Emily/Calleigh's Thread #6 'I Promise I've Been Good!'

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Dutch Emily fans, they're airing the 'new adventures of Superman with Emily RIGHT NOW on Veronica!!!! Go watch! (god she looks cute)
She's soooo cute and sooo young! (not that she's old now :D) I'm taping it. I so wanna see it again! Her hair is really nice.

She definately looks a lot different. I like her hair in that pic, but I still think that it's better now. But that really is a good picture of her.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw she looks so sweet and innocent ;)

okay guys now i'm completely confused i just watched 'Blood in the water'. there is this guy ...markham i think and he says something like what calleigh is doing in HIS lab and so on ... i didn't watch the episodes in the correct order so could somebody please tell me what happened to calleigh ? i now she took her name of that board when she left after hagen was shot but what does that mean ? is she not longer the ballistic expert? if not , what exactly is she now?
I get a feeling I'm gonna get killed for not being here in awhile. *waves* Hey Guys! :D

Purty pictures Dutchie!!!!
sienna said:
okay guys now i'm completely confused i just watched 'Blood in the water'. there is this guy ...markham i think and he says something like what calleigh is doing in HIS lab and so on ... i didn't watch the episodes in the correct order so could somebody please tell me what happened to calleigh ? i now she took her name of that board when she left after hagen was shot but what does that mean ? is she not longer the ballistic expert? if not , what exactly is she now?

Sienna, Calleigh didn't want to be the ballistics expert anymore after Hagen killed himself, so she transferred to toxology.
she goes back to the ballistics lab because she just can't stand not being there.
(In case you haven't seen the episode yet)

IHNC, bad, bad girl! Glad to see you're back.
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