Emily/Calleigh #9: 'Charlie's missing 4th Angel!'

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Periodically old television shows and old movies are remade. Is there any character that anyone would like to see Emily play?
Abby, from NCIS, once dressed up as Marilyn Monroe. The next time Miami and New York do a crossover, if Calleigh makes the trip, maybe she can stand over the subway grate the way Marilyn did in Seven Year Itch.
Sphinx said:
Periodically old television shows and old movies are remade. Is there any character that anyone would like to see Emily play?

I wouldn't actually wanna see any of those movies remade, but theoretically speaking (*lol*) I'd choose:

- Kim Novak's character(s) in Alfred Hitchcock's VERTIGO
- Faye Dunaway's role of Bonnie Parker in BONNIE & CLYDE (1967)
- Vivien Leigh's character Blanche DuBois in A STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE

^^Okay this is off topic but I wanted to share a banner I had made for another fansite I'm a member of. It's actually my siggy that I use over there and it's with old pics of Emily(hope it's not to big):


HoratioStalker has thankfully pointed out the missing R in her last name. I was was a bit distracted while making it the other day!! :lol: :p I'm going to have to fix it!! Thanks again HoratioStalker!!!!

There's a cute interview on the right sidebar on here with her. Nothing really new and revealing, but it's just fun, especially when she compares the cast to "Scooby Doo" ;).

Nice banner! Can I point out a small change you'll want to make? Her last name is missing the first r.
I don't know if it's too big :confused:
but let me tell you one thing......it's awesome :D
great job :lol:
I loved the interview too especially scooby doo part :lol: :lol:
p.s.: yeah there's a little mistake.....the missing R in her last nem.....though...great banner :D
Thanks for pointing out to that interview it was so cute to read. I really liked the part that she is talking about being romantic with Adam/eric and how it felt.. The rest was great to.

Because i was reading a lot here instead of posting i am going to make that up with some coulpe pics to ya.

I could totally picture Emily getting all giddy and red cheeked at the thought of having to do a sexy scene with Adam. They would probably laugh in each other's faces when told to be serious and intimate. Those two seem like they would be pranksters to each other.

Absolutely love the reference to Scooby Doo...I am a huge Scooby fan and now I really can't picture them any other way ;) :lol:
I wonder how any of the actors get through a romantic scene
especially with someone you are friends with. Can you imagine havine the camera and the crew in the room with you. Then there is always the director telling you what to do.
Hi guys, first time poster on the miami side of the board. I used to watch it, then tuned out and now im back in. The only thing I really dont like about miami is Horatio and his one liners, but Calleigh makes it a little more bearable.

I probably sound bitter, but Im just here to show my appreciation for Emily. It annoys me though that they fiddle around with the new episodes so much here in Aus. I dont really know where we are in terms of seasons, but the original CSI is almost a season and a half behind, and weve only just got season 4 on dvd in the shops. On Aus TV they usually alternate between new episodes and repeats to cover both rating seasons.

Well anyway, enough about my complaints...
Hey aussieturtle! Glad to have another fan of Emily! Don't worry you don't sound bitter, there are tons of people who don't like H's one liners but Calleigh does make it worth it.
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