had a close call with a natural disaster like that is affected psychologically, myself included. I'm not saying Togo did a bad acting job at all, I'm just saying someone decided to let Eric have some emo moment so Ryan couldn't possibly have any character development. This episode was beyond unrealistic. Sorry for the rant but I was really looking forward to this episode thinking it would be my favorite. It's definite not.

Anyway, the claddagh ring piqued my interest because I wear one as well. It was cool how Loman knew that if the tip of the heart on the ring is pointed toward the wearer, it means they are in love. (or "taken")

The scene where Ryan was shirtless almost made up for the discrepencies of this episode. His tat was visible too ;)

Sorry if there are crazy spelling errors, but I'm typing from my phone and don't feel like spell checking right now.
Miami has never been realistic as far as injuries or hospitalizations,in that they are quite consistent.
I liked the episode and shirtless, tat visable Ryan was a nice surprise.
I must admit I was a bit disappointed that we didn't get a Ryan in hospital with team surrounding bed...but then I saw locker room scene with shirtless Togo with little of tat visable and it made it all ok somehow. Very very ok!!! :drool:

It was overall a good episode. I'm sorry you didn't enjoy the episode Hollyyo, but Greatfan is right, the show has always been unrealistic with that kind of hospital stuff unless it directly relates to the storyline.

I actually enjoyed the movement of the episode, pretty good pace. I love Ryan/Walter friendship scenes. Good episode!!

This episode was perfect! This is the Miami that I love and miss.

Plus, Horatio called Ryan by his first name!:eek:
Loved, loved, LOVED!

I have to admit, especially during the first half of the episode I was kinda bummed at how little attention was paid to Ryan's 'little' Tornado incident. But once Ryan was back on his feet and making snarky comments again, it was easy to forget. (Ok, not quite that easy. But let's move on...:shifty:)

Turned out to be a much more Eric centered episode than I was lead to believe from the promos, but somehow that didn't bother me. My sister and I found ourselves commenting on how much his character has changed/mellowed out (?) since the series first aired. It was nice. :) I also like the little scenes with Eric and Calleigh. The part with Eric joking about how he found her a new boyfriend was too cute.

On another note, I just about fell out of my chair when Jamie Bamber (aka, Ronnie Hale) came on screen. He's probably my all time favorite actor and since I started watching CSI it's been something of a dream of mine to see him guest star.
All I have to say is that he was a fabulous bad guy! And the fact that they managed to get him and Jonathan in the same room together only made the episode that much better. :D

As always, the Ryan Walter scenes were awesome! (Shirtless Ryan, Dorthy and Toto. Too great!)

Seriously, I could gush about this episode all night. But I work tomorrow, and have stayed up waaaay to late already.

Plus, Horatio called Ryan by his first name!:eek:
Yeah, I noticed that too!
I was also bummed at first when Ryan disappeared after the first scene. Why was no one concerned about him? Then I realized they knew he was okay, and when he showed up at work I was excited again. I guess I realized I didn't really want Ryan to be injured after all. I know fans thought this was more Eric centered, but this episode really showed what a good man Ryan is. Do you notice how he is always willing to forgive and forget and move on. He doesn't harbor any resentments. Through the years, he has had plenty of reasons to hold on to bitterness the way he has been treated by the team at times. But he has always chosen to let it go. So the fact that he came out of this horrendous scene just fine and bounced right back is testimony to our energizer bunny who keeps on ticking through all the trials of life.

Overall, this episode was a classic as far as technicality and special effects. May even win an Emmy!

BTW, just read the writer's notes that Emily was originally suppose to do the tornado scene instead of Ryan. They didn't explain why the change but glad they did.
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