Emily/Calleigh's Thread #6 'I Promise I've Been Good!'

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Hey Nathalie, you settled in there in...was it Amersfoort?? I saw the pic before not too long ago, but I like it. And Speed, I know some people sleep, I slept too :D
CDC, I love them. In the lovely one she looks like: I want that cookie! Please??? :D Hey look, I still have Calleigh here! No one has guessed my name yet! Cool. Cinegirl, having a hard time there? :devil:
i just wanna say that i had the time to read all of the post i missed and i liked it especaly the pics the are so great im drooling all over my chair... Dawm thanks to all of you its a wonderful gift to have when your have a dramitic :( weekend and days after it. So im happy that i can look at her face and feel myself in love again so i can dream and sleep nicely now... :D THANKS ALL OF YOU HERE!!!!

huggie Nathalie
Aww that last picture, she looked so sad. :( *hugs Calleigh* I want her happy next season. *crosses fingers*
I think everyone of us wants our old happy Calligh back. *sigh* I swear, if they don't let her cheer up a little in S5, I'll personally go to Ann D. and tell her what I think of her.
TPTB, if you ever happen to read this, please, have mercy on us, give us back the real CSI:Miami, with no moles, no mourning/angry widowers and brothers, and lots of happy Calleigh! thanks.
Speed, how did you get in Holland? :p Nathalie, you had a dramatic weekend?? What happened? (sorry if I'm sticking my nose in places where it doesn't belong again) IHNC, I have given Vera another hint: M O . . . K Good luck. God this is so funny. :lol:

CDC, I'll help.

Dear TPTB,

If Calleigh doesn't smile enough next season, I will fly to LA, take IHNC with me, let her lock you in a closet, and I will write season five. Read the CaRWash thread for more information. Thank you.

Dutchie. :D
Welcome back Nathalie_Emily! We've missed you! *hugs*
So, Dutchie, I give up, it's too hard to spy out your name...*let the head fall despaired on the table - ouch!*
Last try: Moniek or Monik??? I don't know... :(
Oh, and I always wanted to ask - yeah, please be aware of another stupid question from me!! - for what stands TPTB? :rolleyes:
Vera, you're first last try was good! Moniek is my real name! Congratulations! :D I hope your head doesn't hurt too much. Wait, this means I have to give Calleigh to you? Uh-huh, no way! :devil: *hides with Calleigh*

TPTB are indeed the powers that be, which mostly means the writers of CSI:Miami.
*sneaks up behind you and steals Calleigh from you* Tnx Dutchie! aww poor Cals. We want happy Calleigh!

TPTB that sometimes make you mad, and makes you sad, and makes you happy.

Lucy I just adore the little heart on your banner. I can watch it for hours :D
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