Emily/Calleigh's Thread #6 'I Promise I've Been Good!'

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She looks amazing! (duh!) So, it's us dutch people here, mostly, huh? Ha, dutch people rule! :lol: (sorry everyone that's not dutch. I love you too :D)
Okay, okay, Dutch and Germans then. Okay now? :D

cinegirl said:
Thanks for your understanding! :lol: ;)
Now decide for yourself and call me! :D

Vera, I can say for sure that if you call that phone, she will not pick up. In fact, it's not even Calleigh holding that phone, lol. :lol: That was another person who can be found in both our icons. You cut him out, bad you! :D You can't even find a pic of Calleigh calling with HER phone. I'm disappointed. :p
Tehee you're right, Jaffy - never thought of that :lol:
"Strike a pose!!!" Teheeee!!!

No idea what she's doing though... ;)
Am I like the only American in this thread? lol. I feel so alone! lol.

Great pics guys! And Leela! Awwww...your avvy is so cute!
Haha, I can pretend I'm American. My English teacher says I talk 'American English' instead of British. Whoops. :rolleyes: That would probably be from the watching so much CSI. Before you know it, I'll be speaking in a southern accent. :lol:
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