"Ending Happy" Discussion *Spoilers*

I liked it. It wasn't as good as Rashomama, but it did have a Rashomama type quality. love dark humor.
Brass, Doc, and of course Hodges made me howl. I also really liked Warrick's tiny little scene, him telling Doc to do it when he's gone.

I liked when Cath was saying what she said in the promo...don't know why.

The GSR scene made me gag a bit, but I do like the hat.
Yup, def. reminded me of Rashomama, I was diggin the hat, totally wasn't expecting a re-appearence of it.
Clairifing as requested.

"Dreama Little" was played by 'Ashley Johnson' who played Chrissy Seaver for 32 eps from 1990-1992 On "Growing Pains".

I found the ep to be good, the twists and turns, just when you think HA they narrowed it down, BAM they didn't, While it was light I thought that it really belonged in there, the ep being done in a serious manner IMO wouldn't have fit, this one had to have the light hearted touch.

Poor Brass and Doc, they couldn't win even if the script was in their hand, Brass thinking "I have the killer, to find he doesn't", Doc thinking what the He!! do I put for cause of death "Fell out of chair" :lol: Ahh the :p at American Idol from brass, "Do I look like Paula Abdul To you?" Not to mention Nicks line toward the end about the defense saying "the lawn chair did it", then seeing cause of death option. I still chuckle at that.

Hodges confessed to picking up a lady of the evening, hmm I thought at the time, dang he's in vegas now, he was somewhere else then and under 18, this dude is almost normal. -- Speaking of odd, anyone catch the fact that warrick made it on screen? I thought I heard alot of :eek: and OMG's from somewhere.

I guess for me have some serious eps, have some light hearted eps, have eps that are a combo, mix it up and then while you might not please everyone, someone out there will like it one way or the other.

My opinion: 8.5/10
Wow, I loved the ep so much. It's a relief to see CSI bringing some fun back into their story lines. Brass was absolutely hilarious. I really loved everything about this one - concept, acting, everything.

The one thing I kind of wish CSI would go back to is their choice of music. It seems like they don't really put any thought into it any more. Not that I'm complaining, it's not a really big thing but I just noticed it tonight.

And wasn't the guy who played Connor already in an episode of CSI?

Anyways, loved it loved it loved it. Two thumbs way up.
I could have sworn the Dreamer actress was the same actress that's been playing Raymonds baby mama over on CSI-Miami. Maybe they just look the same.

I also thought James Whitmore was dead. oops.

Count me in as another person who never needs to hear about Grissom and Sara sex life ever again. Bleah...
I did like the "johnson" reactions

Kinda glad I missed the paying for sex part. Eww.

What was that Hogins was testing with the color on it? I thought at first it was a bug but it wasn't...just not sure *what* it was exactly.

Anyone call the numbre for the contest? I'm gonna enter on the website, it's easier.
Reeble said:

And wasn't the guy who played Connor already in an episode of CSI?
Yeah, I remembered him from Homebodies in season 4, but I just noticed that he's playing the same character from that episode too - Connor Foster.
kaylyne said:
Reeble said:

And wasn't the guy who played Connor already in an episode of CSI?
Yeah, I remembered him from Homebodies in season 4, but I just noticed that he's playing the same character from that episode too - Connor Foster.

Did the Connor Foster from Homebodies have an accent? I don't remember him having one. It's kind of a cool parallel though.
No, he didn't have an accent. Which makes me think they just liked the actor and were going for some slight continuity, but that ultimately it was just a reason to have the guy back because he's funny.

I still think, "So this is the morgue, huh?" was way better than his work tonight, though.

Plus Grissom immediately spotting the signs of stonerism. Hmmm...
Isaboe said: I could have sworn the Dreamer actress was the same actress that's been playing Raymonds baby mama over on CSI-Miami. Maybe they just look the same.
Thats Azura Skye (Susie Barnam Keaton). -- "Dreama Little" was played by 'Ashley Johnson' (as I posted above). ;)

Seem them before on LV:
Vince Vieluf AS: Connor Foster Homebodies, & Ending Happy
Luis Antonio Ramos AS: Jesus Cardenas "Playing with Fire", Happy "Ending Happy"
I really liked this episode, I liked the GSR moments, light and funny, the fact that we got to see Grissom actually smiling so much after all the darkness was really refreshing, Doc was great as was Brass and it was nice seeing everyone back together.....personally, a little light humored is nice from time to time as I'm sure real life CSI's would feel the same...
OMG! I just realized that Wendy Makkena was "Doris". For me, she will always be the quiet, shy Sister Mary Robert from "Sister Act". That's why I didn't recognize her.
OMG! I just realized that Wendy Makkena was "Doris". For me, she will always be the quiet, shy Sister Mary Robert from "Sister Act". That's why I didn't recognize her.

lol! I couldn't believe it, even after someone told me. So, so many things wrong with that. lmao.
Destiny, I liked your review. Made me smile.

Warrick actually was there for 2 seconds. I miss him.

A friend and I both noticed that Nick seemed a bit off. Distracted. Anyone else notice?

I'd also say about 8.5/10
Not the best episode this season. By far, not the best episode.

The sex talk between Grissom and Sara.. I'm not going to comment on it - because I'm sure most of you know how excited I was when I heard it :lol:

Doc was amazing. I laughed every. single. time. Brass thought he had caught the killer and Doc called him :lol:

Sara quoting poetry to Milton. Very sweet, touching. I spoke aloud, "Aw". His face almost brought a tear to my eye. I think Jorja Fox delivered that scene/line very, very awesomely.

:rolleyes: Warrick, where art thou Warrick? Oh yes, 60 seconds - nice to see ya ol' buddy.

The ending, as probably the most greatest part of the episode. I liked how Catherine, Nick, and Grissom recited how he died.

The music was done horribly.. IMO.

His Johnson - now that was a smile scene. Warrick's expressions were priceless (SO, tell me why we didn't see more of him?) and Marg beat the hell of the scene - very nicely done.

I did like the Nick and Sara scenes though, they were great.

In the end.. My favorite scene, was, of course the GSR one. But..


My score: 7.5 / 10