Emmanuelle/Angell thread #1- Detective "Angel"


French-Canadian actress Emmanuelle Vaugier plays the new detective Jennifer Angell sometimes invovled in cases while Detective Don Flack is recovering from his injury. She came in the season 3 premiere.

Besides Dr.Driscoll has her own thead, why not Angell?


This week's show, she looked awesome with the gun. Haven't got a picture of that yet... still waiting for csi-caps. :)
Oh great idea!!! :D

Here's the gun scene

(I think csi.caps is taking a short break, but they'll upload caps soon ;))
Lovely, thanks. Saved to My Pictures. ;)
Is there anyone who could suggest a better name for this thread. I only have like 23 hours left to change it.. c'mon. Please speak up if you'd like another name. :D And fast
I adore Angell. I think she's gorgeous & I love her attitude as well. I like Emmanuelle as well, and not just because she's from my hometown. I hope she's kept on the show for a while.
I'm so glad someone started a thread for her. I was going to if no one did soon. She's a great addition to the show, I think. I like having a girl detective, it's a good mixer upper. :D I thought her role was great on Wednesday, I think she did a great job. Angell's got an awesome attitude- the "back off or I'll whooop your ass" kind. Awesome.
Wow, how have I not noticed the total lack of an Angell thread in this forum? :eek:

I've had a major girl-crush on Angell since "People With Money." I adored her in that episode, and I hope we get to see more of her on the show. She interacts great with the characters, and I'd like to see more of that, maybe learn a little something about her. ;)
I loved how she whipped out the gun and took care of it at the end by herself (without Mac and the team). This is asking for alot, but I hope they book her up to a regular, like with Sofia on LV...