Emmanuelle/Angell thread #1- Detective "Angel"

Why am I not surprised this thread is back? :D ;)

I'm hoping we find out more about her in those eps--it's cool that it seems like she'll be sticking around for a while! :D

And hey...

love triangle, baby!
Actually, I bumped it because she's going to be in episodes, and I bumped Adam as well for the same reason. The spoiler you mention, in fact, is something that I hope (very much) is avoided. I like Emmanuelle on NY, and Angell is a character with a lot of potential. I'd hate to see it simply be used as fuel for that fire, which will leave her with little (or no) other purpose on the show.
Yeah, same here. I think Emmanuelle is great--I first saw her on Smallville a while back as Lex's evil wife, and thought she was terrific. So far, NY hasn't been utilizing her talents, so I hope the four eps will give her a little more to work with.

Usually I'm an optimist, but when I smell cliche, I turn into the online equivalent of a crotchety curmudgeon. :lol: So I still fear the...

love triangle! :eek:
I love Angell and it seems like she's in desperate need for more screentime... But not knowing anything about her is depressing me.
Top, I'm going to spork you if you keep talking about that! :lol:

I'm also interested to hopefully learn a bit more about Angell soon. I'd like for her to stick around (unlike Maka, who disappeared), so they should give her a bit of backstory and keep her on. She seems to get along well with everyone, and we've seen her with Mac more than the others, and she's great in scenes with him. :D I particularly love when we see that she's pretty new to being a detective, so she still has things that she hasn't seen (unlike Flack who has seen just about everything :lol:), and can be awkward sometimes. :D

I didn't think I had never seen Emmanuelle on anything else, but maybe I saw her on Smallville...I remember Lex being married, but I don't recall much about who he was married to...

1CSIMfan linked me to Emmanuelle's website last night. It has a few articles and magazine covers, as well as a small biography. ;)
:lol: I'm unsporkable! :lol:

OK, that was bad, even for me. :lol: I'll be good. But I want my Team Angell shirt. ;)

I had forgotten Emmanuelle is doing Painkiller Jane for the Sci Fi Channel. Is that a miniseries or an actual series? I hope that won't interfere with her NY involvement...
Actually, that's not true. "Painkiller Jane" was a movie back in 2005 that Emmanuelle was in, and it's being made into a series on SciFi, but Emmanuelle isn't playing the lead role--the chick from Terminator 3 is. :)

Team Angell t-shirts? :lol:
^That's right, I forgot that someone else was playing the character in the series. I never saw the movie, but it sounds like a cool concept.

Team Angell. :cool:
Team Angell. :) (and Team Aniston. :)) I'll watch that Painkiller Jane thing if I was a fan of Sci-Fi. :lol: Which I'm not. But I watch her on Two and a Half Men. :)
But I want my Team Angell shirt
Here you go:

It's a bit small because although I do like Angell I'm still going to be on 'the other team' :p